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英文小短文 篇1

The 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report placed Thailand in a group known as Tier Three. That is the lowest rating among 23 countries that U.S. officials say are not doing enough to stop modern slavery.

The report tells about the tens of thousands of migrants to Thailand. Many of these people are forced to work in Thailand’s fishing industry or the sex trade. The Tier Three listing opens up Thailand and others to possible American sanctions.

The State Department studied 188 countries, including the United States. The report is aimed at forcing governments to take steps to help the estimated 20 million victims of modern slavery.

Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to reporters in Washington last Friday. He called human trafficking one of the greatest threats to human dignity and freedom.

“It is a call to action to governments and citizens around the world to uncover modern slavery and hold it accountable, to identify the victims, to bring their abusers to justice. There cannot be impunity for those who traffic human beings. It must end.”

U.S. officials noted some hopeful news in the report this year. The State Department named 10 heroes in the effort to stop trafficking. They include Beatrice Jedy-Agba of Nigeria. She is the head of Nigeria’s National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking. Officials praised her efforts to help trafficking victims rejoin Nigerian society. They also praised her work with other nations to deal with trafficking in Africa.

“I made a connection with those victims that I met, and I thought I’m going to help them through this and I’m going to make sure nobody else has to go through this ever again.”

Secretary of State Kerry said he hopes more people and governments will answer his “call to action” – to fight what he calls the scourge of modern slavery. I’m Caty Weaver.

经典爱情故事英语短文 篇2


He and she belongs to childhood, each with a similar frequency of breathing.


Over time, the marriage will be a dull and depressed. She knew that he and considerate, a good heart that he may still not satisfied, she asked him, how can you taste that did not, he embarrassed smile, how fun to be there?


Later, she wanted to leave him. He asked, why? She said that I hate living this kind of stagnant water. He said, then let God to decide, if it rains tonight, that is, God with us. That night, she just , I heard the voice of rain hit the window, she was astonished, really rain? She walked up the window, the glass is water, looked at the night sky is starry sky!


She climbed on the roof, God! He is upstairs spoonful spoonful of watered down. She was a move, he gently hold from behind


Marriage is a little taste of it like an oasis in the desert, let us hope of eye fatigue and the United States, due to the “left” and “right hand” a fresh feeling.


英语自我介绍短文 篇3

On August 3, my language art class began class.

The teacher walked to the platform and smiled at us with a mysterious smile. “today we will introduce ourselves.” As soon as I heard the words “self-introduction”, I was horrified. One time in the past, when called to “gao”, I had to crustily skin of head up, when I'm standing on the platform, see uniformly dozens of pairs of eyes staring at me, my brain was blank, heaven - out is the Monkey King. I began to whisper, “hello, everyone! My name is gao shuang. I am seven years old. Everybody stared big eyes, open wide mouth, make the voice of surprise, I thought, am I wrong? ”Oh!“ I was nine years old, and I said I was seven. So I corrected it immediately, and quickly said, ”thank you.“ As he was about to go down, the teacher said, ”please stay.“ I had to stand on the platform in a daze, and after answering a few small questions from my teacher, my emotions gradually calmed down.

Alas! It's a shame that I didn't practice introducing myself before.

唯美英语短文带翻译 篇4

控制你的情绪 Control Your Emotion

You must control and direct your emotions not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be antimissile task. Emotions are like a river. Their power can be dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held forever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic destruction.

你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。情绪就像河流一样,你可以筑一道堤 防把它挡起来,并在控制和导引之下排放它,但却不能永远抑制它,否则那道堤防迟早会崩溃,并造成大灾难。

Your negative emotions can also be controlled and directed. PMA and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes. Sometimes fear and anger will inspire intense action. But you must always submit your negative emotions--and you positive ones--to the examination of your reason before releasing them. Emotion without reason is a dreadful enemy.

你的消极心态同样也可被控制和导引,积极心态和自律 可去除其中有害的部分,而使这些消极心态能为目标贡献力 量。有的时候恐惧和生气会激发出更彻底的行动,但是在你释放消极情绪(以及积极情绪)之前务必要让你的理性为它们做一番检验,缺乏理性的情绪必然是一位可怕的敌人。

What faculty provides the crucial balance between emotions and reason? It is your willpower, or ego, a subject which will be explored in more detail below. Self-discipline will teach you to throw your willpower behind either reason or emotion and amplify the intensity of their expression.


