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英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇1

Long long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl.

She was very sad. Because her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda

Soon after, her father also died and life immediately(立即) changed for the girl.

"You will be our servant(仆人), "said her stepmother(继母). "You will do everything we say."

"You must sleep in the kitchens." said the stepsisters.

There she had to do hard work from morning until evening, get up before daybreak(黎明), carry water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides(除了) this, the sisters did everything imaginable(可以想象) to hurt her. They made fun of her. In the evening when she had worked herself weary(厌倦), there was no bed for her. Instead she had to sleep by the hearth in the ashes(灰). And because she always looked dusty(尘土飞扬) and dirty, they called her Cinderella.

"There are cinders(煤渣) all over your clothes!" exclaimed(喊叫) the stepmother. " Cinderella. Thats your new name. Clear these things away, Cinderella."

"Cinderella! Cinderella!" Esmerelda and Griselda said. "Oh, how clever you are, Mama!"

One day, an invitation(邀请) arrived from the palace.

"Girls, listen to this," said the stepmother. Cinderella was serving(准备) the breakfast. She listened as her stepmother read the invitation.

"The King is having a ball," she said excitedly(兴奋). "He is looking for a wife for the Prince! Oh, my dears, this is wonderful. He will probably choose one of you, but it will be such a hard choice to make.

"Am I invited too, stepmother?" asked Cinderella.

"You! Certainly(当然) not!" exclaimed(惊呼) her stepmother. "The thought of such a thing. A scruffy servant(破旧的仆人) going to a ball, when only beautiful ladies are invited!"

"Hah! Hah!" laughed the stepsisters. "Beautiful! That doesnt include you, Cinderella!"

"You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother.

"Oh," said Cinderella

"We shall all have new dresses, girls, and we shall go shopping today. Clear away these things, Cinderella."

Oh, I wish I could go to the ball, thought(认为) Cinderella.

The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda. Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty, but it was an impossible task.

Finally, the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother.

Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens.

"Oh, I did so want to go," she sighed(叹气) as she sat down by the fire.

"Whats to stop you?" asked a voice(声音).

"Whos that?" asked Cinderella, looking around.

"Im here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella. "I heard you the other day, wishing you could go to the ball. Well, the ball is this evening, and youre going."

"But how?" asked Cinderella. "What can you do?"

"Anything I want to," said the woman. "Im your fairy(仙女) godmother, and Im here to send you to the ball.

She sat down.

"Come now," she said. "Dry those tears(擦干眼泪). We have work to do. I need a large pumpkin(南瓜), two mice(老鼠) and a frog. Can you find these?"

"Yes," said Cinderella, mystified(迷惑) by the request(请求).

"Off you go, then."

When Cinderella found all the things, her fairy godmother took them all outside.

"Now for the magic," she said. She waved(挥舞) her hands and the air began to twinkle(闪烁) and sparkle(闪光). The pumpkin began to grow and change, until standing there was a coach.

The mice changed into two fine footmen(步兵), the frog into the driver, and the rats(老鼠) into two beautiful horses to pull the coach.

Cinderella clapped(拍) her hands. "Its beautiful!" she cried.

"In you get," said her fairy godmother.

"But I cant go like this," said Cinderella.

"Like what?" asked the fairy godmother. "You look lovely to me."

Cinderella looked at herself. While the magic had been working on the pumpkin, it had also been working on her. Instead of her ragged(破烂) dress she wore a beautiful ball gown(晚礼服), with glass slippers(玻璃鞋) on her feet.

"Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella. "Its lovely. How can I thank you?"

"By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother. "Off you go, but remember, the magic stops working at midnight(午夜). Everything will change back then. Now go and enjoy yourself."

"Good-bye, fairy godmother," called Cinderella, as the coach swept off.

Cinderella arrived at the palace(皇宫) and walked into the ballroom. Everyone stopped and stared(看着).

"Who is she?" people asked, including her stepmother and stepsisters.

The Prince saw her, and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening. Cinderella danced only with the Prince(王子), and as the evening passed, he fell in love with her.

A clock chiming(报时) reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmothers warning(警告). It must be eleven oclock, she thought(告知), but she asked the Prince. "What time is it?"

"Almost midnight," he answered.

"Oh, no!" cried Cinderella. "I must go!"

"You cant. Not now," said the Prince.

"I must." And Cinderella swept out of the room, and ran out of the palace. As she ran, the clock finished chiming. Cinderellas clothes changed back into rags(破布), and the coach and horses were nowhere to be seen.

The Prince tried to follow, but he couldnt catch up. When he reached(走到) the door, all he found was one glass slipper. He ran to the main door.

"Was a beautiful girl just driven(赶) out of here?" he asked the guard(士兵).

"No, your Highness. Ive only seen a scruffy servant(邋遢的仆人) girl," the guard answered.

"Ive lost her," said the Prince, and he returned sadly to the palace.

The next morning, Cinderellas stepmother and stepsisters were talking about the ball.

The Prince meanwhile(同时) decided to look for the mysterious(神秘) girl he had fallen in love with. He issued(发表) a proclamation(公告). "Whoever the glass shoe fits(合适), shall be wife to the Prince."

The Prince and his footman(仆人) went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.

He finally arrived at the stepmothers house.

"Its my shoe!" cried Esmerelda, trying desperately(穿) to pull the shoe on.

"Please, miss!" said the footman. "Your foot is too big. you will break the slipper(玻璃鞋)."

Griselda tried the shoe, but her toes were far too long.

"Is there anyone else?" asked the Prince.

"Theres only Cinderella, the maid(女仆)," said the stepmother. "But she wasnt even at the ball."

"All the ladies in the kingdom(王国) must try the slipper," said the footman.

Cinderella was called from the kitchen. Esmerelda and Griselda laughed when they saw how dirty she was. But their laughter turned to tears when they saw Cinderellas foot slide easily into the slipper.

"Oh!" they cried. "It fits!"

The Prince looked at Cinderella and realised that she was the girl that he had fallen in love with.

Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket(口袋) and put it on.

The Prince was happy to have found her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were married. They lived happily ever after.




“你将是我们的仆人(仆人),说:”她的继母(继母)。 “你会做的一切,我们说的。”



“有渣(煤渣)在你的衣服!”惊呼(喊叫)的继母。 “灰姑娘。这就是你的新名称。清除这些东西拿走,灰姑娘”。

“灰姑娘!灰姑娘!” Esmerelda和Griselda说。 “哦,你真聪明,妈妈!”



“国王是有一个球,”她兴奋地说(兴奋)。 “他的是一个王子的妻子看,噢,亲爱的,这是美妙的。他可能会选择一个你,但会这样艰难的抉择。


“你!当然(当然)不!”惊呼(惊呼)她的继母。 “本以为这样的事情。一个破旧的仆人(破旧的仆人)去一个球,当时只有漂亮的小姐是请!”

