英语教学设计 篇1初中英语教学设计 篇2初中英语教学设计 篇3初中八年级英语教学设计 篇4初中英语教学设计 篇5初中八年级英语教学设计 篇6初中英语教案 篇7英语教学设计 篇8初中英语教学设计 篇9英语教学设计 篇10英语教学设计 篇11初中英语教学设计与反思 篇12英语教学设计 篇13初中英语教学设计 篇14英语教学设计 篇1
unit 9 section a
1、 知识与能力:本节课的主要内容是学会运用连词and和but谈论喜好。
2、 过程与方法:采用discussing和concluding的教学策略;利用课件来展开课堂教学,pairwork问答的口语交际活动和小组活动,进行询问和谈论喜好的课堂教学和练习。
3、 情感态度价值观:本节课是通过“介绍电影”来学习“谈论喜好”,学习内容是学生非常感兴趣的话题,贴近学生的生活。通过互相介绍自己的喜好和偏爱,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情,并帮助学生找到彼此的共同点,加深沟通。
本节课的主要日容是谈论喜好,再导入新课时开采用播放课件复习电影种类:action movie , thriller,comedy ,documentary ,beijing opera.并询问:do you want to go to a movie? what kind of movies do you like?
1、通过复习what kind of movies do you like ? i like?。.等句型引导学生阅读3a 部分的句子,然后选择适当地连词and和but填空,练习i like?and i like?。she likes?。but she doesn’t like??等谈论喜好的目标举行完成3a部分的教学任务。
2、引导学生展开pairwork活动,完成3b部分口语交际教学任务。让学生根据部分的图画和文字说明,依次谈论人物的喜好,复习巩固所学的i like??and i like?。she likes?。but she doesn’t like??等目标语言。
一到学生进行游戏活动,让学生互相询问和谈论喜好。通过只能种方式,练习运用所学目标语言what kind of movies do you like ? i like?。.do you like??? yes , i do 。 no ,i don’t 完成第4部分的教学任务。
unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?
i like thrillers and i like action movies.
i like comedies but i don’t like documentaries 。
maria likes thrillers but she doesn’t like comedies 。
课堂学习及课外活动中去。使学生的听。说 。读。写能力得到全面提高,在愉快轻松的氛围中掌握知识。与此同时,带来的问题是:每个学生接受知识,获取知识的方式与快慢存在着差异,这就决定了在学习成效上的差别。为此,老师要对每个学生作深入了解,并制定相应“水平线”以鼓励学生超越。
初中英语教学设计 篇2
4、学习过程同时也是发现归纳的过程。学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自己得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自己的知识经验。我在处理how much与how many的区别用法时疏忽了这点,没有让学生自己发现总结出来,而是直接告诉他们,然后通过几个简单练习来巩固。使得学生记忆机械,呆板。效果也欠佳。
初中英语教学设计 篇3
《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个, 九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词?
3、重迁移。在教学中我们应提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法pen—pencil—pencil—box—day—today—monday—tuesday—yesterday,all—tall—ball—small 等等。
4、重趣味。英国著名语言家c.e 埃克斯利说:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。”我们在单词教学中不能一味让学生死记硬背,而应尝试运用多种形式巧记。如采用儿歌、猜谜语、简笔画等形式。
《 新目标英语 》倡导以任务为基础的教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的。应用。那么我们在教学中又应如何设计任务?
3、任务要由简到繁,由易到难,层层深入,构建由初级任务到高级任务并由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环,使教学阶梯式地层层递进。如教授八年级上unit4时,我们可先设计一个这样的任务:who how how long,然后设计这样的任务:who how how far how long。
4、要注意 任务的合作性。任务的完成必须依赖于学习者之间的共同合作,每一个学习者在执行任务的过程中,都担当各自不同的角色,都需要提供自己所掌握的信息,在共同完成任务的过程中培养合作精神。
现在我们流行这样一种说法:一节课老师最多讲15分钟,剩下的要么是开展活动,要么就是让学生自学。《 新目标英语 》中每单元至少有两篇阅读材料,我们现在一般都采用阅读教学法,通过发现问题、分析问题、解决问题来获得知识,强调自学与合作学习。那么在课堂教学中教师到底要不要讲?究竟应该怎样讲?
4、合作中提示讲:当学生在合作学习中不能抓住要点进行有效合作时,教师要进行提示性讲解,以使合作有效、深入。 5、总结时补充讲:在总结一节课、一篇材料的阅读情况时,在学生概括、总结的基础上,教师要及时进行补充,以进一步进行提炼和归纳,从而使总结更加完整、准确。
《 新目标英语 》中没有突出音标教学,但为了帮助学生掌握单词,改变学生从一开始学英语就处于被动的学习地位的现状,我们必须进行音标教学。那么,我们如何在新形势下教学音标?
