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保安英文自我评价范文 篇1

New Year New Year's bell has sounded in 20xx, has become the past, 20xx, prelude has been opened, I entered one hundred prosperous department review the work of nearly two years, a lot can be said results benefited a lot, a lot of experience, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordance with the requirements of leadership, is now working for the year 20xx are summarized as follows:

First, we first increased the control room leading up supervision to really play the role of eye, to strengthen the control room training and guidance, in cooperation with the existing high-tech equipment to fully play its unique role, to identify problems, provide accurate clues to combating doodle in the elevator, just posting small ads offenses provided strong support. In particular, in the elevator when the accident occurred, to assist the security team to rescue passengers trapped in the elevator of all kinds played a positive role irreplaceable.

Second, in order to actually strong resilience handling all players to improve the timely processing of unexpected level of quality, with the active cooperation to assist the unit, we security brigade staff and relevant departments organized several fire training, and repeatedlyconvening technical guidance and fire literacy will make the fire, fire awareness and practical level players like the fall of Antioch handling has been greatly improved, it laid the foundation for strengthening the work of the fire zone.

Third, always keep in mind on the ideological education of the security team, specifying the weekly meeting of all members of the security system of regular meetings and found problems in a timely manner adverse criticism and education, so that our security team firmly establish Angang dedicated moral thought, than by the security teamHe praised the majority of the owners, to create a harmonious society, to create a harmonious home played an active good role.

Thought increased awareness, prompted the expansion of the work, the majority of the security team the courage to offer advice to improve the quality of security work made many valuable suggestions. Spare time, to ensure the security team more to park outside the park's construction waste removal. Ensuring the environmental health of the park, part of the expenditure savings for the company.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇2

He served in a large department store security work, responsibility, pressure supremely. In order to ensure quality and quantity, fulfill the mission, the past year we have paid attention to the three tasks. First, grasp ranks. A perfect team is an important guarantee for good work, from the security team established, we insisted on team building "doing": with one hand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. Second, grasping system construction. Key orderly, fruitful work is to rely on science applicable regime as a guarantee, "not to the rules, no standards." Third, grasp the ideological construction. As our colleagues from different places, different positions, the overall quality of everyone's personality, interests are not the same. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely reporting, mistakes must be corrected, wrong will change, after the former punish, learn a lesson, strengthen the spirit, improve their work. Various forms of ideological and moral education, receive tangible results.

Although security work less from the eye, but it is a real department store indispensable guarantee, because our job is not only to protect the lives and property of our department store customers to patronize, but also protect the safety of our stores where goods, althoughrepeated complicated work, but that the exercise of my organizational and communication skills, let my skills greatly improved in terms of dealing with emergencies and emergencies, we feel there is a lack of resilience, which in the future, it will work with with relatively excellent staff communicate more, learn more, and in the work he is constantly learning and accumulation.

"Seriously do big and small, happy to do repetitive things," I have always endeavor to comply with this criterion at work strict demands on themselves, never let the uncertain security risks exist in their own eyes, once discovered things immediately resolved, strict compliance with the company's articles of association work, which is an advantage I Gerry, of course, I also have shortcomings, but not very talkative, outgoing personality is not too, I will work hard to overcome in future work.

In subsequent work I want to have greater progress, more exercise their own work experience, and strive to do every major mall promotion, to ensure life and property safety of customers, to ensure the safety of the store, in their own I try not to make mistakes in working with colleagues to work together to contribute to a better future of the company.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇3

My name is -x, -x is a graduate of the police academy, I to Hotel Security Department inauguration in -x years ago has passed more than a year's time. Although the work is not a long time, but I give full play to the spirit of learning while working, successful completion of the temporary assignments hotels and guesthouses annual fire safety work assigned by superiors.