“哈!哈!”姐姐笑着说。 “漂亮!这还不包括对自己的女儿!”











“我的门了。”一个陌生的女人走到灰姑娘。 “我听说你有一天,希望你能去参加舞会。好了,今天晚上的球,而你去。”

“怎么会呢?”问灰姑娘。 “你可以做什么?”

“只要我想,”那个女人说。 “我是你的童话(仙女)教母,我是来送你到球。


“来吧,”她说。 “擦干眼泪(擦干眼泪)。我们有工作要做。我需要一个大南瓜(南瓜),两只老鼠(老鼠)和一只青蛙。你能找到这些?”






灰姑娘拍手(拍)她的手。 “它真美!”她哭了。



“像什么?”问仙女教母。 “你看上去可爱极了我。”


“哦,仙女教母,说:”灰姑娘。 “这是可爱。我该如何感谢你呢?”

“通过进入球”之称的仙女教母。 “关你去,但要记住,神奇的停在午夜(午夜)工作。一切都将改变当时的情况。现在去欣赏自己。”





一个时钟报时(报时)提醒她的仙女教母的警告(警告)灰姑娘。 这必须是十一时,她的思想(告知),但她问便知。 “现在是什么时候?”


“噢,不!”哭了灰姑娘。 “我必须去!”








王子同时(同时)决定寻找神秘(神秘)女孩,他已经爱上了。他发表(发表)的公告(公告)。 “谁的玻璃鞋适合(合适),应当对王子的妻子。”




“请,小姐!”仆人说,。 “你的脚太大。您将打破拖鞋(玻璃鞋)。”



“只有灰姑娘,女仆(女仆)”之称的继母。 “但是她甚至在球没有。”


灰姑娘被称为从厨房。 Esmerelda和Griselda笑了,他们看到她有多脏。但是,他们的笑声变成了眼泪,当他们看到灰姑娘到拖鞋的脚滑容易。

“哦!”他们喊着。 “它适合!”




英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇2

to me march 28th petition helps boost public speaking in china, a skill hitherto undervalued.

for me, though, the competition is a more personal experience. habitually shy, i had been reluctant to take part in any such activities. encouraged by my friends, ho, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an organized mind. this ability improves e delivery and non-verbal communication: speed control, platform manner, and so on. pronunciation is important, yet of greater importance is this: is your language competent enough to express your ideas exactly the y speech, "it is vitally important that petition like this draier zhou enlai said to him, "your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the e a common goal that pact other parts of the globe. e parts of the ultinational corporations are seeking the los to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. it is vitally important that petition is a memory that i shall treasure and one that municating eans to transmit information, not a means to obstruct communication. it should be lucid to be penetrating.

in china, certain public speaking skills have been unduly emphasized. e contestants failed to address their questions head on. some [issues like globalization] on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our munication. and this goes true for all communications, ental implication of this example is that the need to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the t. forster"s ple. for decades, mon interest in every other nation"s economic health.

ore challenges exist. hoe to me petition helps boost public speaking in china, a skill hitherto undervalued.

for me, though, the competition is a more personal experience. habitually shy, i had been reluctant to take part in any such activities. encouraged by my friends, ho, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an organized mind. this ability improves e delivery and non-verbal communication: speed control, platform manner, and so on. pronunciation is important, yet of greater importance is this: is your language competent enough to express your ideas exactly the y speech, "it is vitally important that munication. and this goes true for all communications, ental implication of this example is that the need to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the t. forster"s ple. for decades, mon interest in every other nation"s economic health.ore challenges exist. hoe to me aged , as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people tourist boats are polluting antarctica. tribal people are

forsaking their native music and dress to listen to u2 on

ecological damage in their neighborhood. yself humming softly, not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass e to think of mrs. dian fossey be- cause it"s with her spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of our

ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the world.

and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, there"s always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇3

i love english. english language is now used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. learning english makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

when i was seven, my mother sent me to an english school. at there, i played games and sang english songs with other children . then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.

everyday, i read english following the tapes. sometimes, i watch english cartoons.

on the weekend, i often go to the english corner. by talking with different people there, i have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral english.

i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington monument, because the president washington is my idol. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.

good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.

i'm lai senhan from the university of international busine& economics. do you know what date is it today? today is the olympic date. i'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about beijing olympic games together with you all. the title of my speech is: what can we do for beijing olympic games?

first of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. at the end of august, , when i decided to come to beijing for study, my friends hel ewell party for me. they said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in beijing, and then in , we shall go to visit you during the olympic games. i laughed and answered: ok, no problem!

time flied and 2 years passed. now i am a graduate. my teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduation? go back home, stay in beijing, or go to some other places? and i always answer: i will stay in beijing. i make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: i've fallen in love with beijing! i'm eager to welcome the coming olympic games together with my fellow countrymen, and i wish i could do something for the olympics & for the city.as we know, beijing will host the 29th summer olympic games in 20__. as a chinese, i think many people are thinking: what we can do for beijing olympic games. most of us are not athletes, we cannot take part in competitions directly; we are not officials either, we don't need to do the preparatory work. we are only ordinary people, what we can do.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇4

一、 our school

hello! my name is li yue.im a girl. im a student in grade four.now let me talk about our school.

our school is shengli primary school.there is a big building in our school.there are many teachers and students in our school.our school has many teachers offices and many classrooms.our school has a playground,a library and a canteen.look! our classroom is on the second floor, our teachers office is on the first floor. the canteen is at the school gate,

our school has a big playground. we often run ,play football and do morning exercises on the playground. in the garden, there are many beautiful flowers.they are colourful. i love these flowers.

our school has a library.there are many books in our school library. we can go to the library and read story-books. i like to read story-books.

our school has a canteen.i often eat lunch in the canteen.

our school is beautiful. we love our shool.thats all.thank you.bye!

二、 time

hello! my name is li yue.im a girl. im a student in grade four.now let me talk about the time.

i get up at 6:30.i go to school at 7:05. i go home at 4:35.i go to bed at 9:00. classes begin at 8:30.its time for music class.its 9:45.its time for math class.its 2:50.its time for chinese class.its 11:05.its time for english class.its 4:20.its time for p.e. class.look, i can do:time for breakfast.drink some milk;time for lunch. have some chicken;time for dinner.eat some rice;time for p.e. jump and run;time for english.read and write;time for music.sing and dance! thank you!


hello! my name is li yue.im a girl. im a student in grade four.now let me talk about clothes. how many clothes do you know? well,i know.they are jacket,sweater,skirt,shirt , dress,jeans,pants and shorts.what colour do you like? well,i like brown jacket,white sweater,green skirt,red shirt and blue dress.i like the white sweater with the green skirt.i like the blue dress.look,i can do:

put on your t-shirt.hang up your skirt.take off your jacket. fold your dress.wash your shirt.put away your sweater. thank you!