《 新目标英语 》倡导和鼓励任务型语言教学模式。也就是让学生通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言活动形式来学习和掌握语言。这套教材图文并茂、实用性强,交际性强。如八年级(上)中的unit6重点是讲授形容词的比较级,教材中除了少数的几个例句,根本没有提到任何语法规则。但是在教学实践中到底要不要教学语法?语法教学应受到多大的重视?
我认为应该教学语法,应该重视语法教学。当然,我强调语法教学的重要性并不是要回复到传统的语法教学模式中去,而是强调培养学习者的语法意识 。widdowson 在一次演讲中指出,语言由两部分内容组成,一部分是综合的,记忆中的词块;另一部分是分析性的语法规则。语法在语言中起的是调节性的作用,但是这一功能必不可少。不学语法是不可能真正学会一种语言的。事实上,在农村大多数学生在离开课堂之后并没有多少听说英语的机会,他们十分缺少环境英语的反复刺激。而在课堂中学到的毕竟有限,如果让他们掌握了规律,那么在任何时候他们都能通过思考,转化成自己的知识,继而形成语言能力。一旦有了良好的外语交际环境,学生们自然也就能自如地运用。
初中八年级英语教学设计 篇4
A Teaching Plan For Unit 9 “Go For It” Book 3
Teaching Aims:
● To learn about passive voice and adverbial clause with when
●To learn to use when/how long questions
●To talk about famous people
●To learn the simple past tense
Important and difficult points:
To improve the students’ abilities
Teaching Procedures:
Warming up by learning about Passive voice
What does the passive voice look like?
Compare these active sentences and passive voice sentences:
active: The boy ate the apple.
passive: The apple was eaten by the boy.
active: Mary will drive the van.
passive: The van will be driven by Mary.
Identifying S-V-DO
Only sentences which have a direct object can be made into passive voice sentences. Only verbs which take a direct object can be used in passive voice sentences. Let’s look at the sentences we saw above.
The boy ate the apple.
subject=boy, verb=ate, direct object=apple
Mary will drive the van.
subject=Mary, verb=will drive, direct object=van
You can probably identify the verb easily. The subject comes before (to the left of) the verb and the object comes after (to the right of) the verb.
Warming up by asking questions
Hello, everyone! I had a party yesterday. What kind of party? Can you guess? It was my birthday party. Yes, I was born on November 5th, 1972. What about you? Let’s find out when were you were born.
T: When is your birthday?
S: April 22
T: When were you born?
Now please pay attention to the structure
Sb + was/were + born + in + year 出生于____年
We use it to express when is our birthday.For example:
I was born on October 25th, 1975.
1a Talking about international sports stars
T: Do you like sport? I think many of you like it. What sport do you like?
S: football, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, basketball and so on.
T: Ok! I know you are sports fans. You must know the famous sports stars. I have some pictures of them 。Do you know them. Let’s make a list.
International Sports StarsWhat kind of sportDo you like him or her? Why?
Michael JordanBasketballsuperman
Deng YapingTable tennisPertinacity
Martina HingisTennisresourceful
David BeckhamfootballHandsome
Please think about these questions. What sport does he or she play? Do you like him or her? Why or why not?
1b Listening and writing
Listen to the tape and write the year when the sports star were born. I will play it twice. First time you can only listen and the second time you can write.
Deng Yaping:1973Michael Jordan:1963
Martina Hingis:1980David Beckham:1975
Read the tapescript and try to underline the expressions and shadow the when/how long questions
1c Doing pairwork
First let’s look at the dialogue about Deng Yaping. Please read it after me. When you read please pay attention to the pronunciations and intonations.
A: Who’s that?
B: That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.
A: When was she born?
B: She was born in 1973.
Now make the similar dialogue about other people with your partners. I’d like to ask some pair to act it out. For example:
A: Who’s that?
B: That’s Michael Jordan. He is a great American basketball player.
A: When was he born?
B: He was born in 1963.
2a Listening and filling the chart
Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Learn the new words
Hiccup 打嗝
sneeze 打喷嚏
world record means the best in the world
Let’s listen to the tape carefully and fill in the chart.
While listening, try to get the important thing --- “how long”
2b Listening and filling in the chart.
Listen again and fill in the “started” and “stopped” columns.
Who holds world recordHow longStartedStopped
Charleshiccupping69years and 5 months19221990
Danna Greensneezing978daysJanuary13,9811983
Read the tapescript and try to underline the expressions and shadow the when/how long questions
2c Filling the chart and speaking
First let’s fill in the blank with the information from the chart in last part.
A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?
B: He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.
A: When did he start hiccupping?
B: He started in 1922
A: When did he stop hiccupping?
B: He stopped in 1990.
Please practice the conversation with your partner.
Make the same kind of conversation about Donna Green.
The students’ conversation may be like this.
A: How long did Donna Green sneezing?
B: She sneezing for978 days.
A: When did she start her sneezing?
B: She started on January 13,1981.
A: When did she stop sneezing?
