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关于学好英语的英语口语对话 篇1

A: Hello, Linda. (你好,琳达。)

B: Hello, Bob. How are you?(你好,鲍勃。你怎么样?)

A: I am very frustrated about my English exam. (我的英语考试让我很郁闷。)

I think English is too difficult, and I don't like it. (我觉得英语太难了,我不喜欢英语。)

B: Well, English is not that hard at all.(哦,其实英语根本没有那么难。)

As long as you try your best you can speak English very well.

(只要你尽力学,你也可以说一 口流利的英语。)

I have confidence in you. Don't give up. (我对你有信心,别气馁。)

A: I think you are right,and I need to work harder. (我觉得你说的有道理,我需要再努努 力。)

Thank you for your encouragement.(谢谢你的鼓励。)

B: It's my pleasure. (我很愿意帮助你。)

关于学好英语的英语口语对话 篇2

English are very authentic, I feel that my hearing has improved greatly, but also can learn many foreign news.


This method is really great, now it's just you, Haitian, just the way you are


well,Although my English is poor, but I know a good way to learn, and that is by watching movies to learn English, because I like to watch movies, I feel like in the movies to learn English is full of fun.


Do you think what the film suitable for learning English?


That makes two of us,it is necessary to practice as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become




Listening and imitating should always go together.


I hope you can find their own way, to learn English well.