hello! my name is li yue.im a girl. im a student in grade four.now let me talk about the farm.

what animals are on the farm?do you know?well,i know.at the farm,there are many animals.they are sheep,horses,hens,cows,lambs and goats.

what can we do at the farm?at the farm,we can feed the hens,ride a horse,milk a cow,sheer a sheep,hold a lamb.

at the farm,you can see tomatoes,cucumbers,potatoes,onions and carrots.they are fresh.and the potatoes are very big. thats all.thank you!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇5

Globalization is one of the most popular words in this era。 People live in a global village, enterprises come up with global strategies statesmen promote global cooperation, even anti—terrorism has become a global task。

Today I want to share my opinion of which is that globalization with you ,

When I was a little girl I looked forward to globalization because it’s said that globalization can make the world smaller and make it possible for me to talk, travel,exchange ideas and experiences。 I can eat any delicious food from any corner of the world, I can watch movie and TV programs from any producer, I can also extend our horizon and our mind quickly and conveniently。 Globalization sounds like a super hero that can bring everything to me。

When I growing up ,I have noticed that globalization is both a a challenge and an opportunity。 In one hand , we want to attract more and more people become interested and excited about china ,in the other hand, there is much change happens in our living environment and we still want to keep our beautiful scenery while enjoying cooperation with foreign companies and foreign countries。

What should we do when we face to the phenomenon ?

First of all I think we should have our national characteristics。 We should show that even globalization has its own home and globalization identity。 Second, we should make good use of globalization resources from any countries as possible as we can。 From that we can benefit from it in the long run。 The last one, as I just mentioned, people living in a global village, so we are the part of the globalization and sharing the responsibility to make our world more wonderful。

In conclusion, I think globalization made our daily life more and more excellent, we should catch the opportunity to develop our hometown, our society, our country in every side。

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇6

Good afternoon,

honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.

I'm Lai Senhan from the University of International Business & Economics. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Olympic Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Games together with you all. The title of my speech is: what can we do for Beijing Olympic Games?

First of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. At the end of August, 20xx, when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel rewell Party for me. They said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in Beijing, and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you during the Olympic Games. I laughed and answered: OK, no problem!

Time flied and 2 years passed. Now I am a graduate. My teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduation? Go back home, stay in Beijing, or go to some other places? And I always answer: I will stay in Beijing. I make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: I've fallen in love with Beijing! I'm eager to welcome the coming Olympic Games together with my fellow countrymen, and I wish I could do something for the Olympics & for the city.

As we know, Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games in 20xx. As a Chinese, I think many people are thinking: what we can do for Beijing Olympic Games. Most of us are not athletes, we cannot take part in competitions directly; we are not officials either, we don't need to do the preparatory work. We are only ordinary people, what we can do!

There are still so many things we can do! For example, for me, I am a graduate majoring Business English. As far as I am concerned, I will keep on learning English hard, and apply for being a volunteer. I will use English to serve the Games together with other volunteers. And also, as a businessman at that time, I will avail myself of the great commercial opportunities that the Olympics brings to us, make more efforts to offer my contribution to the growth of our national economy.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇7

The struggle of the youth is the most beautiful奋斗的青春最美丽

Friends, do you know what is meant by life? And what is meant by the"struggle of the youth"?朋友,你知道什么叫生命吗?你知道什么叫做奋斗的青春吗?

We know, there are many examples about the struggle of the youth appearingin the films we see, in the songs we listen, and in the friends we meet.我们知道,有许多关于青春奋斗的例子出现在我们看的电影中、我们听得歌曲中、我们遇到的朋友中。It is most startling to hear awatch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shorteningof one's life by a littlebit.最令人触目惊心的一件事,是看着钟表上的秒针一下一下的移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分。Likewise, with each pagetorn off the wall calendar, one's life is shortened by anotherday.再看看墙上挂着的可以一张张撕下的日历,每天撕下一张就是表示我们的寿命又缩短了一天。Time, therefore, islife.因为时间即生命。Nevertheless, few people treasure their times as much as theirlife. 没有人不爱惜他的生命,但是很少人珍惜他的时间。Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bitin your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself, sothat your life may turn out to be significant andfruitful.如果想在有生之年做一点什么事,学一点什么学问充实自己,使生命有意义,不虚此生,那么久不可浪费光阴。So, chose to work hardin your youth.所以,在你的年轻之际选择奋斗吧。

Friends, speak up your mind, and do what you want todo!朋友,喊出你心中所要喊出的声音吧,做出你心中所要做的事情吧!In short, hurry up to give full play to thelife bestowed on you by Nature, and hold aloft a torch to offer a little lightto the world, for, otherwise, your young limbs will begin to rot, your brilliantbrain will be dulled and your enthusiasm will cool off. It will be too late tomend总之一句,赶快表现出造物所给你的生命,在这个世界上举起一点光明的火花来,不然你的少年肢体要腐烂了,你的灵魂的头脑就要呆笨了,你的热情就要冷却了,那时什么都迟了,什么也来不及了。

Friends, bring your youthful vitality and life into full play right now andhere!朋友,在现在这一刻这一个地方,把你的青春的力,你的生命变现出来吧!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇8

My grandpa was among the first group of English teachers sent to Australia by the Chinese government in the 1980s, when our country first opened its door. Off the plane, a hospitable Australian taxi driver asked him, “Where are you going today?” “Where to die?” My grandpa was shocked. With very limited access to authentic English, he had no idea of the Australian pronunciation for the word “today”.

My mom was much luckier in the 1990s when she went to college. She had recorded tapes of BBC and VOA news to listen to. When she stepped on the soil of England, she was much more confident. The first day after arrival, hungry and tired after a long flight, and with a Chinese stomach longing for hot food and drink, her only wish was to have a big breakfast. The British waitress approached her asked with a British accent completely comprehensible to her well trained ear, “Madam, would you like a Continental breakfast or an English breakfast?” Well, the European continent is much bigger than England, so must be the breakfast. She responded: “Continental Breakfast, please.” The waitress took the order and Mom was very satisfied about herself until she discovered the tiny breakfast of cold milk and iced juice, instead of fried bacon and also fried sausages.

I went to an American university for a summer program last year. After watching a movie, I decided to take a bus back to my apartment. However the bus didn’t arrive as scheduled. After waiting for about 20 minutes in the darkness, I was very uneasy and also scared. I stood there, staring into the direction which the bus should come from. But there was no bus but a street singer singing some unknown songs with his noisy guitar. The wind brought a feeling of chill, and as more and more stores closed and fewer and fewer people passed by, I couldn’t help shivering in the cold darkness. Suddenly, a piece of familiar music flowed into my ear. It was the best-known Chinese folk song: the Jasmine Flower! He was playing the Jasmine Flower with his guitar. Automatically, I tuned my Chinese ears to the familiar and nostalgic melody, with my heart warmed and my eyes wet. He played that music again and again until the bus came and I went aboard .

From strangeness, misunderstanding to cross cultural resonance, it takes three generations. The driving force behind the change is globalization, which offers opportunities for cultures to meet, to break down barriers between countries, and to bring peoples together. When the Chinese folk song played by an American street singer got me through coldness and fear, I also came to realize that intimate connection brought about by globalization and also cross cultural resonance can also help the world get through difficulties and disputes.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you would ask me whether globalization is enough, I will definitely say “no”. Globalization is a powerful force available to us, enabling people to communicate, to help, and to warm, just like what the American street singer did to me at that cold and dark night.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇9

Crossing the Sea

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen. The title of my speech today is "Crossing the Sea".

An English poet by the name of Rudyard Kipling once wrote in his poem "We and They":

"All the people like us are We

And everyone else is They

We live over the sea

While They live over the way

We eat pork and beef with cowhorn—handled knives

They who gobble their rice off a leaf

Are horrified out of their lives."

When these lines first caught my eyes,I was shocked—how could two peoples remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past?Today's society,of course,is an entirely different picture. Those people who used to eat with cowhorn—handled knives might be very skillful in using chopsticks,and those people who used to gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.

Indeed,just take China as an example:Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living in so many ways that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going crazy about rock—and—roll,whole families dining out at McDonald's and even rather elderly people dressed in Apple Jeans.

However,these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today. What is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nation's mentality. Just look around.

How many college graduates are ready to compete aggressively for every job opportunity,whereas not long ago they were asked just to sit idle and wait for whatever was to be assigned to them by the government?

How many young people are now eager to seek for an independent life whereas only two decades ago they would rely totally on their parents to arrange for their future?Ask anyone who participates in today's speech contest. Who has not come with a will to fight and who has not come determined to achieve self—fulfillment in winning the game?And I'm quite certain that if Confucius had lived to see today's China,he would have been horrified to see young lovers kissing each other in public places in an unreserved expression of their passion.

It is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient Eastern civilization are already living under strong inf1uence of the Western culture. But it is not only in China that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.

Take the United States as an example:During the 1980s,in face of the overwhelming competition from Japan,many American companies such as the Ford began to adopt a teamwork management from their rivals,the essence of which,lay at the very core of Eastern culture.

Take the Chinese acupuncture as another example:This traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the West and hence the underlying notion that illness is resulted from the imbalance between Yin and Yang within the body —— an idea which would strike any Westerner as incredible in the past!

Ladies and Gentlemen,we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before. We live in a particular era when countries,East and West,find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values. We live,at the same time,at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race. To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future,we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.

My dear fellow students,our command of the English language renders it possible for us to gain an insight into Western culture while retaining our own cultural efore,it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world.

It is my happiest dream that the new generation of Chinese will not only grow up drinking Coca—Cola and watching Hollywood,but also be blessed with the far—reaching benefits of multiple cultures;benefits that our forefathers had never,ever dreamed of.

To end my speech,I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling again:

"All the people like us are We

And everyone else is They

But once you cross over the sea

You will end by looking on We

As only a sort of They"

Thank you.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇10

to me march 28th was a lucky day. it was on that particular evening that i found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. winning the 21st century·ericsson cup seventh national english speaking competition is a memory that i shall treasure and one that will surely stay. more important than winning the cup is the friendship that has been established and developed among the contestants, and the chance to communicate offstage in addition to competing onstage. also the competition helps boost public speaking in china, a skill hitherto undervalued. for me, though, the competition is a more personal experience. habitually shy, i had been reluctant to take part in any such activities. encouraged by my friends, however, i made a last-minute decision to give it a try. in the course of preparation i somehow rediscovered myself, a truer me.

i found that, after all, i like communicating with other people; that exchanging views can be so much fun—and so much rewarding, both emotionally and intellectually; that public speaking is most effective when you are least guarded; and that it is essential to success in every walk of life. at a more practical level, i realized knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it are equally important. to take the original ideas out of your head and transplant them, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an organized mind. this ability improves with training. yet there should not be any loss or addition or distortion in the process. those ideas that finally find their way into another head need to be recognizably yours. language is a means to transmit information, not a means to obstruct communication. it should be lucid to be penetrating.

in china, certain public speaking skills have been unduly emphasized. will it really help, we are compelled to ask, to bang at the podium or yell at the top of your lungs, if you have come with a poorly organized speech, a muddled mind, and unwillingness to truly share your views?

above all, the single most important thing i learnt was that as a public speaker, you need to pay attention, first and foremost, to the content of your speech. and second, the structure of your speech: how one idea relates and progresses to another. only after these come delivery and non-verbal communication: speed control, platform manner, and so on. pronunciation is important, yet of greater importance is this: is your language competent enough to express your ideas exactly the way you intend them to be understood? i was informed afterwards that i was chosen to be the winner for my appropriately worded speech, excellent presence and quick-witted response. in so remarking, the judges clearly showed their preference: they come to listen for meaningful ideas, not for loose judgments, nor easy laughters.

some contestants failed to address their questions head on. some were able to, but did not know where to stop—the dragging on betrayed their lack of confidence. the root cause was that they did not listen attentively to the questions. or they were thinking of what they had prepared. as i said in my speech, it is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking ... to take them [issues like obalization] on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our way. we need to respond honestly.

a competition like this draws talented students from all over the country. and of course, i learnt more things than just about public speaking. since in the final analysis, public speaking is all about effective communication. and this goes true for all communications, whatever their setting. and the following is the final version of my speech: globalization: opportunities and challenges for chinas younger generation thirty years ago, american president richard nixon made an epoch-making visit to china, a country still isolated at that time. premier zhou enlai said to him, your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world—twenty-five years of no communication. thirty years since, china and america have exchanged many handshakes. the fundamental implication of this example is that the need to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the two countries but many other nations as well.

as we can see today, environmentalists from different countries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global warming, economists are seeking solutions to financial crises that rage in a particular region but nonetheless cripple the world economy, and politicians and diplomats are getting together to discuss the issue of combating terrorism. peace and prosperity has become a common goal that we are striving for all over the world. underlying this mighty trend of global communication is the echo of e. m. forsters words only connect!

with the it revolution, traditional boundaries of human society fall away. our culture, politics, society and commerce are being sloshed into one large melting pot of humanity. in this interlinked world, there are no outsiders, for a disturbance in one place is likely to impact other parts of the globe. we have begun to realize that a world divided cannot endure. china is now actively integrating into the world. our recent entry to the wto is a good example. for decades, we have taken pride in being self-reliant, but now we realize the importance of participating in and contributing to a broader economic order. from a precarious role in the world arena to our present wto membership, we have come a long way. but what does the way ahead look like? in some parts of the world people are demonstrating against globalization. are they justified, then, in criticizing the globalizing world? insteadof narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, they say, globalization enables the developed nations to swallow the developing nations wealth in debts and interest. globalization, they argue, should be about a common interest in every other nations economic health. we are reminded by karl marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity. this has become a reality. multinational corporations are seeking the lowest cost, the largest market, and the most favourable policy. they are often powerful lobbyists in government decision-making, ruthless expansionists in the global market and a devastating presence to local businesses. for china, still more challenges exist. how are we going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-based one? how to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society? how to maintain our cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous world? and how to define greatness in our rise as a peace-loving nation? globalization entails questions that concern us all. like many young people my age in china, i want to see my country get prosperous and enjoy respect in the international community. but it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. it is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking and broaden our mind to bigger issues. there might never be easy answers to those issues such as globalization, but to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our way. this is also one of the thoughts that came to me while preparing this speech.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇11

Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen,

My name is ,coming from school of Chengdu xishu experimental school.I am very glad to give my speech to you here, the topic of my speech is "Just Do It".

"Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike, a very famous company of shoes.

In my opinion, it means that just do it if you want. Today I'm here, just want to do what I want to do, and just have a try.

Just do it if you want.

In fact, we have many things to do in a day, in a year and in all our lives, it depends on your choices .

Just do it if you like.

I was attracted by English on my first sight in primary school. My English teacher always had the class interesting and she has a nice voice,it's comfortable when I heard her singing songs. As the time flew I knew more English songs .

Just do it no matter whether you can be successful.

When I asked others that why they didn't join in the competition, was it the reason that they didn't like English or they had no time. To my surprise, they almost gave me the same answer, "even though I couldn't get a rank in it, I needn't to do that, what's more, I didn't want to lose my face because of failed."I really can't believe that in their dictionary there is only one word 'success'. Although I don’t know whether I can enter the final fighting or not, and maybe I will be out of the competition after this speech, I still come here, just do it, no matter how far I can walk.

So as long as you want and like, just do it by heart, no matter whether you can succeed or be failed.

That's all,

Thank you!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇12

when we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do? the answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won’t take your awkward topic seriously. humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily. life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most chinese people are always taking things too seriously. i like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇13

On March 14th, 20xx, professor Stephen William Hawking passed away. His contribution to inflationary cosmology has forever shifted our understanding of the universe. He wasn’t just a physicist for England, but for all mankind. His death marks the end of an era. He has passed the baton to a new generation of minds, to a new era. The exploration of nature waits for no man. So, are we ready to embrace the new era and new challenges?

When I was a kid, professor Hawking was known to me as the author of A Brief History of Time. I bought a lot of science books back then, but they were really difficult to understand. Whenever I stumbled, I would turn to my physics teacher for help. We would go through pages and pages of materials together, whether it was middle school stuff or Feynman’s lecture from Caltech, sometimes hours on end. I felt like we were tearing off the mask of nature and staring at the face of god. It was his guidance that encouraged me to study physics today. We’re living in an era in which science is embedded in people’s lives. From teachers who pass on knowledge, to construction workers who build labs; from organizations that provide funding, to scientists who conduct research, we all contribute to science in our own unique ways. We the people say we’re ready.

On October 5th, 20xx, China finally had its first Nobel Prize in natural science. Ms. Tu Youyou’s work and her receiving the most prestigious science award made us proud. We’re living in an era in which China is building some of the best research projects and institutions worldwide. Just a month ago, Professor Zhang Miman won the UNESCO for Women in Science Award, making her the fifth Chinese recipient of this honor. A week after that, The Economist referred to China as “a continent-sized rapidly growing economy with a culture of scientific inquiry”. Physicist and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Science, Dr. Zhang Jie stated, “China now has the most accurate, sufficient and largest amount of data; China has the highest, fastest and best ability of data analysis. The Chinese government will be strongly pushing for the sharing and utilization of data resources.” We as a country say we’re ready.

Science is an immortal topic of mankind. We’ve come this far because we’ve learned to work together and let the ideas evolve. The dispute over the completeness of quantum mechanics, for example, was resolved in the 5th Solvay conference, attended by 29 physicists from 10 different countries who have won 15 Nobel Prizes combined. That was almost 100 years ago. Now we’re living in an era in which information is transmitted at the speed of light, in which “International cooperation” is not just a slogan anymore, especially to the scientific community. Chinese Academy of Science now has 47 partners overseas. The International Council for Science now includes 122 national members, 23 scientific associates and 31 scientific unions. The facilities of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, are available to over 600 universities and institutes around the globe. We, the world, are more than ready.

We’re all made of particles that have existed since the beginning of the universe, I’d like to believe those particles traveled through countless eras to create us, so that we, the people, China, and the world, can stand on the shoulders of giants, march into the new era with our head held high, and make people like Professor Hawking proud.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇14

I love my home e are eleven people in my family. All of us are happy every day.

I have a big family and a small family. The small family is me and my mother, also my dear father in heaven. The big family contains my maternal grandparents, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin. When we don’t(didn’t) have our own house, they let us live with them. And all of them took good care of us.

My mother is beautiful and kind, and she is a staff at a very big company. She can write very well. She is very strict on (with) me, but she loves me very much. She tells me that she loves me every day.

My father is very intelligent; he is an expert in his signory. He loves me very much ough he passed away of illness, I still fell (feel) that he and his love accompanies (will accompany) with me and my mother everyday.

My maternal grandmother was a teacher before she retired. She is very amiable. My maternal grandfather is very healthy----he can walk very fast, just like a young man. He accompanies me to the school until I was grade 4.

My aunt is very beautiful, my uncle is very excellent. He is a software expert. They have a little baby called DangDang. He is three years old. He is very naughty and clever. Sometimes he can make you very angry, and sometimes he can make you laugh.

And recently, we moved into our new home in October 1st. I am very glad to have my own room. And, I have a TV in my own room and I like the ICS channel it. In the past four years, we lived with them happily. Every week we get together to have a big meal and play with each other.

All in all, having a united big family is the happiest thing in my life. They are also the greatest wealth of me. I love my family and my home forever!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇15

Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatestperson in the world.


But, who was the greatest person in the world? Oh! The sun! He must be the greatest personin the world. The mouse father went to talk to the sun.


“Hello! Mr. Sun. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the cloud. If he comesout1, I’ll be covered.”


The mouse father went to talk to the cloud.


“Hello! Mr. Cloud. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wind. If he comesout, I’ll be blown away2.”


The mouse father went to talk to the wind.


“Hello! Mr. Wind. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wall. If he comesout, I’ll be stopped.”


The mouse father went to talk to the wall.


“Hello! Mr. Wall. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is YOU, the mouse.”


“The greatest person in the world is … mouse?”


“Yes, the greatest person in the world is mouse. See?3 If mouse comes out, I’ll be bit!”


The mouse father was very happy. He finally knew mouse was the greatest person in the world.He would marry his daughter to the handsome mouse next door.


