小学生爱国英语演讲稿 篇1
小学生爱国英语演讲稿 篇2
More than 100 years ago, our neighbor Japan, through the Meiji Restoration of road leading onto the bourgeois, than the overall national strength of China. Thus, once the Chinese subsidiary are resource-poor small countries begin coveted Chinese Jiangshan magnificent vast territory and abundant resources, they again and again by force of aggression against China, while our once great country of at this time can only be allowed to bully, because of their weak We simply can not carry out a powerful enemy resistance.
Fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil. From 1937 to 1945, the Chinese people with a full eight years to give the military aggression of Japanese militarism hard to combat, frenzied Japanese militarism in solidarity the people and the Chinese all over the world anti-fascist front of the people of the country has to the tail and bowed her head. Therefore, we can say that anti-fascist war, win the entire Chinese nation are a major event in the history, it is the Chinese people settle down, proud of the start, but also the Chinese nation "Sick Man of East Asia" signs, re-stand the nation in the world forest beginning.
More than 100 years ago, our neighbor Japan, through the Meiji Restoration of road leading onto the bourgeois, than the overall national strength of China. Thus, once the Chinese subsidiary are resource-poor small countries begin coveted Chinese Jiangshan magnificent vast territory and abundant resources, they again and again by force of aggression against China, while our once great country of at this time can only be allowed to bully, because of their weak We simply can not carry out a powerful enemy resistance.
Fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil. From 1937 to 1945, the Chinese people with a full eight years to give the military aggression of Japanese militarism hard to combat, frenzied Japanese militarism in solidarity the people and the Chinese all over the world anti-fascist front of the people of the country has to the tail and bowed her head. Therefore, we can say that anti-fascist war, win the entire Chinese nation are a major event in the history, it is the Chinese people settle down, proud of the start, but also the Chinese nation "Sick Man of East Asia" signs, re-stand the nation in the world forest beginning.
小学生爱国英语演讲稿 篇3
作为小学生的我,每周一都要参加学校举行的晨会。每次晨会,我们都要佩戴着鲜艳的红领巾,穿着整洁的校服,昂首挺胸、端庄严肃地站在升旗台的下方举行庄严隆重的升旗仪式。当雄壮的国歌声响起,鲜红的五星红旗随着气壮山河的国歌节奏在晨风中冉冉升起。我们每一个人的右手都高高举过头,向国旗致以最崇高的敬礼!阳光灿烂,五星红旗更加美丽耀眼,在蔚蓝的天空中迎风飘扬。此时此刻,我激动而自豪地凝望着国旗,仿佛看到国旗上有伟人们用爱国的心庄重地印下自己的名字,又仿佛 看到无数的志士浴血奋战在硝烟弥漫的战火中。国旗,祖国的象征;国歌,每一个中国人心中最激越的旋律,穿越时空,延续着我们中华民族的伟大传统,凝聚着新中国的豪情壮志。国旗的光辉伴随着我的成长,照亮了我们前进的道路。
每一位学生心中都有一颗爱国之心。旧时代的中国受尽了帝国主义列强的侮辱践踏,那沧桑的历史让我们知道,国家落后是要挨打!国家兴亡,匹夫有责!所以,我们应该用勤劳的双手让祖国繁荣昌盛,给祖国的炎黄子孙一个安定祥和的家园。其实怎样去爱国没有一个完美的答案,这也是永远无法用语言能够概括出的答案,因为我们每个人的答案都不会相同,都要用一生的时间去填写自己的一页, 只要自己心中有祖国,就是最好的答案!