B: She stopped on September16, 1983.
Grammar Focus
Please go over this part by yourselves. Put your questions to me if you have any. Please pay attention to the tense and the past forms of verbs. When we talk about things in the past, we should use the past tense. The past form of “be” is “was” or “were”。 To the regular verbs, “ed” should be added after them. And as for the irregular verbs we should remember their past forms.
3a Doing pairwork
First you read and fill in the chart with your partner.
The word achievement means “the important thing each person did in life.
Tiger WoodsStarted golf10 months old
Shirley TempleMovie starThree year old
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWriting music Four years old
Mei LanfangFirst performed Beijing OperaTen
RonaldoPlayed for his national teamSeventeen
Liu xuanWon a gold medal at the World Championshipseventeen
3b Doing pairwork
Since you have finished reading the chart and filling in your answers, please work in pairs as is the examples in the book.
A: Who is Mozart?
B: He’s a musician.
A: When did he start writing music?
B: When he was four years old years old.
4a Interviewing
Boys and girls, let’s play a game, an interview.
Look at the chart and interview you partners by asking the question.
How old were you when…?
Name AchievementAge More information
Learned to ride a bicycle
Started learning English
Started playing sports
First went to a movie
First had a party
4b Speaking
Who would like to tell us his report about his interview?
John started things early. He learned to ride a bicycle when he was only three years old. Sometimes he fell off the bike, but he never gave up. He was a brave boy.
Closing down by having a free conversation
Some students may be interested in sports stars, but some are not. If you don’t like this topic, you can talk about your favorite persons, instead.
a good time at the party?“ ”Yes,we did./No,we didn't."
初中英语教学设计 篇5
(2)Is this / that…?肯定否定回答时代词的使用。
初中八年级英语教学设计 篇6
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?
Section A
The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。
Ⅰ。Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1、 Learn some new words and phrases:
almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis
2、 Learn some useful sentences:
(1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.
(2)Would you like to come and cheer us on?
3、 Learn the future tense with be going to:
(1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.
(2)Are you going to join the school rowing club?
4、 Talk about preferences:
—Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?
—I prefer rowing.
5、 Talk about sports and games.
Ⅱ。 Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ。 Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)
1、 (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)
T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. The new term begins. This is our first English lesson this term. Did you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays?
Ss: …
T: We all know doing sports is good for our health. Now let’s review some sports and learn some new ones.
T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.
S1: They are playing basketball.
T: Do you like playing basketball?
S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: How many players are there in the basketball team?
S1: There are five players.
T: What are they doing? S2, do you know?
S2: They are playing volleyball. (教师帮助该生回答。)
(用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。)
(板书,并让学生跟读,要求学生理解cycle, ski;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)
cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski
2、 (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)
T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing?
S3: Rowing.
T: Good! The phrase “like … better” means “prefer”。
T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer?
S4: I prefer basketball.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。
1、 (利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。)
T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them. Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please.
S?1: Yes, I do.
T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right?
S1: Yes.
T: OK. When we plan to do something, we can say we are going to do something.
be going to do sth.
T: When I tell you my plan, you retell it with be going to. OK, boys and girls?
Ss: OK.
T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight. S2, please.
S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight.
T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow. S3, please.
S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.
T: Good! When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use be going to.
2、 (教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。)
T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon.
S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon.
T: Are you going to swim?
S4: Yes, I am.
—Are you going to swim?
—Yes, I am.
3、 (展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。)
T: Now look at the poster. Here is the news. Our class is going to have a basketball game against Class 3 at 5:00 this afternoon. Would you like to cheer them on?
Ss:Yes, we’d love to./I’d love to.
against, cheer, cheer 。.。 on
T: Look at this picture. They are Kangkang and Michael. What are they talking about? Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions.
(1) Which class is Michael’s class going to play against?
(2) Is Kangkang going to cheer them on?
4、 (学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。)
basketball—saw—play—almost—every day—against—Sunday—game—term—come— cheer … on—I’d love to—hope—win
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
1、 (根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。)
T: OK. Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles.
2、 (教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。)
T: S1, what are you going to do this term?
S1: I’m going to learn English better.
T: What about you, S2?
S2: I’m going to study math hard.
T: Oh, it’s a good plan. S3, do you know what your partner is going to do?
S3: Yes. He is going to learn rowing.
T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.
3、 (创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。)
T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term. Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboard.
be going to, play, I’m afraid, homework, summer, play against, I hope
S4: Hi, S5.
S5: Hi, S4. I am going to play … Are you going to play with us?
S4: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays.
S5: Yes. You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on?
S4: Of course. I’d love to. And I hope you will win.
(教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。)
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。
1、 (通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。)
T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do?
Ss: (Picture 1) They are going to go skating.
(Picture 2) They are going to go skiing.
T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …?
S1: I prefer …
T: What about you, S2?
S2: I prefer …
T: S3, do you often go swimming?
S3: Yes, very often.
T: Good. You can also say “quite a lot/a bit”。 “Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming much?”
(板书,并领读,要求学生掌握quite, bit和quite a lot/a bit。)
quite, bit
very often = quite a lot/a bit
I go swimming very often.= I go swimming much.
T: S4, do you go rowing much?
S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit.
T: S5, do you go skiing much?
S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯)
S6: No, seldom.(否)
T: Oh, you don’t like sports. It isn’t good. I think you should join a sports club, and maybe you will like sports there.
join, club
T: Discuss with your partner which sports club you would like to join.
S7: I am going to join the school rowing club.
S8: …
2、 (让学生听3录音,并完成3。)
T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot. Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3.
3、 (做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)
(挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。)
T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.
S9: Are you going to play basketball?
S10: No, I’m not.
S9: Are you going to play volleyball?
S10: Yes, I am.
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)
1、 (小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。)
T: Work in groups. Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates.
(1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …?
(2)Do you … much?
(3)Are you going to … next week?
2、 Homework:
用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。
Are you going to play basketball?
Section A
prefer be going to + do sth.
cheer … on We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.
quite a bit / a lot Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?
I prefer rowing.
Are you going to join the school rowing club?
Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m going to …
Section B
The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。
Ⅰ。 Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1、 Learn some new words and phrases:
dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single
2、 Go on learning the future tense with be going to:
—What are you going to be when you grow up?
—I’m going to be a dancer.
3、 Talk about the favorite sports and players:
(1)—What’s your favorite sport, Maria?
—Basketball, of course.
(2)—Who’s your favorite player?
—LeBron James. / I like Yao Ming best.
Ⅱ。 Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ。 Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)
1、 (学生在小组内进行链式对话,讨论他们所喜爱的运动项目,注意使用prefer。)
T: I know many students like sports. Please discuss in groups which sport your partners prefer. You can begin like this: S1, which sport do you prefer, skiing or rowing?
S1: I prefer rowing. S2, which sport do you prefer, cycling or skating?
S2: I prefer … What about you, S3?
S3: I prefer … S4, which sport do you prefer, volleyball or soccer?
S4: I prefer …
2、 (教师询问学生新学期计划,复习“be going to+do”。)
T: At the beginning of the term, everyone has some plans. You are going to do a lot of things to make more progress and make your school life more interesting. Now, please tell me your plans. What are you going to do?
S5: I’m going to join an English club.
S6: I’m going to learn to play basketball. I want to be a good player.
S7: …
3、 (教师通过展示图片导入本课新单词。)
T: Look at the girl in the picture. What is she doing now?(教师指着图片问。)
S8: She is sleeping.
T: You’re right. And she is dreaming. She is having a class in her dream. And her dream job is to be a teacher in the future. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
dream, job, future, in the future, grow, grow up
T: We know her dream job is to be a teacher in the future. What about you?
S9: My dream job is to be a teacher in the future.
S10: My dream job is to be a basketball player in the future.
T: S11, are you going to be a dancer when you grow up?(教师出示舞蹈演员的图片,帮助学生理解。)
S11: No, I’m not.
T: What are you going to be when you grow up?
S11: I’m going to be a teacher.
What are you going to be when you grow up?
I’m going to be a teacher.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
呈现1a,继续学习be going to的特殊疑问句式。
1、 (教师展示一些运动员的图片,如刘翔、姚明、迈克尔?菲尔普斯等,导入1a对话。)
T: Look at the pictures. Can you tell me their names?
Ss: They are Liu Xiang, …
T: Who’s your favorite player, S1?
S1: My favorite player is …
T: What about Michael’s favorite player? Listen to the dialog in 1a and then answer the following questions:
(1)Who’s Michael’s favorite player?
(2)What is Michael going to be when he grows up?
(3)What’s Maria’s dream job?
2、 (出示小黑板,依据1a完成表格。)
T: Read 1a and complete the information about Yao Ming in the table.
Player Yao Ming
Play for
T: Now let’s check the answers. Yao Ming is a basketball player. He is 2.26 meters tall. He plays for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.
(板书并要求学生理解player, Houston Rockets;了解NBA。)
Houston Rockets
3、 (再放1a录音,让学生跟读,并注意语音语调。)
T: Listen to the tape again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Go!
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
1、 (让学生根据小黑板上的听力问题和表格中的信息,两人一组进行对话。)
T: Work in pairs and act out the dialog according to the questions on the small blackboard and information in the table. Then I’ll ask two pairs to act it out in the front.
2、 (让学生四人一组讨论他们所喜欢的运动、运动明星以及未来的梦想,并完成表格。然后汇报讨论结果,完成1b。)
T: Discuss in groups of four about your favorite sports, favorite players and your dream jobs in the future, and fill in the table in 1b. Then make a report according to 1b. In a few minutes I will ask someone to give me your report about your classmates.
T: S1, are you ready? Please report.
S1: Yes. She is going to be a teacher in the future. It’s her dream job. She likes sports very much because it is important to her. Her favorite sport is swimming and her favorite player is Phelps.
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)
1、 (教师出示张怡宁、菲尔普斯、刘翔的图片,通过师生对话,谈论这些运动明星。)
T: I have some photos of famous sports stars, who are they? Can you say something about them?
S1: Zhang Yining is a table tennis player. She won the first in the Athens and Beijing Olympic Games.
S2: Phelps is an athlete. And he is the first athlete to win so many medals at a single Olympics. (教师帮助学生回答。)
T: Do you know an active runner named Liu Xiang?
S3: Yes.
athlete, single, active, runner
T: Do you like him?
S3: Of course, I do.
T: OK. Do you know anything about him?
S3: …
T: As we know, Liu Xiang is one of the best runners in the world. He broke the Olympic record in the 2004 Athens Olympics and won a gold medal. But in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he had to give up the race. Do you know why? Please read the following passage in 2a, find out the answer and pay attention to the new words.
(板书,教学生词,并要求学生掌握break(broke), record, gold, give up;理解medal。)
break(broke), record, gold, give up, medal
2、 (播放2a录音,让学生跟读,完成2b,并核对答案。)
T: Listen and read after the tape. Then finish 2b and check the answers.
3、 (让学生再读2a,找出生词和疑难点,教师解释并板书生词和关键词,要求学生掌握shame,为复述短文做准备。)
T: Please read 2a again and find out the key words.
Liu Xiang — active — broke … record — won — give up — shame;
Phelps — eight — in swimming — first athlete — single;
Zhang Yining — table tennis players — twice
4、 (教师让学生根据上面板书的关键词复述短文。练习、巩固2a。)
T: Please retell the passage according to the key words.
5、 (播放3录音,完成短文。)
T: Now listen to the tape of 3. Complete the passage by yourselves.
T: Listen to the tape again and check your answers. Are you right? Good.
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1、 (小组讨论并制作自己喜欢的运动员的名片。)
T: Please make a card about your favorite sports player.
Name Card
2、 Homework:
Are you going to play basketball?
Section B
grow up What are you going to be when you grow up?
in the future I’m going to be a dancer.
play for What a shame!
give up
Section C
The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。
Ⅰ。 Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1.Learn some new words and phrases:
mountain, spend, spend … (in) doing, hour, exercise, do exercise, baseball, pretty, pretty well, jump, weekend, take part in, popular, all over, be good for, heart, the day after tomorrow, healthy, fit, keep fit, relax
2.Go on learning the future tense with be going to + do:
(1)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.
(2)She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.
(3)—What are you going to do tomorrow morning?
—I’m going to play soccer. I like it very much.
3.Go on talking about the favorite sports and reasons:
I like playing soccer very much. Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.
4.Talk about plans and intentions.
5.Improve the students’ ability of reading.
Ⅱ。 Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ。 Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)
1、 (复习上节课所学的运动项目的名称。教师展示一些体育活动的图片。学生使用图片,三人一组,到讲台前进行问答表演,说出自己喜欢的体育活动。)
T: Please come to the blackboard to talk about your favorite sports with your partners. You can begin like this: S1, what’s your favorite sport?
S1: S2, what’s your favorite sport?
S2: Skating. And you, S3?
S3: I prefer…
2、 (快速问答,导入新课,找一名平时喜欢运动的同学。)
T: S4, do you like sports?
S4: Yes, I do.
T: Do you often go mountain climbing?(出示登山的图片。)
S4: Yes, I do.
T: When do you often go mountain climbing?
S4: On Sundays.
T: S5, please talk about S4 according to what he/she said.
S5: He/She likes sports very much. He/She often goes mountain climbing on Sundays.
T: S6, do you like doing exercise?
S6: Yes, I do.
T: How often do you do exercise?
S6: Every day.
T: How long do you spend doing exercise every day?(必要时可译成汉语。)
S6: About thirty minutes.
T: S6 spends about thirty minutes in doing exercise every day.
mountain, exercise, do exercise, spend, spend …(in) doing sth.
T: Thirty minutes is half an hour, so we can also say “S6 often spends half an hour (in) doing exercise every day.”
T: S7, please talk about S6 according to what he/she said.
S7: He/She likes doing exercise. He/She often spends thirty minutes/half an hour (in) doing exercise every day.
T: Well done. You are very clever.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
1、 (教师展示一幅一小女孩打棒球的图片。)
T: Boys and girls, let’s look at the picture. This girl is Ann. What’s she doing? Do you know?
Ss: She is playing baseball and she plays it pretty well. (教师可帮同学回答。)
baseball, pretty, pretty well
T: (教师手指图画)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. Do you want to take part in it? S1, please.
S1: Yes, I do.
weekend, take part in
T: Which sport are you good at?
S1: Running /…
T: Are you good at the long jump or the high jump?(教师边说边指着图片中的跳远和跳高项目。)
S1: I’m good at the long jump/the high jump.
(板书,让学生猜词义,并要求掌握jump,理解the long jump和the high jump。)
jump, the long jump, the high jump
2、 (听1a录音,回答下列问题。)
T: Do you want to know which sport Ann is good at? Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:
(1)Which sport is Ann good at?
(2)How long does she spend in the gym every day?
3、 (让学生再听1a录音,跟读并注意语音语调。)
T: Listen to the tape again and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)
1、 (让学生再读一遍1a,完成1b。)
T: According to 1a, we know Ann likes doing sports a lot. She does sports every day. Please read 1a again and complete the timetable in 1b.
2、 (根据1b,完成1c。)
T: According to the timetable in 1b, ask and answer in pairs to finish 1c, then write down the answers.
3、 (根据Ann的活动时间表,描述Ann一周的运动情况。)
T: Well done! Please discuss with your partner and describe Ann’s activities in a week according to her sports timetable.
Ann does exercise in the gym from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. every day. She goes cycling from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. …
T: Each group can choose one student to report. Let’s begin.
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)
完成2。巩固be going to的特殊疑问句的用法。
1、 (讨论运动对人体的益处,引出生词,必要时用图片或体态语帮助学生理解生词,导入2。)
T: Boys and girls, we have talked about many kinds of sports. How do you feel after doing sports?
S1: I feel better.
S2: I am strong.
T: Yes, we all know doing sports is good for our health. It’s a good way to keep fit/healthy.
be good for
keep fit / healthy
T: S3, do you often do sports?
S3: Yes, quite a lot.
T: Why?
S3: Because it can keep me fit / healthy.(可帮助学生回答。)
T: Good. Doing sports is good for our health in many ways. S4, do you often run in the morning?
S4: Yes, I do.
T: Why?
S4: Because it’s good for my legs, heart and lungs.(可帮助学生回答。)
heart, lung
T: I like doing sports very much. I often walk. Do you know why? Because it can help me to relax, and it’s a good way to keep healthy.
2、 (教师展示一幅NBA球赛的图片,上面有很多人在观看比赛,教师指着图片问。)
T: What are they doing?
Ss: They are having a basketball game.
T: Yes, basketball games are popular all over the world.
all over
T: Do you know other popular games all over the world?
初中英语教案 篇7
Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world.
Teaching Objectives:
1. Practise listening ability.
2. Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs
The Past Perfect Tense
Language Focus: Checkpoint 18
Teaching Procedures:
I. Showing the teaching aims
II. Revision
Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.
Revise the use of the Infinitive
III. leading in
T: Today we'll learn something about Coco. Do you know where she is from?
IV. Listening practice
Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean. Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.
V. Presentation
Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help the students find “China” and “India” on the map. Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries. They have a large population in the world.
Ask: What’s the population of China and what’s the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions. (China's population is 1 328 000 000 and India's population is 1 000 000 000). That’s to say India’s population is smaller than China’s .Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text.
VI. Practice
Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples:
1. He had left before his wife came back.
2. I remembered that Peter had already got a bike.
3. By the end of last month, he had learned 20xx new words.
4. When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.
Then ask the students to do Exercise 3. The answers are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D. Let the students read these sentences together.
VII. Practice
Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers. The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to
VIII. Workbook
Give the students five minutes to finish workbook. Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4. Then check the answers.
The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had
The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on
IX. Summary
Exercises in class
Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit.
Lucy and Lily are___1___. They are living together___2___. But sometimes they fight. It doesn't last too___3___. They___4___very well with each other again.
They look___5__, so it's hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy___6__Lily. We always___7___mistakes. They feel___8__. They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and___9__. But Lily likes to___10__, Lucy likes to___11__, they don’t like the same colour,____12___. So they have some___13____Sometimes they disagree, but they never___14__. They love each other and they are___15___happy that they are twins.
Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8. the same 9. books 10 .dance 11. sing 12. either 13. differences 14. fight 15.both
X. Homework
Prepare for the final examination.
英语教学设计 篇8
初中英语教学设计 篇9
初中英语教学设计:Unit 7How do you make a banana milk shake?
peel, cut up, put … into, pour, turn on。
How do you make… ?
