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hobby爱好 ride a bike骑自行车 dive跳水 play theviolin拉小提琴 make kites制作风筝 collect stamps集邮 live居住 teaches教 Watches观看 goes去 does doesn’t=does not city 城市 county 国家或者乡村 province 省


1.What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

2.I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。

3.He likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜欢集邮

4.Does she teach English?

——No, she doesn’t. 她教英语吗? 不。

5.Does she teach you math?

——Yes, she does.她教你数学吗? 是的。




(1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing。如:play-playingread-reading do-doing go-going


(3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run-running???? swim-swimming??? put-puttingsit-sitting2、记住like后面要加动词ing,说爱好有三种说法:①Ilike swimming.②Swimming is my hobby.③My hobby is swimming.注意:She likes drawing pictures, listening to music and making kites.这几个爱好是并列的,都是在like后面,所以都要加ing.








②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:do-doeswash-washeteach-teachesgo-goes pass-passes



④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加-es.



(5)第三人称单数的肯定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesn't. 动词恢复原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---He doesn't live in Beijing.

(6) 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原形。如:He lives in Beijing.---Does he live in Beijing?注意:用来does,后面的动词就不能用第三人称形式。

3、注意几个单词的变化:hobby(复数形式)-hobbieshave to(同义词)-mussame(反义词)---differentlookthe same 看起来一样



A. happy B. businessman C. fisherman D. sad E. cinema F. angry G. worried H. poilt I. bookstore





( )1. 下列单词,你最先在字典中见到那一个呢?

A. postman   B.policeman   C. poem

( )2. ____ is the hospital? It’s next to the library.

A. What   B. How   C. Where

( )3. Turn right ____ the bookstore, then go straight.

A. in   B. on   C. at

( )4. Slow down and stop ____ the yellow light.

A. at   B. in   C. on

( )5. In China, people drive on the ____ side.

A. left   B. right   C. front

( )6. ____ does the boy do? He is a student.

A. Where   B. When   C. What

( )7. He likes ____. He can ____ very well.

A. singing, sing   B. singing, singing   C. sing, singing

( )8. He is going to____ his grandparents ____ tomorrow.

A. visit; /   B. visits; in   C. visiting; in

( )9.They’re afraid of ____ .

A.he   B. his   C. him

( )10. Is your father a postman? .

A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he can’t   C. No, he does.


A Is it far from here? B. Where’s the bus stop? C.How can I get to the park? D.Thank you. E.You can take the 2 bus. F.Can you help me? G.You are welcome.

Amy: Excuse me.

Boy: You can go to the park by bus.

Amy: _________

Boy: Yes, it’s far.


Boy: Go straight and you can see the bus stop on your left.

Amy:Which bus can I take?

Boy: _________

Amy:Thank you.

Boy: _________


1.he work does go how to ?(连词成句)


2.Where is the restaurant?(给句子标出正确的语调。声调用“↗”或降调“↘”)


3.What are your hobbies? ( 按实际情况作答)


4.Does Mike likes reading books?( 肯定回答 )


5.I am going to buy a dictionary. (就划线部分提问)




Sarah: How are you, Mike?

Mike: I’m happy. I’ll take a trip with my family.

Sarah: Sounds great!

Mike: But my father is worried. He can’t take his dog with us.

Sarah: How about your mother?

Mike: She is sad. Because she can’t water her flowers.

Sarah: Don’t worry. I can take care of(照顾) the dog and flowers.

Mike: Thank you very much!

Sarah: That’s all right. Have a good time!

( )1. Mike is going to have a picnic with his family.

( )2. Mike’s father is angry with his dog.

( )3. Mike’s mother loves her flowers.

( )4. Mike is happy, but his mother is sad.

( )5. Sarah can take care of the dog and flowers for them.


I have a picture of my pen pal. Look! He is Jimmy. He lives in America. It’s next to Canada. He is handsome. He likes playing basketball and talking with others. He wants to be a basketball player in the future. He goes to school by bike. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher, he likes reading. His mother is a nurse. She is kind to others. They go to work on foot.

( )1.Where is America? ______

A. It’s next to Canada.   B. It’s in China.   C. It’s next to Japan.

( )2. Jimmy likes_______ .

A .reading   B.singing   C. playing basketball

( )3.How many _______people are there in Jimmy’s family?

A.five   B. three   C .four

( )4.Jimmy’s father goes _________to work .

A.by bus   B. by car   C. on foot

( )5.What does Jimmy’s mother do? _______.

A. She is a teacher.   B. She is a nurse.   C. She is short.


一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出5—8月。

(二)May is the fifth month of the year.

June is the sixth month of the year.

July is the seventh month of the year.

August is the eighth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:





六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (3’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about January, February, March, April.

2. Presentation (17 ’)


2)Talk about mouth. 请学生说出有关5~8月的相关信息,比如节日等,引导学生探究学习,并给予学生及时的鼓励。

3)Look, listen and read by themselves.


2.T:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.

4)Listen to the tape again and repeat.


3. Practice (15 ’)

1)Ask and answer. Practise in pairs.

Which is the fifth month of the year?

What holiday is in May?

Which is the sixth month of the year?

What holiday is in June?

Which is the seventh month of the year?

What holiday is in July?

Which is the eighth month of the year?

What holiday is in August?

2)Play a game.

猜月份游戏。学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上5—8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。


4. Assessment (5 ’)

1. 小组讨论完毕,每组派一个同学上讲台总结汇报自己小组喜欢的月份和节日,教师适当给予奖励。

2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book. ww w.Xk b1.c oM


八. Blackboard design: