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化妆师自我评价 篇1

I am cheerful personality, I love the cause of makeup, I will work constantly improve themselves and improve themselves to meet the needs of the work.So I hope to find a job with their own knowledge-related structure, the pursuit of higher makeup technology, can have more room to prove themselves, develop their own.

化妆师自我评价 篇2


在国内发型界拥有多年的丰富经验,有着对美的独特欣赏力和源源不绝的灵感创造力,对时尚有独到的见解与认知,对“质感”有自己独有的领悟与创新。他懂得如何挖掘美、展示美,更懂得如何更好地将美和时尚完美结合,从而打造出一个个令人惊艳的造型,得到众多业内好评。自20xx年正式进入中国时尚圈以来,以其对国际流行元素的敏锐感觉 和把握,所有的作品都以国际的流行元素为标准。

把东方美与日韩欧美风格结合在一起,打造时尚中国。多年来始终走在时尚前沿 ,是业内顶尖级的专业发型师。曾担任过《大丈夫》、《新闺蜜时代》、《后厨》等多部影视作品的整体造型工作。工作范围涉及各类主流杂志、影视、舞台、时装、教学等多个领域。以及影视艺人的造型创意工作,此外,也是众多影视艺人的私人发型顾问, 誉用发型师及形象顾问,合作过的艺人有张歆艺、马伊琍、伊能静、周迅、赵薇、徐静蕾、陈好、范冰冰、李小冉、海青、金海心、李小璐、高圆圆、张靓颖、白百合、朱桦等。签约公司有中国巴黎欧莱雅造型、美丽俏佳人节目组、魅力周末节目组、时尚装苑,光线传媒签约造型师!身为时尚界造型师、巴黎欧莱雅公司高级客座讲师。作品经常刊登于各类时尚主流杂志。

化妆师自我评价 篇3

In today's society, make-up for the vast majority of people already is not a strange word, it has become a lot of women an important part of daily life.When you get married, attend some important occasions, or is a regular gathering of friends, you may have a professional make-up artist to dress up their desire, in fact, not only calls for a professional make-up artist, The rise of the studio boom, a variety of draft event hot event, a variety of fashion conference after another, many television stations on the increasing demand for drama, make-up artist has become very important in today's society, an indispensable professional role. Our school and Chengdu as well as hundreds of professional cosmetics company, wedding photo studio, film and television production companies, performance companies, cosmetics center signed training cooperation and personnel transfer agreement for the industry to provide high-quality professionals at the same time, Large, wide employment space.

Make-up artist with its fashion, high income, social demand, easy employment, respected or even worship the professional characteristics of the

Fashion people, especially young people in hot pursuit, make-up artist has become the best career choice of fashion