英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇16

what is real beauty?

yang lingyuan


it is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. everybody was born with a heart for beauty.

today in china,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks. but it seems to me,all

these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty.

in my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. as we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important. this was confirmed by a famous russian writer in words much like this: "a person is

not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely. "

here, i'd like to quote two typical instances and i'm sure, my dear friends,from them you'll find out what real beauty is.

recently i learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer. she is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song."devotion of love". not long ago,she was invited to zhejiang province to give performance. the moment she was to appear on the stage,she suddenly asked for more reward. worse still,after her request was satisfied, she didn't begin to sing at once. instead,she took her time to count all the money piece by piece. thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour. so when she at last showed up and started to sing "devotion of love",a man rose up from his seat and shouted at her,"you don't have any devotion of love. you are not qualified to sing this song ! "hearing this, the singer stopped singing and began to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man. at this time the whole audience burst into an uproar.

how disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! it is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others.

now, i'm coming to another true story. it's about a poor, ordinary looking old woman. she was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps. however,she took in more than ten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up. every day she labored from morning till night. in order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospital regularly to sell her blood. she got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home.








英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇17

My future

Good evening.Ladies and gentlemen!

I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future. As we all know, mans life is a process of growing up, actually Im standing here is a growth. If a persons life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

How to say futureMaybe its a nice wish. Lets makeuourminds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.



I am very glad to stand here and deliver a speech.

20xx sees the joys and sorrows of China. The snow disaster ,the earthquake and the Olympics all happened in this particular year. We chinese had never suffered such disaters and held the Olympics for the first time. That was a big challenge for us. But the strong chinese nation would fight until he dropped! Just as the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hard work paid off. The disasters has gone by and the Olympics has been a big hit throughout the world.

Now I'm standing here to tell you that we're on our way to be great.No one can deny us the future.If winter has come,can spring be far behindWe stand on the land of snow,we hear the voice of hope!

Thank you!

20xx is a special year for Beijing for the Olympic Games. It is a special year for me too. I watched 8 games. The Olympic Games let me know, for all of the people in the world, we are family. In the 16 days, I saw different people from different countries. I heard different languages in the world. I sat next to English, American, Canadian and Korean when watching hockey games. I shouted “Go! Go! Go!” with Argentinian and Serbian when watching football match. In the Olympic Park, Australian friends shared their small gifts with Russian, German, French and Chinese. Everybody from different countries smiled at each other. Everybody was friendly to each other in these 16 days.

This is Olympic. It brings friendship, it brings peace.

I will remember the Beijing Olympic Games in my life.

In 20xx, I understand, we are living in earth village.

I believe, we are family of the world.

My speech is over. Thanks!

Lecture Scripts

Global Citizenship Begins at Home

When I saw this title , I felt a little nervous, if I could expound this topic for you clearly, maybe my wisdom was enough to help me write a masterpiece in every field. Unfortunately , I cannot. And fortunately, in less than 3 minutes will you know my ideas.

I think the most unbelievable news in the last century is we are genetically 99.9% the same. Do you feel a little excited, nowI did, when I first time heard it from the radio. And suddenly realized that we are born to be the same. This eye-catching news approved what we called “global village”, and then told us we are born with a “global citizenship” just like with the character.

However, same to the character, global citizenship is not only accepted by oneself ,but also by others. As traditional Chinese saying goes, “thousands of miles should begin at first step”. Only if we have a good beginning at home — step first we firmly stepped, it would be easy for other global citizens to admit us .

But you may feel a little bored to listen to my lecture and ask “what do you really want us to know”

So let’s pay attention to our motherland. China has set us good examples to favor the title “global citizenship begins at home”. More than a hundred years ago, when the old Chinese government limited economic growth and lock his doors against the world. He missed the best opportunity to develop himself. He abandoned home, but was eager for an absolute global citizenship. He wanted to ignore the first step but jump far. Let alone other countries with an ulterior motive, I cannot agree. But now everything is changing. China is enjoying his broaden global citizenship in global affairs. Only when he is getting stronger himself, the global citizenship is truly owned by himself.

Honor judges and dear friends, remember “global citizenship begins at home”, our dream should be that we keep on going to conform the changing world and keep our global

citizenship worthy. As long as our dream outweighs our ability, the world, our country and ourselves will be forever young. That’s is our destiny. And this is our moment.

Thank you for listening. Good night.

good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :

The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Some of

you might have noticed that more and more people around us have started to learn a second language besides English . But maybe you will ask me “Isnt it a good thing ” No , absolutely not . It certainly meets the objective request of the economic globalization .While we accept western culture, some of us lost themselves in the cultural sea. Chances are that we are likely to lose our own traditional cultures . So ,the cultural globalization which is caused by economic globalization may be harmful to our countrys scientific development.

As is well known to all , culture is the pillar of science .But there exist two

phenomenon in the process of globation . One is some people called Mr West 。They accept western culture without any judgement , and they dont care whether it is good or not . For instance ,maybe someone has found that western festivals are more and more popular such as Christmas and Valentine’s day. At the same time ,Chinese traditional festivals are fading away in our memories .we cant image how a country could develop with its own culture lost. Well , another is called Mr Old , in the contrary , they refuse to accept any other cultures , they blame that cultural globalization is a disaster . To our surprise , they absolutely dont know that exchanging culture communication can advance the development of science and technology .

Absolutely affirm or deny a culture for our development isnt a wise choice it isn’t a wise choice to completely accept or deny a culture.. Im glad to hear that our party implemented a policy which is called sustainable development and tries their best to inherit and enhance our traditional culture .Under the precondition , our culture could promote . In this case, Chinese citizen may manager to survive. What’s more , we feel delighted to see that more and more

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇18

first, i would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. if i had asked this question to president nixon, he would probably had said,”our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.” needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to china is the olympic games. till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. how much changes have you seen? new roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction. other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the olympic games that cannot be seen directly. for example, more and more people will get to know china. i’m sure the mysterious chinese culture will attract them strongly. and the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. what is more, olympic games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of chinese youth with the olympic values and the olympic spirit. now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights? i’ve already said a lot about the olympics and china. but i think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”does the olympic games have any special meaning to you?” for us, i mean the chinese youth, olympic games is a tremendous gift. because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .the society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”hey! come here and take the helm! ”how charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. this morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the olympi ic games waving its hand. after chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the olympic games. and mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others. at the end of my speech, i hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇19

I’m very glad to make a speech here! This time, I’d like to talk something about English.

I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on the Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

At grade 3, I started to play games and sing English songs with other children. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful journey in the English world.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit the Washington Monument. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is the motherland of the English language. If I can ride my bike in the Cambridge University, I will be very happy.I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I’ll introduce China and Chinese culture to them, such as the Great Wall, the Tian’anmen Square and dumplings.