First, the basic work:

Just found within the department employees' attitude is not positive, poor coordination, work is not strong sense of responsibility, lack of post often occur, leakage Kong, doze, work is not deployed, regardless of the tube, do not ask to ask to take over when the Security Department that do not work and staff mobility is not flexible and so on. After nearly a month of observation and reflection, I have decided to start with the mindset of employees to start. Regulate employee's work attitude, and actively communicate with each other, help employees establish the work of self-confidence and sense of team staff training, business skills. Continue to inspire employees continue to work in training staff to complement each other. As a department head, and insisted on their own to lead by example, and insisted on doing work leading run ahead. Work actively, trying to learn the proper security guards reward. Do not make progress, slacking personnel shall be removed from the department, no mercy. Also strict interview candidates this road, strict security department personnel do not reach the standard of candidates and determined not to give new employees the appropriate operating pressure, to adapt them to work as soon as possible, and to achieve hierarchical management layers of refinement .

In the above methods of work to get great results at the same time it laid a good foundation. For future work

It is stable with good working attitude, the staff from the Ministry of Security on January 1 200x to 200x on December 10 in addition to the daily work of the department to assist departments to complete the meal pantry, transporting goods, construction sites, disaster relief and other temporary assignments totaling 457, dealing with guest complaints 3 onwards, the public security departments to assist policing 6, dealing with the hotel staff since 1 civil, police and fire departments received 13 inspections relations unit, participated in the Urban fire training 1, to participate in each city and district security meeting fire 11 times. In addition the successful completion of the Hundred Days 200x security activities of the Group Administration Centre and 200x on November 12 November 22 to 11-day monitor installation supervision, praise the hotel management company General Manager's Office, hotel sectors and individual relations units.

Second, the registration documents:

Big Security Department related to the scope of the data to the entire hotel fire safety, as small as this sector. From 200x on January 6 to 200x on March 31, combined with the hotel real work has to create and modify the security section of the registration duty, the security department of the parking registration, registration of the access with luggage, and fire fighting equipment inspection record form hotel fire safety plans, emergency fire fighting plan hotels, guesthouses emergency plans. All instruments registered in the same time, we will continue to carry out rectification according to actual needs.Registered in each of the department heads after use through inspection, organize and save all.

At present because the hotel management company is the social service sector, each department staff turnover more frequently in 200x Year

In mid-November, I developed a fire training materials, and teaching how to make a slide template. We decided before the World University Games 200x arrival, combined with the hotel management company building the actual situation of the hotel management company to conduct a fire training for all employees. The purpose is to give all employees are aware of the fire hazard and emergency response, firefighting familiar hotel management company organization, known Language posts in the event of a fire and how to do what should be done.

Third, the main problems:

1,200x annual Security Department employee training is not enough, mainly in the general maintenance of the equipment used courtesy and Security Department both. 200x increase in the security department of the old and new staff training efforts have also begun to revise training materials. And the development of new security unit maintenance and fault registration apparatus according to the actual situation, be submitted for approval prior to use, the use of the inclusion of the transfer.

2, the management of security department should expand humane management system, mainly security guards experience in sick leave and leave of institutionally managed to avoid passive and mechanical.

3, not enough work order is prohibited, under the principle of strict hierarchical management strictly hierarchical deployment. Make work classification and deployed to implement per person, per day will deploy grading work to enhance the degree of attention as an important basis for the assessment.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇4

Flies daily flies, blink of an eye a year has passed. Review of the year's work in our security team International Jewelry City, a lot can be said results benefited a lot, a lot of experience, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordance with the requirements of leadership, is to summarize the security team for a year as follows:

First, we are beginning this year, January 9 duty.

Since we are a newly formed team, and it is such a large international enterprises in the city to work in the jewelry , responsibility, pressure supremely. In order to complete the quality and quantity, fulfill the mission, last year we paid attention to the three tasks.

First, grasp ranks. A perfect team is an important guarantee for good work, from the security team established, we insisted on team building "doing": with one hand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. On staffing, we recruited 21 players from Jiangxi Police Academy students; at the same time, we also pay attention to recruitment of excellent players from army veterans. Through year's efforts, the number of our team of seven people from the original, now increased to 39 people, five times as much as the beginning of time. On team building, we have "horses", "horse", "horse", "horse" combined. In the introduction of multi-channel players at the same time, we attach great importance to improving the overall quality of the team. Where a new players come in, we have to organize half-month security professional quality training. We also specially invited experts City Fire Brigade, for the team to teach fire safety knowledge and skills, so that players can master the basic skills as soon as possible, to achieve induction requirements. After induction team, we adhere to two days a week skills training, rain or shine, hot and cold constantly, so that the business continues to improve the quality of the players.

Second, grasping system construction. Key orderly, fruitful work is to rely on science applicable regime as a guarantee, "not to the rules, no standards." After the formation of the team, our duty, shift, learning, training and other aspects of the introduction of a set of strict and practical system, the implementation of paramilitary management team, with a system to regulate people's behavior, using the system to ensure that tasks carry out. As team members must watch for duty 15 minutes before handover; work must be paraded on the team, demonstrating the quality of the military wind color.

Third, grasp the ideological construction. Because of our players come from different places, different positions, the overall quality of everyone's personality, interests are not the same. More importantly, they are just in their early 20s, young blood, both need our security work, and also in our daily work and life that need attention. Young people are very malleable, but also a great variability. Therefore, we in the ranks of the construction work, put ideological and moral construction throughout, clutching tightly. On working methods, we noted in different players, different situations, flexible in the class will, on behalf of the business meeting will be inserted in ideological education and training, individual and team talk, heart to heart, the typical case of education, flag-raising ceremony and other forms , flexible implementation of the ideological and moral education. As we caught staff thunderous rain to save wounded comrades, returning lost money deeds, all the team members on the basis of organizational learning, expand the "human value?" And "How to be a politically qualified, strong business security team?" "I think a qualified security squad should be ......" great debate, each player can be in learning to write in-depth discussions on the basis of valuable experience article, and most of the players can learn experience into concrete actions. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely reporting, mistakes must be corrected, wrong will change, after the former punish, learn a lesson, strengthen the spirit, improve their work.

Various forms of ideological and moral education, receive tangible results. Whether at work or in everyday life, our team appeared "more than three three no" gratifying situation. That is: the more motivated, less negative coping; dry matter suffer first of many, no bargaining; do more good deeds, no discipline back method.

Second, the past year's work experience

Year to work, study and life, we have made a lot of achievements have been training and awareness, it can be said to benefit greatly. Mainly due to the following aspects:

First, thanks to the correct leadership of the company's leadership and careful attention. First, Zhang Yanlu director as a leader, in the work can go ahead, the first dry, set an example to the majority of players, adding to the motivation and confidence; at the same time, Zhang, Minister Li and other leaders have repeatedly visit Security team, talk to the players the situation, stressing demands, stresses knowledge of the security services and property management, the majority of the team was encouraged by; more important is that every major event, Zhang and other leaders, can visit the site, organize and direct. All this is important to ensure that our security team job done.

Second, thanks to the work of innovation. We are engaged in security work International Jewelry City. International Jewelry City is an international platform for the jewelry industry, high-end positioning, the grand scale, advanced concepts, which requires us to do security work must advance with the times, not only to keep up, but to go in front of the jewelery city development, first step, a quick shot, otherwise passive, will go wrong. Therefore, in our work, as far as possible from the habit of thinking, habits of experience interference from objective reality, uncritical acceptance of new ideas, adhere to continuous innovation, innovation as the soul and the power to do the work. The first is innovation in work content. We work on the team did not stay in the system requirements and boring sermons, but to infiltrate the working level to the level of life, from the appearance to penetrate the heart. When the players get sick, or have difficulty, as long as we know, we will try to help and care, as long as we can do, will be best to do, can not do, but also try to think of ways to help. As a player's hand after the injury, work, life is affected, we promptly went to see him, sent him food, to help him with his clothes while at work to help transfer classes, good to reassure him recuperate. When we learned that the players birthday, they will advance to set a good cake, and promptly at a small birthday party for them. This humane management, not only by helping individual deeply moved, but so that all players can feel the warmth, hope. It followed on innovative ideas. We take a typical example of the educational methods, to guide the players continue to update our ideas. Such as in newspapers, some typical, have a certain persuasive and educational role of positive and negative examples occurred within the company, we have organized team learning, and guide them to ask a few "why?", I received a multiplier effect. Most players make the change in attitude towards work in the direction of King Kong love industry. Third, innovation in working methods. Working methods in their work is particularly critical. Faced with ever-changing work environment and job requirements, our continuous innovation in working methods, the working methods from the serious to the flexible; from a single to diverse; from the conference to speak normalization; from preaching to talk, love changes. This useful innovation attempt proved to be effective and successful. Many of the players can be consciously dispel temporary concept, and establish long-term war of ideas, and thus work more comfortable, more carefully.

Third, thanks to the joint efforts of all team members. Most of our players are from the army and police schools, they have varying degrees of training received strict norms militarization. They work, they can seek common ground, the overall situation, no matter how difficult working conditions, living conditions so humble, how difficult the task, they all can be unity and cooperation, common struggle, trying their best to complete the task, its spirit is really touching. Last year we have been able to in the jewelery city events and more complicated, unfavorable weather conditions, relatively well done various tasks, the joint efforts of all the team members contributed. These are embodied all the players wisdom and sweat.

Third, the existing problems and the future direction

Recalling the work of the past year, the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see the gaps and shortcomings of their own existence. Outstanding performance: First, because players from all sides, the overall quality is uneven; the second is the way we should be further improvement and innovation; Third, there are still some unsatisfactory work place. All of these, we will make a determined effort in future work, and improvements to overcome and go all out to do a better job in the future, better.

Future work requirements will be higher, the difficulty will be even greater, which our work has put forward higher requirements for the new. We must face reality, admit the difficulties, but not afraid of difficulties. We rose to the challenge and do the work. Specifically, to achieve the "three re-innovation", "two big lift," and finally achieve the "three aspects of satisfaction." Namely: re-innovation on ideas, on the quality of work and innovation, on the working methods and innovation; and then a big upgrade on achievements in their own image big upgrade; and finally to allow the company leadership satisfaction, jewelry city leaders satisfaction , to allow domestic and international jewelery city leaders, merchants, customer satisfaction.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇5

Specific work mainly in the following aspects.

First, enhance their understanding

Correct attitude is up schools school education, training of the motherland future talent base from wearing security uniforms, participate in campus security the moment, it is fully aware of its shoulders the responsibility of campus security guard, therefore, I thought with a sense of responsibility and pride, work motivation and direction.

Second, establish a sense of service, service to the overall security

As security companies accredited school security personnel, although far from the security company units, but always keeping in mind the security company given their responsibility, firmly establish campus security services in the sense of complete security work in the specific requirements and tasks, and signed with the school letters of responsibility, and strive to achieve the company leadership assured, schools receive satisfaction, order and stability campus.

Third, earnestly fulfill security tasks, the implementation of specific work

1, consciously abide by discipline, do not be late no off-site, dressed rigorous when posts, civilized behavior, and consciously establish a good image of security personnel.

2, primary school between six months previous, due to the construction of secondary schools, primary and secondary schools combined to together, between the second half, mining school has merged into here, these cases are security work campus increased workload, increase the shuttle vehicle personnel school student capacity increases and so the corresponding series of problems come. To solve these problems involve campus security work, strict school and out of school off, never offending people and vehicles into. We found violations of the black school bus or private car overcrowding, to stop immediately and report the school, to take measures for the campus shuttle vehicle outside a predetermined parking area and shuttle routes, the establishment of the warning area and isolation ribbons campus entrance.

3, adhere to register and work logs and campus patrol officers out of work. Meanwhile, after the school holidays, with the school day, school staff on duty, patrolling and prevention work. RUC year-end summary of the work 4, in the completion of their own work actively with the schools to do some other work within its capacity.

Review of the year's work, in their own posts on campus security made for safety and security in schools of their results, although there are low wages. Still need to constantly improve their own quality and practical problems and shortcomings, but I am confident that our achievements in the future work, the lack of improvement, the successful completion of campus security responsibilities and tasks.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇6

New Year New Year's bell has sounded in 20xx, has become the past, 20xx, prelude has been opened, I entered one hundred prosperous department review the work of nearly two years, a lot can be said results benefited a lot, a lot of experience, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordance with the requirements of leadership, is now working for the year 20xx are summarized as follows:

First, on the annual work summary

Such as a large department store in one hundred prosperous department store security work, responsibility, pressure supremely. In order to ensure quality and quantity, fulfill the mission, the past year we have paid attention to the three tasks. First, grasp ranks. A perfect team is an important guarantee for good work, from the security team established, we insisted on team building "doing": with one hand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. Six months, we have become a security team pull out, playing loud, strong execution and combat effectiveness, to complete its task team. Second, grasping system construction. Key orderly, fruitful work is to rely on science applicable regime as a guarantee, "not to the rules, no standards." Our duty, shift, learning, training and other aspects of the introduction of a set of strict and practical system, the implementation of paramilitary management team, with a system to regulate people's behavior, using the system to ensure the completion of tasks. Third, grasp the ideological construction. As our colleagues from different places, different positions, the overall quality of everyone's personality, interests are not the same. More importantly, they are just in their early 20s, young blood, both need our security work, and also in our daily work and life that need attention. Young people are very malleable, but also a great variability. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely reporting, mistakes must be corrected, wrong will change, after the former punish, learn a lesson, strengthen the spirit, improve their work. Various forms of ideological and moral education, receive tangible results. Whether at work or in everyday life, our team appeared "more than three three no" gratifying situation. That is: the more motivated, less negative coping; dry matter suffer first of many, no bargaining; do more good deeds, no discipline back method.

Second, the Progress and Problems

Able to enter one hundred prosperous department store job, I think has always been an honor for me, because I think I learned a lot here in other places not learn social experience, although security work less from the eye, but it's real It is an indispensable security department, because our job is not only to protect the lives and property of our department store customers to patronize, but also protect the safety of our stores where goods, although complicated work again, but this exercise of my organization and communication skills, let my skills greatly improved, this is my personal feeling of his greatest progress; but themselves have many shortcomings, such as the organization of work is not very detailed, I've always wanted to design a day's work in detail plan, work together as if there will be a chapter section, not no idea, another in dealing with emergencies and emergencies, feel there is a lack of resilience, and later work in this area must be relatively good staff a lot of communication, a lot to learn while on the job and he is constantly learning and accumulation.

Third, the ability and character

While he was doing the security work, how much you will not personally handle numerous things, but we have one hundred as busy as advocated by saying: "seriously do big and small, happy to do repetitive things," I have always honor compliance with this criterion at work strict demands on themselves, never let the uncertain security risks exist in their own eyes, once discovered immediately resolve the matter, strictly abide by the company's articles of association work, which is an advantage for me Gerry, I think it is my potential because I think meticulous, conscientious, love King Kong is the most need to have a security guard qualities, I believe I have it. Of course, I also have shortcomings, but not very talkative, outgoing personality is not too, I will work hard to overcome in future work.

Fourth, the 20xx work plan and design

New year, new weather, new year and I hope they have more progress, more intend to exercise their own work experience, and strive to do every major mall promotion, to ensure life and property safety of customers, the store's guarantee safety in their work in trying not to make mistakes, and colleagues to work together for a better future for the one hundred prosperous department store building blocks.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇7

Time flies, immediately went to the end of the year, a lot of people on their own this year with the summary. Here is a summary of the security of their year.

First, we first increased the control room leading up supervision to really play the role of eye, to strengthen the control room training and guidance, in cooperation with the existing high-tech equipment to fully play its unique role, to identify problems, provide accurate clues to combating doodle in the elevator, just posting small ads offenses provided strong support. In particular, in the elevator when the accident occurred, to assist the security team to rescue passengers trapped in the elevator of all kinds played a positive role irreplaceable.

Second, in order to actually strong resilience handling all players to improve the timely processing of unexpected level of quality, with the active cooperation to assist the unit, we security brigade staff and relevant departments organized several fire training, and repeatedlyconvening technical guidance and fire literacy will make the fire, fire awareness and practical level players like the fall of Antioch handling has been greatly improved, it laid the foundation for strengthening the work of the fire zone.

Third, always keep in mind on the ideological education of the security team, specifying the weekly meeting of all members of the security system of regular meetings and found problems in a timely manner adverse criticism and education, so that our security team firmly establish Angang dedicated moral thought, than by the security teamHe praised the majority of the owners, to create a harmonious society, to create a harmonious home played an active good role.

Thought increased awareness, prompted the expansion of the work, the majority of the security team the courage to offer advice to improve the quality of security work made many valuable suggestions. Spare time, to ensure the security team more to park outside the park's construction waste removal. Ensuring the environmental health of the park, part of the expenditure savings for the company.

Over the past year, although we do some work, but are still far from the requirements of the leadership of the future, we must continue our efforts, build on our achievements, improve enough to achieve the goal of the company's work to do some more work.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇8

Flies daily flies, blink of an eye a year has passed. Review of the year's work in our security team International Jewelry City, a lot can be said results benefited a lot, a lot of experience, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordance with the requirements of leadership, is to summarize the security team for a year as follows:

First, we are beginning this year, January 9 duty.

Since we are a newly formed team, and it is such a large international enterprises in the city to work in the jewelry , responsibility, pressure supremely. In order to complete the quality and quantity, fulfill the mission, last year we paid attention to the three tasks.

First, grasp ranks. A perfect team is an important guarantee for good work, from the security team established, we insisted on team building "doing": with one hand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. On staffing, we recruited 21 players from Jiangxi Police Academy students; at the same time, we also pay attention to recruitment of excellent players from army veterans. Through year's efforts, the number of our team of seven people from the original, now increased to 39 people, five times as much as the beginning of time. On team building, we have "horses", "horse", "horse", "horse" combined. In the introduction of multi-channel players at the same time, we attach great importance to improving the overall quality of the team. Where a new players come in, we have to organize half-month security professional quality training. We also specially invited experts City Fire Brigade, for the team to teach fire safety knowledge and skills, so that players can master the basic skills as soon as possible, to achieve induction requirements. After induction team, we adhere to two days a week skills training, rain or shine, hot and cold constantly, so that the business continues to improve the quality of the players.

Second, grasping system construction. Key orderly, fruitful work is to rely on science applicable regime as a guarantee, "not to the rules, no standards." After the formation of the team, our duty, shift, learning, training and other aspects of the introduction of a set of strict and practical system, the implementation of paramilitary management team, with a system to regulate people's behavior, using the system to ensure that tasks carry out. As team members must watch for duty 15 minutes before handover; work must be paraded on the team, demonstrating the quality of the military wind color.

Third, grasp the ideological construction. Because of our players come from different places, different positions, the overall quality of everyone's personality, interests are not the same. More importantly, they are just in their early 20s, young blood, both need our security work, and also in our daily work and life that need attention. Young people are very malleable, but also a great variability. Therefore, we in the ranks of the construction work, put ideological and moral construction throughout, clutching tightly. On working methods, we noted in different players, different situations, flexible in the class will, on behalf of the business meeting will be ed in ideological education and training, individual and team talk, heart to heart, the typical case of education, flag-raising ceremony and other forms , flexible implementation of the ideological and moral education. As we caught staff thunderous rain to save wounded comrades, returning lost money deeds, all the team members on the basis of organizational learning, expand the "human value?" And "How to be a politically qualified, strong business security team?" "I think a qualified security squad should be ......" great debate, each player can be in learning to write in-depth discussions on the basis of valuable experience article, and most of the players can learn experience into concrete actions. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely reporting, mistakes must be corrected, wrong will change, after the former punish, learn a lesson, strengthen the spirit, improve their work.

Various forms of ideological and moral education, receive tangible results. Whether at work or in everyday life, our team appeared "more than three three no" gratifying situation. That is: the more motivated, less negative coping; dry matter suffer first of many, no bargaining; do more good deeds, no discipline back method.

Second, the past year's work experience

Year to work, study and life, we have made a lot of achievements have been training and awareness, it can be said to benefit greatly. Mainly due to the following aspects:

First, thanks to the correct leadership of the company's leadership and careful attention. First, Zhang Yanlu director as a leader, in the work can go ahead, the first dry, set an example to the majority of players, adding to the motivation and confidence; at the same time, Zhang, Minister Li and other leaders have repeatedly visit Security team, talk to the players the situation, stressing demands, stresses knowledge of the security services and property management, the majority of the team was encouraged by; more important is that every major event, Zhang and other leaders, can visit the site, organize and direct. All this is important to ensure that our security team job done.

Second, thanks to the work of innovation. We are engaged in security work International Jewelry City. International Jewelry City is an international platform for the jewelry industry, high-end positioning, the grand scale, advanced concepts, which requires us to do security work must advance with the times, not only to keep up, but to go in front of the jewelery city development, first step, a quick shot, otherwise passive, will go wrong. Therefore, in our work, as far as possible from the habit of thinking, habits of experience interference from objective reality, uncritical acceptance of new ideas, adhere to continuous innovation, innovation as the soul and the power to do the work. The first is innovation in work content. We work on the team did not stay in the system requirements and boring sermons, but to infiltrate the working level to the level of life, from the appearance to penetrate the heart. When the players get sick, or have difficulty, as long as we know, we will try to help and care, as long as we can do, will be best to do, can not do, but also try to think of ways to help. As a player's hand after the injury, work, life is affected, we promptly went to see him, sent him food, to help him with his clothes while at work to help transfer classes, good to reassure him recuperate. When we learned that the players birthday, they will advance to set a good cake, and promptly at a small birthday party for them. This humane management, not only by helping individual deeply moved, but so that all players can feel the warmth, hope. It followed on innovative ideas. We take a typical example of the educational methods, to guide the players continue to our ideas. Such as in newspapers, some typical, have a certain persuasive and educational role of positive and negative examples occurred within the company, we have organized team learning, and guide them to ask a few "why?", I received a multiplier effect. Most players make the change in attitude towards work in the direction of King Kong love industry. Third, innovation in working methods. Working methods in their work is particularly critical. Faced with ever-changing work environment and job requirements, our continuous innovation in working methods, the working methods from the serious to the flexible; from a single to diverse; from the conference to speak normalization; from preaching to talk, love changes. This useful innovation attempt proved to be effective and successful. Many of the players can be consciously dispel temporary concept, and establish long-term war of ideas, and thus work more comfortable, more carefully.

Third, thanks to the joint efforts of all team members. Most of our players are from the army and police schools, they have varying degrees of training received strict norms militarization. They work, they can seek common ground, the overall situation, no matter how difficult working conditions, living conditions so humble, how difficult the task, they all can be unity and cooperation, common struggle, trying their best to complete the task, its spirit is really touching. Last year we have been able to in the jewelery city events and more complicated, unfavorable weather conditions, relatively well done various tasks, the joint efforts of all the team members contributed. These are embodied all the players wisdom and sweat.

Third, the existing problems and the future direction

Recalling the work of the past year, the achievements at the same time, we also clearly see the gaps and shortcomings of their own existence. Outstanding performance: First, because players from all sides, the overall quality is uneven; the second is the way we should be further improvement and innovation; Third, there are still some unsatisfactory work place. All of these, we will make a determined effort in future work, and improvements to overcome and go all out to do a better job in the future, better.

Future work requirements will be higher, the difficulty will be even greater, which our work has put forward higher requirements for the new. We must face reality, admit the difficulties, but not afraid of difficulties. We rose to the challenge and do the work. Specifically, to achieve the "three re-innovation", "two big lift," and finally achieve the "three aspects of satisfaction." Namely: re-innovation on ideas, on the quality of work and innovation, on the working methods and innovation; and then a big upgrade on achievements in their own image big upgrade; and finally to allow the company leadership satisfaction, jewelry city leaders satisfaction , to allow domestic and international jewelery city leaders, merchants, customer satisfaction.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇9

In order to improve the overall quality of the contingent of, the company will be the specification of the management in the first place. Company leaders to follow in order to grasp the "three armed" as the core management mode, three catch: catch team, grasp ideas, work; Armed as follows: the insured units focus on the key parts to do a person, create positions and responsibilities. Companies report every Monday for department meetings, working state department report last week and this week work arrangements, to work in the problem put forward at the meeting in time, the company leadership make solution according to the actual working situation. Security guard for the department meeting on Tuesday, by the department responsible for the work of the company plans to convey and deployment, the security officer can do all the work goal is clear, for the company's mission, some behavior guided troop overall quality improved. All security officer serious and responsible work, diligent, by the insured unit the leadership's consistent high praise.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇10

Time flies, immediately went to the end of the year, a lot of people on their own this year with the summary. Here is a summary of the security of their year.

First, we first increased the control room leading up supervision to really play the role of eye, to strengthen the control room training and guidance, in cooperation with the existing high-tech equipment to fully play its unique role, to identify problems, provide accurate clues to combating doodle in the elevator, just posting small ads offenses provided strong support. In particular, in the elevator when the accident occurred, to assist the security team to rescue passengers trapped in the elevator of all kinds played a positive role irreplaceable.

Second, in order to actually strong resilience handling all players to improve the timely processing of unexpected level of quality, with the active cooperation to assist the unit, we security brigade staff and relevant departments organized several fire training, and repeatedlyconvening technical guidance and fire literacy will make the fire, fire awareness and practical level players like the fall of Antioch handling has been greatly improved, it laid the foundation for strengthening the work of the fire zone.

Third, always keep in mind on the ideological education of the security team, specifying the weekly meeting of all members of the security system of regular meetings and found problems in a timely manner adverse criticism and education, so that our security team firmly establish Angang dedicated moral thought, than by the security teamHe praised the majority of the owners, to create a harmonious society, to create a harmonious home played an active good role.

Thought increased awareness, prompted the expansion of the work, the majority of the security team the courage to offer advice to improve the quality of security work made many valuable suggestions. Spare time, to ensure the security team more to park outside the park's construction waste removal. Ensuring the environmental health of the park, part of the expenditure savings for the company.

保安英文自我评价范文 篇11

Early this year, after the final evaluation of the trial outside the group, I have been formally adopted by the hotel double certification. Over the past year, my department in strict accordance with the certification of the "service monitoring control program" requirement, carry out a three quality system to provide true for the internal management, effective reference information, the majority of employees to improve awareness of environmental protection and energy saving awareness, reducing the waste of water and electricity resources, reducing pollution dangerous chemicals, to prevent all kinds of unsafe incidents, reducing the consumption of goods and so on, there has been a good situation.

Although in the past year in all aspects of our department made gratifying achievements, management level has been greatly improved, but we must also face up to the challenges and difficulties exist in the work face. First, the staff can not be completely in accordance with the standards of self-discipline, uneven quality, the next step needs to be improved. Second, our management staff level should be improved.Third, there are defects in our equipment, it can not play a good role in monitoring, needs to be improved. All of these problems and deficiencies have yet to be seriously thinking about our future and summary improvement.

Recalling the work of the years, truly feel the more severe form of the work situation. But we firmly believe that the Security Department, under the leadership of hotels at all levels guidance, closely around the hotel's year-round center to earth style of work, for the hotel development and stability to make new contributions!

保安英文自我评价范文 篇12

Job summary is a period of time for a comprehensive system of total inspection, total evaluation and total research, analysis, and analyze the result of insufficient, thus draws the cautionary experience. Summary is a kind of practical writing, is to have done the work to carry on the rational thinking. Summary and plan is complementary to each other, should be based on the work plan, a plan is always carried out on the basis of summing up experience. Below is from the dictionary of everyone to clean the property security of personal work summarizes material, hope to help you.

First, people-oriented, to improve the overall security team quality security services is a special service work, enterprise to development, the key is personnel quality. To this end, the company adhere to the "people-oriented, service first" as the principle of work, vigorously promotes the security team construction, improve security troop overall quality. One is strictly the "compartment", in the recruitment of staff, strict interview, said, according to the conditions employed for security personnel in strict accordance with the new recruit: pre-service training, monitor classes in practice, practice the pass, help, belt system. 2 it is to ask for each department should regularly or irregularly to conduct military training and fire drill, to enhance player's physical ability and strain capacity. Third, tree brand, the company each semi-annual selection, brand brand security officer team, voted on the team and the security officer to issue certificate and bonuses, to strengthen security awareness of wuxi. Four is concerned with the daily life of security, people from all over the country, the company leadership always will solve the security of food and clothing to the line as a great thing to grasp, 18 companies for the stationary point security configuration TVS are 7 and 11 water heater, air conditioning, electric cooker 33 units, conditional rent collective dormitory for security guards, with specialist provide meals for the security and security to let everyone feel the warmth of family, enables you to focus on their work, to ensure that the insured unit safety.