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上海陆家嘴英语导游词 篇1

Lujiazui is an important financial center of Shanghai, the largest city inChina. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund across the river. As one of the two financial core areas (Shanghai Lujiazuiand Chongqing jiangbeizui) of the national financial and trade zone and thenational strategic economic belt "Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era,it is a symbol of China's reform and opening up. Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany multinational banks in Greater China and East Asia. In 1990, the StateCouncil announced the development of Pudong and established the first nationalfinancial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreign financial institutions operatingRMB business must set up offices in Lujiazui financial and trade zone.Therefore, at present, there are many foreign financial institutions setting upoffices in Lujiazui, among which foreign banks operating RMB business includeHSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area. It startsfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, follows lujiadu road in thesouth, and the night view of Lujiazui at the angle of the Bund in the West andnorth is close to Huangpu River. It has a land area of 2.10 square kilometers,more than 25300 households and 69000 people. It has 24 Residents Committees. Theoffice is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong. Lujiazui Street: in 20__, Meiyuan Xincun street was renamed Lujiazuistreet. The office is located at No. 12, Lane 1177, shenjianong Road, and latermoved to the current address, No. 55, Fushan Road (Rushan Road intersection),postcode 20x20.

This magical land is connected with two ancient Shanghainese. These twoShanghainese are Lu Shen, a great literary scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and hiswife, Mei Shi. According to the local chronicles of Shanghai, the meanderingHuangpu River has made a 90 degree bend here, leaving a prominent alluvialbeach. Looking from the west of the river to the other bank, this beach is likea giant golden horned beast, stretching out its head and opening its mouth todrink water. On this beach, Lu Shen's former residence and Lu's ancestral tombswere all built here, so it is called Lujiazui.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Peng'shouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories in Lujiazui FinancialCenter complex. In the 10th year of Tongzhi, the Qing government established theship Merchants Group, the North Wharf in lannidu and the South trestle inLujiazui. British businessmen built Taigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there areYongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc. Along the river, Lujiazui successivelybuilt yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpu shipyard, Rihua yarnfactory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British and American tobacco factory,etc. National industry and commerce also set up tianzhang paper mill, Yingchangmatch mill, hongxiangxing ship repair and manufacturing plant, etc. The commercein lannidu area is becoming more and more prosperous. A large number ofhousehold appliances, building materials such as brick, tile, bamboo and wood,and all kinds of local products are taking this as the distribution center,gradually forming a commercial street. During the Anti Japanese War, thecommerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu road and Lujiazui road toDongchang Road. From the south to the north, there are eight sampan boats,including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan, Chunjiang, fenshan,xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferries are occupied byfactories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations, Dongchang Road,taitongzhan and Lujiazui. After liberation, Dongchang Road became the mostprosperous commercial street in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oilsauce shop, dahongyun restaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan andother famous and special shops, as well as other kinds of shops. Dongning roadand Lujiazui market were newly established. After liberation, through socialreform and rectification, the organization of residents committee in China hasbeen continuously improved. Since 1958, the streets have organized housewives toparticipate in collective productive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewivessuccessively went to work and organized a number of neighborhood collectiveenterprises and institutions, such as the production group of lane, nurseries,canteens and processing farms. In May 1984, they were all assigned to thedistrict administration of collective undertakings. In 1979, the streetcooperative was founded, with service, catering and other industries. It hasdeveloped to more than 20 households. In the second half of 1984, the streetindustrial and commercial enterprises were set up, and now there are 47.

上海陆家嘴英语导游词 篇2

(Overview) do you know where to look at China's 100 year history? Yes, it'sShanghai. What about the 20-year history? It's the Bund. The Bund is the windowof Shanghai, which reflects the features of China's largest economic center cityand international modern metropolis, as well as the characteristics of a famoushistorical and cultural city. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese love to callShanghai Bund the first Bay in Asia. Yes, she is beautiful. Please see, fromnorth to south, she rises from the south of Baidu bridge to Xinkai River. It isabout 1800 meters long, with a curved trend like a crescent moon, beautiful andpicturesque.