Both your heart and your mind need a master, and they can find the master in your ego. However, your ego will fill their role only if you use self-discipline. In the absence of self-discipline, your mind and heart will fight their battles as they please. In this situation the person within whose mind the fight is carried out often gets badly hurt.


英语寓言故事短文 篇5

During the Spring and Autumn period, Zhi Bo of the Spring and Autumn period, Zhi Bo of the State of Jin destroyed Fan's family. Taking advantage of this occasion, a man went to Fan's house and tried to steal something. As soon as the man entered the gate, he saw that there hung a big bell in the courtyard. The bell was cast in high-quality bronza, and was beautiful in design and shape.

The theif was very glad, and decided1 to carry this beautiful bell back home.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could not move the bell, because the bell was both big and heavy. He thought and thought again, and believed there was only one way to solve the problem. He had to break the bell to pieces before he was able to carry them back to his home separately.

The thief found a big iron hammer, with which he struck the bell with all his might. The striking produced an enormous crashing sound, which might. The striking produced an enormous crashing sound, which made the thief terribly frightened. The thief got flurried, thinking that it was too bad to have produced the crashiing sound which would himself on the bell, trying tomuffle the crashing sound with his arms. But how could the crashing sound of the bell bemuffled?The crashing sound still kept drifting melodiously to distant places. The more he listened to the sound, the more frightened hw became.

He xubconsciously shrank back, and covered his ears hard with his hands. “Hey, the sound becomes fainter, inaudible, ”the thief became cheerful at once, “ wonderful!The sound of the bell can not be heard when the ears are covered. ”He immediately got some odd bits of cloth, made two rolls with them, and had his ears plugged with the two cloth rolls. He thought that in this way nobody could hear the sound of the bell. Feeling relieved, he began striking the bell, one blow after another. The resoundingsound of the bell was heard at distant places, and finally people caught the thief by gracing the sound.

This story comes from“Knowing Yourself” in The Annals by Buwei, written just before the Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C.) was founded. Allegedly, when Li Yuan, Emperor Gao Zu of the Tang Dynasty(618-907), read this story, he felt it simply ridiculous and said, “This is what is called plugging one's ears while stealing a bell. ”

Later, people have used the set phrase “plugging one's ears while stealing a bell” to refer to the ignorance and foolishness of the person who deceives himself as well as others.

英文小短文 篇6

Tom was tired out, and he went to bed as soon as he reached home.

Suddenly it occurred to him that he had planned to do something that evening. As he could not remember what it was, he tossed and turned in his bed for along time.

Finally the thing came to his mind, "My God, the original plan was to go to bed early!" he said depressingly.

英语自我介绍短文 篇7

My name is liu rui. I'm a student in class 5, grade 3 of XXX primary school.

I am not tall and low, with a pair of bright eyes under the curved eyebrows. Of course, am I still fat or not? The figure of a man is a young man.

My hobby many, on the Internet, playing badminton, swimming, etc., the Internet is my favorite, I am in the Internet, while others are eating other people go to bed I was surfing the Internet, so my mother gave me a nickname - small net worm.

I played the game on the Internet, and Moore manor reached the tenth. And super lhalla, I sometimes chat and make friends everywhere. I also learned English on the Internet, and knew many words such as juice, eat and cake. I also published a composition on the library of primary school students.

My advantage: not littering. My weakness: dress untidy, careless, love Internet. I am determined to correct my shortcomings and carry forward my advantages. My QQ is 360672 * * *, I hope to chat with me, maybe we will become good friends.

唯美英语短文带翻译 篇8

身体最重要的部分 The Most Important Body Part

My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. Through the years I would guess at what I thought was the correct answer.


When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mommy."


She said, "No. Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon."


Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer. So this time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes."


She looked at me and told me, "You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind."


Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, "No, but

you are getting smarter every year, my child."


Then last year, my Grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. My Mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?"


I was shocked when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion on my face and told me, "This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived your life." I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder."


I asked, "Is it because it holds up your head?"


She replied, "No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it."


Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others.