I know that Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after persistent hard work, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday, it will love me too.

My future is not a dream. I am confident that it will come true.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇20

Honorable judges, dear teachers and close friends, good afternoon, I am from ? Primary School. I’ve very glad to stand here to share my speech with you. Today I’m going to talk about: “Better China Better Life”

Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name―Chinese. And I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. Because recently, I’ve felt a lot, especially the deep love from Chinese people every day, even every minute. So I tried my best to do everything well all the time, I still remembered that one day, I met a foreigner who looked at me and asked: Little boy, how long have you studied English?” “Since I was in Grade One,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “You’re living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are trying their best to learn English at school. Then, the foreigner applauded, I think not only for me, but also for all Chinese people, because they did well in last year, I still can’t forget YuShu earthquake; I can’t forget the moment when ChangE No.2 airship flied around moon; I can’t forget the successful GuangZhou 16th Asian games. At last, I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I must study harder and harder, in order to have better future, better life for our Better country—China!

Now let’s all wish the best for our Great country—CHINA.

Thanks for your listening.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇21

Good morning, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Fang

Zhuojian. I`m 12. I come from Class2 Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. I`m an active boy. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On weekend, I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong. My mother is hard-working and tall, too. My brother is smart. And I`m a good student. My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me!

Good morning, teachers! My name is ZhangShengdong. I`m 12 now. I`m from Class2 Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. My English teacher is Miss Qian. She`s quiet and kind. She`s short and young. My good friend is Fang Zhuojian. He`s 12. He is strong and super. We`re in the same class. We both like English very much. I like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and

reading books. My favourite food is chicken. It`s delicious.I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. This is me. Please remember ZhangShengdong. Thank you very much!

Goodafternoon, teachers! My name is . I`m 12. I come from Class2Grade 6 of HengXi Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active boy. Please remember . Thank you very much!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇22

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My topic today is “Environment is my top concern”. When talking about Environment, what’s the first thing that has come to your mind? Is it the Copenhagen climate change conference, or the Gulf Oil Spill, or the leak of toxic sludge in Hungary? Different people may have different answers.

Let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world. Recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution. The history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality. We may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us. Water is polluted. Animals are killed. Resources are devoured. And farmlands turn into desserts.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the world we now live in. It’s not a wonderland. It’s not a safe haven. It’s a planet damaged by human beings and the situation is getting even worse. We need to change. We need to do something about it. We need to shoulder our responsibility. Otherwise, the end of world may come just as the film 20xx showed us. Now is the moment; Now is the time; Now is the only chance we can have to save our world.

Then you may ask “what can we do”? I have listed three answers to this question for all of you. Firstly, the governments should take a leading role in publicizing knowledge and raising people’s awareness. They are supposed to use economic and administrative leverage to monitor and regulate the environmental protection. Secondly, companies should raise their ability of independent innovation. They should encourage scientific and technological advances, and use new methods to reduce wastes and pollution. And thirdly, we people, as individuals, must take some actions. We should keep firmly in mind that every enormous change starts from the very first step.

Ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands. Save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice. Our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world. If everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇23

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,

By the time we are born onto this land, our own Chinese story begins. Only when we put our stories together, can we discover something new.

My mom was among the first generation in China to pick up a dual major, trade together with English. Her mom, my grandma, was a professor at the same college. And now, I am following my family’s footsteps, at the same university. I want to accomplish a dream that has been passed on for three generations.

When grandma entered college, she was in the age of prime, but education wasn’t. It was an age when China had a literacy of merely over 50 percent; it was an age when one out of eight got enrolled by a university or college; it was an age when even the top-class universities in China were not recognized by the world. It was with the aspiration of changing education for the better that my grandma became a teacher, in pursuit of teaching students at home and learning more about the abroad.

When my mother crossed the threshold of higher education into college, she was experiencing the tides of the Reform and Opening-up. It was an age when China was ready to embrace the world. With the demand for English talents staying high, she brought her talents to the field of international trade, with the hope of broadening her horizon and telling her international clients a Chinese story.

30 years later, it is already a new era when I step into the classroom where my mom and my grandma studied. The ambience in the renovated classroom is urging me to embark on a new journey; yet on the bookshelf, the books passed on since my grandma’s age is reminding me of a dream that has never changed: becoming a language scholar with a global vision, and be a good narrator of the Chinese story.

I took out my grandma’s notebook, which was already old and gray, trying to learn something new from the past. On the frontpage, wrote one of the earliest Chinese stories, taken from the Great Learning: “If you can do something new, then let it happen every day. With perseverance, every day becomes a new day.”

It was the moment when I realized that there has been something unchanged in the new era: that is always equipping ourselves with the new ideas and keep in pace with the time which never waits. Only by bearing this virtue in our minds that has inherited by the Chinese people for 5,000 years, can we gain both the confidence and the competence in telling a good Chinese story to all.

Tell the Chinese story to the Chinese people, for a new China with cultural confidence; tell the Chinese story to every global citizen, and together we build a community of prosperity, peace, and a shared future. The story of my mom, my grandma and myself will always remind me of the mission of a language learner.

I’m now crossing the threshold into a New Era, and now I fell I am ready to tell a new Chinese story to new audience. Thank you very much!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇24

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s an honor for me to be here to make a speech.. Hope you enjoy a wonderful time! First I want to say is here my topic, which is how to make my class active and interactive.

Actually , when I stepped to the 3-foot platform to be an English teacher , I tried my best to make my students practice the patterns time after time , I hoped that they would get high marks in test .However , my students didn't care about it , they showed less attention to my class.

Until one day, a student had a talk with me. He said : ”I’m learning many things that are boring, useless and not valuable. So I’m tired of studying. Miss Ma , can you understand me? ”At that time, I felt my class was lack of active and interactive patterns.

Then I gradually found that make class active and interactive is from active learning to interactive teaching.

First , we should be energetic and encouraging .Because our passion can make class want to learn English, they will act with nature and show more potential abilities. Also,we should praise in various ways. In our class we often say “good, very good”, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement in future learing..

Secondly, we should make class meaningful and creative. In class, we can use the short and simple sentence, use the body language to communicate with students .We should give students clear purpose and offer them opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail. Make sure the class relaxing and interactive, be familiar to the feeling of English language.

Coming up next is organizing games and activities .You know, activity is the key part of class. Including paired work, competitions, role play, guessing game, TPR activities, and so on. Whatever I use , I should often change the way. From students and I; student and student ;to students and students. Make all class.

The last but not the least is helping the class feel comfortable with asking me questions and answering my questions. To do this, do not criticize any questions from students .This will insure that students will continue to ask questions. Do give more chance to students ask and answer , make students and ourselves learn interactively. So after class students can listen, read, write, think without force and pressure, keeping interests and motivation .

This is my talk from my experience, sharing with you today . Thank you for your attention!

