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工程自我评价范文 篇1


XX年参加工作至XX年4月一直在北京建工一建工程建筑有限公司项目部任技术工作。主要是参与招投标,编写方案及交底,绘制现场施工图,办洽商,与监理、甲方打交道,作竣工图等工作。XX年4月至今在一电子厂房建设中任现场土建工程师(甲方现场代表)。 本人已参加工作近二十年,长年在建筑领域工作,从最初的维修、筑漏到监管高级装潢、高层建筑、市政道路、桥梁等等可谓经历广泛,担任过基建科科员、施工员、项目副经理、项目主管、项目总监等职务。从基层到管理层承受了繁重地工作压力。

工程自我评价范文 篇2

本人深知只有掌握过硬地专业技术,具备良好地沟通能力和团队合作精神,才能有效地开展工作。同时本人也利用业余时间积极完善自己,完成了自考本科(项目管理),也顺利通过了二级建造师(房建、装饰)地考试。本人渴望在新的环境中有更大地发展空间。 也已在北京建工集团建筑公司工作近20xx年,长期担任工程项目的技术总工和项目经理,其中曾经担任过20多万平方米工程的项目总工,和10多万平方米工程的项目经理,具有丰富的施工实践经验。为人工作热情主动,具有很好的人际交往能力。


工程自我评价范文 篇3

With the dream I went to college, in college, I earnestly learn the profession, to expand the knowledge, and to strengthen the principle of capacity training, a lot of learning from the wealth of knowledge, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships.

In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class.

After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Three years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhanced my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability.

Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future!