First… , than… ,next… , finally…。
how much + 不可数名词
how many + 可数名词
多媒体 搅拌器 几个塑料杯 六个香蕉 两杯牛奶 一大杯做好的香蕉奶昔
What drink do you like?待学生纷纷表达自我喜好时,举着备好的奶昔边说:Here is some banana milk shake。 Would you like some?学生抢着回答yes时,把准备好的奶昔分给他们(部分学生自带有杯子)品尝。之后问:Do you know how to make this milk shake?(有学生回答no),并宣布:此刻我们来制作这种香蕉奶昔。
二、教学make a banana milk shake
2、播放制作香蕉奶昔全过程,结合学习关键词汇:peel, cut up, put … into, pour, turn on。
3、listening。 要求学生把制作香蕉奶昔的顺序标在书本1b的横线上。
4、教师制作奶昔。边演示边解说(in English)
5、pairwork 学生两人一组,操练如何制作香蕉奶昔。
分别请两位同学(自愿)到讲台上演示制作香蕉奶昔。要求按步骤用英语解说(如有误,教师纠正)然 后连同老师做的奶昔一齐分给同学们品尝。(充分肯定表扬上来制作奶昔的同学)
2、小结how much与how many的'区别和用法:
how much+不可数名词
how many+可数名词
how much、how many
What do you want?
apples does she have?
birds can we see?
chacolate did he eat
学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自我得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自我的知识经验。我在处理how much与how many的区别用法时疏忽了这点,没有让学生自我发现总结出来,而是直接告诉他们,然后透过几个简单练习来巩固。使得学生记忆机械,呆板。效果也欠佳。
英语教学设计 篇10
1、教幼儿能听懂并说出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名称(eye. Mouse. Mouth)
1、字卡:eye[ai]眼睛 nose(nauz)鼻子 mouth[mau]嘴巴
1、听录音,和老师一起做“五官操”,以及激发幼儿的学习热情,并让幼儿接触“eye, mose, mouth”的发音。
eye、eye、eye. 眨呀眨
nose、nose、nose 闻一闻
mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波
ears、ears、ears 听声音
(师):我们每个人都有一张“Face”,在我们的”face”上长有器官,谁能告诉我这些器官的名称,小朋友边说老师边在黑板上画五官,并用英语说:eye two
eyes nose mouth。最后添上头发,耳朵画成一个调度小男孩。幼儿练习“eye mouse mouth”时按五官的上下顺序,同时注意幼儿发音是否 规范。
师:touch your eyes, one 、two、three,
幼:(手指眼睛)here 、here 、here,
师:touch your nose, one 、two 、three,
幼(手指鼻子)here 、here、 here,
师:touth your mouth, one、 two、three.
幼:(手指嘴边)here、 here 、here。
方法:小朋友每三人一组,给缺少五官的脸谱添画eye nose mouth在添画时告诉大家你画的是什么。
10、五年级英语《School Lunch》教学设计
英语教学设计 篇11
1本单元重点学习围绕食物展开的单词及功能性句子。本课时主要学习一些有关食物的单词:tomato ,tofu,potato,fish,green beans, eggplant和句型What would you like for lunch? l dlike…其中有些单词和句型在四年级上册已经学过,也可以说本单元是四年级上册第五单元的延续。
2、学习有关食物的词汇及如何用英语谈论自己最喜欢的食物,A部分侧重学习有关食物的单词以及一天三餐的食谱。B部分则是谈论自己最喜欢的食物以及原因 C部分是通过制作最喜欢的食物广告活动,逐渐把所学知识内化为自己的能力。
1、 能力目标:能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:
What would you like for lunch today? I’d like …
2、 知识目标:认读Let’s learn 的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词;了解good to know等部分的内容。
重点:掌握有关食物单词:tomato ,tofu,potato, eggplant,greenbeans
四、 教学过程
1、Warm- up
(1) Greetings.
(2)Let’s sing and chant.《What Would You Like》播放《PEP小学英语》四年级上第五单元歌曲,学生跟录音唱。
(1)Do you like vegetables?I like vegetables very much 。After a while,I’ll introduce some vegetables and meat for you! Oh, look, I have a riddles 。(出示Let’s start部分的谜语。)
(2)用谜语引出单词 tomato , potato
Riddle1:It’s red and round. It grow on the ground. It looks like an apple, but it isn’t an apple.What’s it?(tomato.) Riddle2: It’s brown. French fries are made of them. What is it ?(potato)
(3)利用实物教授单词:eggplant,green beans,cabbage,fish , tofu, cabbage.注意纠正cabbage和tofu的读音。
(4) 教授单词pork , mutton。
(5)Group work.
以小组为单位,利用食物卡片,模拟餐厅里吃饭的场景,学生在小组内练习句型What would you like for lunch?及巩固新单词。
3.Extension and Consolidation
(1)、Make the summary.
(2)Make a survey
Unit 3 What’s your favourite food?
单词:Park tofu mutton tomato fish patato eggplant
What do you have for lunch today?
I have eggplant and tomatoes 。
I have onions and green beans.
初中英语教学设计与反思 篇12
英语教学设计 篇13
为了更好的贴近学生的生活,我选取了一个与学生息息相关的一个话题:Living in Big Cities(居住在大城市)。上海是一个国际型大都市,学生们就生活在这样一个氛围中,对这个话题很熟悉。这堂课主要采取的是小组讨论发言的形式,将全班同学每四人分为一个小组,让每个小组先内部讨论然后再发言。
Do you like living in Shanghai?