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇25

Good evening.Ladies and gentlemen:

I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future. As we all know, mans life is a process of growing up, actually Im standing here is a growth. If a persons life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

How to say futureMaybe its a nice wish. Lets makeuourminds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

dear friends

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇26

Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now.

My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful city.There are a lot of famous[’feim?s] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:n?ri] is superb

[.sju:’ p?:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive.

I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as,and so on. I like the writer of-----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dv?l] is very interesting, and I think the dramatis personae[’dr?m?tis p?:’ s?unai] of the novel -----Katie Scarlett O'Hara is vixenish[’viks?ni ?] .

English is my favourite lesson. My English teacher often says that it is important to learn English well, English is useful. I go along with it very much. Chinese is our mother

tongue ,we should learn it very well ,but we should learn English more earnestly [’ ?:nistli].

This is me, a lively girl. Support [s?’p ?:t] me, please?

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇27

When I’m a little girl.I want to be a reporter.But now I want to be a computer programmer in ten year I like computer very much.I will go to study something about computer.I have been learning computer for two year.I think it’s very interesting.

When I’m a little girl.I want to be a reporter.But now I want to be a computer programmer in ten year I like computer very much.I will go to study something about computer.I have been learning computer for two year.I think it’s very interesting.

When I’m a little girl.I want to be a reporter.But now I want to be a computer programmer in ten year I like computer very much.I will go to study something about computer.I have been learning computer for two year.I think it’s very interesting.

When I’m a little girl.I want to be a reporter.But now I want to be a computer programmer in ten year I like computer very much.I will go to study something about computer.I have been learning computer for two year.I think it’s very interesting.

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇28

whether there's afterlife, the answer has never been the same.the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from thecradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death;they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never laytheir hopes on their afterlife. they may also say that good will be rewardedwith good, and evil with evil, but they don't really believe any retribution intheir after life.

however, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, thebelief in afterlife is very popular. they do not only believe in afterlife, butthousands of reincarnations as well. in the mysterious world, there are theparadise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the buddha and thebodhisattvas.

maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use ofpeople's veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were thereal dragons, the sons of god, while the royal ministers claimed to be thereincarnations of various constellations. but can the stars reincarnate?

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇29

“Diane, can you speak a little louder, please?” That’s what my teacher said to me on the first day of school. I almost burst into tears as so many students turned to watch me sitting down in the corner that belonged to me. After school, my teacher found me, smiling, she said: “You don’t have to be afraid of anyone. People just want to know about you so the next time just let them hear what you have to say. After so many years, I am still a shy person as I was fifteen years ago but the difference is I am not any more afraid of letting people know about me, hear about my ideas.

People, as we are, are never isolated individuals. We all live on the planet where lives all the other people as well. So keeping oneself excluded would never work, or else we would always be trapped in that little corner of ours. We have to step into the world as we are in fact part of it.

I’ve always remembered what Simba said to her daughter: we are one. So what’s to be afraid of? Since human beings are virtually linked souls. Just tell others what we really think, how we really feel. Even if we do have the wrong idea, we will have the chance to correct our mistakes. And if we don’t, it’s all right.

But if we never spoke our mind, we will never know what we are missing out in this world. We will never know what we can actually make of ourselves. And we will never know what is needed to live a life with other people. When there is giving, there is receiving. That’s how the communication circle works. We are all very blessed to have so many people hear our voice. So don’t refuse the blessing for life is based on it. Just remember when the world knows more about us, we know more about the world.

So today, can you hear my voice?"

英语比赛演讲稿2024 篇30

Ladies and gentlemen,I'm Choco,from 14CPA Canada.I'm here today not just for winning the speech contest,which is amazing enough,but more importantly,the topic fascinates me so much.As a member of AIESEC,an international organization for university students famous for global citizen program,I'm proud to help lots of students go out of their countries to be global volunteers,to make friends with peers all around the world,to experience other culture,to make a little change in local society,above all,to develop a sense of global citizenship.We all have firm belief that there shouldn't be walls between nations.Conflicts occur because people know little about each other,misunderstand each other.If human society has a bright future in peace,there have to be more people with the sense of global citizenship,to share the natural rights together and take responsibility together. Because this is one minute for self-introduction,I just briefly introduce myself in this way: I am a global citizen.China is my bedroom where I usually live,the world is my real home.

【Main part】

I'd like to use the answers to three questions,which is what,why and how, to deliver my speech today.First of all,what are global citizens? We are people who place our indentities with global community above our identities of a particular nation.In other words,we are not abandoning our nationalities or our hometowns,but we have stronger belongings to the globe.We are concerned about every global issue,never less than those in our own countries.

There comes the second question.Many people will ask:" Why do you feel like that? Why do you think more people should feel like that?" Let's look through human's history and there lies the answer. From then to now,it's not difficult to find out that most civilizations have more things in common than differences.We all develop languages,complicated social structures,art,science,commerce,philosophy...Undeniably,we did have wars,but it turned out that there were no winners or losers.We all suffered from the same pain.Families died in battlefield,and houses were detroyed in shells.While in peace,all of us enjoy safe environment and economic growth.Our histories are linked,and so is our future. Everyone of us desires being well off,democracy,cultural prosperity,clean air and water.We all hope that our kids can grow up safe and sound,don't we? Since we share the same feelings,the same hope, humankind is essentially one.If you think that's too big.Let's come down to current situation.Economic globalization is the trend that no one can stop.Investment comes from every corner of the world,and different markets are tightly connected.Cooperation is needed if everyone wants to live better off.Moreover,issues of global level are more noticable than before:climate change,financial crisis,women's right,children's health...Without the sense of global citizenship, no one is willing to sit down and settle down the problems together.

Now move to the last question: how to become a global citizen? As a saying goes:To see,to understand,then to change.One of my friend in AIESEC went to Karachi,Pakistan this winter.Never had she thought that she could see a MacDonald restaurant and hear songs of Taylor Swift right after getting off the plane.What she saw was people living their normal life in the so-called City of Death.Adults going to work,students going to school,just like what we're doing here,although a bullet may fly above their heads the next second.She was also impressed by youngsters in Pakistan,who showed courage,faith and confidence to create a bright future for their country.Not just panic and depress can survive there as the news reports,but also the seed of hope is sprouting.Another friend of mine in AIESEC is from India.His name is Kunal,and he regards himself as a global citizen.He joined AIESEC in India,where he met his lifelong lover,a blonde Russian girl in a local project.When he went to the university of Copenhagen,he joined the AIESEC committee there as well.Now,he is in Canada, running another AIESEC project called Green Power Now,giving advice to the government about environmental protection.Young people like Kunal are changing the world now,with their experience, ability, ambition and the name of global citizens.

My speech is almost finished according to the three questions,but traditionally,speakers have to quote something so today I'd like quote a song by John Lennon.The name is Imagine.