Have you ever been living in small cities or countryside?
Can you give me your reasons why you like or why you don’t like living in Shanghai?
Which part of Shanghai do you like best?
Do you think it is easy to live in big cities?
When you grow up, where do you want to live, if possible?
Housing—housing estates, flats, suburbs, gardens, skyscrapers, high cost for housing
Working—office, factory, or industry, joint venture, white collar, employer, employee
Shopping—big shops, Huaihai Road, fashionable clothes
Leisure—sports, coffee bars, cinema, theatre, music concert, clubs, colorful lights
Eating—traditional Shanghai restaurants, snacks, fast food, pubs Weather—cold and rainy in winter, hot and breathless in summer
Environment—traffic jams, noise, pollution, good education, subway, highway network, overpopulation, fierce competitions
①more chances for finding jobs;
②can receive good education;
③connect with different people;
④easy to be informed of new things and new concepts;
⑤easy to run after fashion;
⑥have convenient traffic network and advanced subway;
⑦There are many fabulous architecture, such as Shanghai East pearl,
The Jin Mao Building, Shikumen architecture and etc.
⑧The multifarious entertainment in Shanghai is attractive to many people, such as Hengshan Road, Xintiandi Square.
①high living expenses and dear consumptions;
②fierce competition and heavy pressure;
③Lots of homeless people give heavy pressure to social security and they often make streets dirty.
④Many chemical factories and numerous cars bring air pollution and noise pollution.
⑤Traffic jams always make me late for school.
⑥The weather in Shanghai is not comfortable.
不少学生往往在动笔之前缺乏对文章整体框架的理解,常常是只见树木不见森林,写了上句没下句。这样的片段性思维使最后的成文看起来不那么连贯,结构也不够井然有序。作为一篇议论文,我要求学生在行文的第一段就要表明自己的观点。由于母语的影响,很多学生写英语作文的时候不是开门见山,而是曲径通幽型。这是东西方文化的差异所致,中文讲究的是形散神聚,而英语则要求神聚形也聚。接下来的行文中,尽量用topic sentence来表明本段的思想,选取上述的优势或者劣势中有代表性和自己熟悉的两到三点进行详细阐述。在文章结束的时候要用一两句精炼的话来总结整篇文章的主旨。
Paragraph 1: 指出当前人们对于居住在大城市的看法,指出I like living in big cities, like Shanghai。
①more chances for hunting a job(各种类型的企业在上海遍地开花,给大家提供了很多就业机会)
②easy to be informed by new things(举例说明上海接受新科技、新潮流、新知识之迅速)
我在教学中尽量给出多种题材,让学生有机会接触到不同类型的话题,而在写前阶段的训练中除了常用的Brainstorming之外也会采用job list、free writing、图片激发、背景知识输入等形式来激发学生的想象力。通过课后与一些学生的谈话,我发现,大部分学生开始时对这样的课有一定的排斥,不太积极表达自己的观点,但在经过三至四次课之后就会变得活跃起来,他们认为教师对他们思维的开拓是写作的至关重要的一步。
初中英语教学设计 篇14
1. 知识与技能目标:学生能够掌握本节课的基本词汇和句型,理解并运用相关的语法知识。
2. 过程与方法目标:学生通过参与课堂活动,提高听说读写的综合能力,培养自主学习和合作学习的能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:学生通过学习,增强对英语学习的兴趣和信心,培养跨文化交流的意识。
1. 词汇教学:选取与主题相关的词汇,通过图片、实物等直观方式进行教学,帮助学生理解和记忆。
2. 句型教学:通过例句和情景对话,引导学生学习并掌握本节课的重点句型。
3. 语法教学:通过讲解、练习和归纳等方式,帮助学生掌握相关的语法知识。
4. 文化教学:结合课文内容,介绍相关的。文化背景知识,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
1. 情景教学法:通过创设真实的或模拟的情境,让学生在情境中学习语言,提高语言的运用能力。
2. 任务型教学法:通过设计具体的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习语言,培养解决问题的能力。
3. 合作学习法:通过小组合作的方式,让学生在互动中学习语言,提高团队协作的能力。
4. 游戏教学法:通过游戏的方式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习语言,增强学习的兴趣和动力。
1. 导入环节:通过提问、图片等方式,引出本节课的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 呈现环节:通过讲解、演示等方式,呈现本节课的基本词汇、句型和语法知识。
3. 练习环节:通过口头练习、书面练习等方式,帮助学生巩固所学知识,提高语言的运用能力。
4. 巩固环节:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等方式,让学生在互动中进一步巩固所学知识。
5. 拓展环节:通过提供相关的阅读材料、视频资料等,引导学生拓展视野,提高综合语言素养。
1. 形成性评价:通过观察学生在课堂活动中的表现,了解他们的学习情况和进步程度。
2. 总结性评价:通过课后作业、测试等方式,检验学生对本节课所学知识的掌握情况。