According to records, the Bund was originally called Yangzi road andHuangpu beach road. In 1945, in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, it was renamedZhongshan, which is still used today. The Bund used to be known as the OrientalWall Street. With the rapid development of urban construction in Shanghai, ithas more modern urban flavor. In 1995, it was rated as one of the "ten newlandscapes of Shanghai in the 1990s", attracting tens of thousands of touristsevery day.

Ladies and gentlemen: today, when we are bathed in the sunshine of reformand opening up, we can enjoy a lot of beautiful scenery by walking on the Bund.First of all, look to the west, which is one of the symbols of Shanghai - theWorld Architecture Expo. As we all know, after the first war, Shanghai wasturned into a commercial port. At that time, Shanghai gradually became the placewhere foreign capital was most concentrated in China, and various western stylebuildings were also built along the Bund. A large number of banks, clubs andnightclubs of western countries are concentrated along the Huangpu River, whichreflects the plunder and aggression of Western colonization on Shanghai.Although the tall buildings on the Bund were not designed by a single designeror built in the same era, they have a lot in common. They were the most popularstyles in the west at that time. They adopted the western classicalarchitectural form. The whole building has a solemn and majestic momentum, andthe architectural tone is basically unified. In addition, on the east side,people can also see the broad and magnificent scenery of the Huangpu River fromthe observation platform in Shanghai. With the wind blowing on the river, theriver is shimmering, and the white seagulls are flying high and low, you can seethe port scenery of big cities. Looking from afar at the most novel skyscrapersin Pudong, the grand momentum makes the Bund beautiful. As a symbol of Shanghai,the Bund integrates river landscape and architectural landscape, and integrateswestern classical customs and modern Chinese civilization. Now let's have a lookat the main buildings near the Bund from south to north.

上海陆家嘴英语导游词 篇3

Lujiazui financial and trade zone is one of the main financial centers inShanghai, China. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area,opposite to the Bund Financial Innovation Experimental Zone on the West Bank.Luoshan road in the East, Longyang Road in the south, Huangpu River in the Westand North. The total area of the whole financial and trade zone is 31.78 squarekilometers, of which Lujiazui Central Area (East to Pudong South Road, South toDongchang Road, West and north to Huangpu River), also known as XiaoLuJiaZui,covers an area of 1.7 square kilometers [1]. It is the only national developmentzone with finance, insurance, securities and commerce as the mainindustries.

In 1990, the State Council of the people's Republic of China announced theopening up of Pudong and established the first national financial developmentzone in Lujiazui. Lujiazui also attracted many domestic and foreign enterprisesto settle in. By the end of September 20__, there were 626 domestic and foreignfinancial institutions and 71 regional headquarters of multinational companiesin the region. Bank of communications set up its national headquarters here. Theheadquarters of Bank of Shanghai and Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank are alsolocated in Lujiazui. Meanwhile, there are 18 corporate banks of foreign banks inthe region, such as HSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia,DBS, etc. The Shanghai stock exchange, Shanghai futures exchange, ChinaFinancial Futures Exchange and the Chinese mainland's only diamond import andexport exchange Shanghai Diamond Exchange are also located in Lujiazui'sfinancial and trade zone. In addition, Shanghai New York University, the firstInternational University jointly run by China and the United States, was alsoestablished in Lujiazui, and its foundation was laid in March 20__.

Lujiazui is also a high-rise building area. There are many landmarkbuildings in Shanghai, such as the highest Shanghai center in Shanghai, Shanghaiworld financial center, Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Jinmao Tower. The high-risebuildings here and the historical buildings on the Bund on the opposite bankform a unique scenic line on both sides of the Pujiang River, which makesLujiazui an important tourist gathering point in Shanghai. With a total lengthof 2.5 km, Binjiang Avenue is a famous scenic spot of the Bund building on theother side. The scenic spots in Lujiazui district include Lujiazui Central GreenSpace and Shanghai Ocean Aquarium.

上海陆家嘴英语导游词 篇4

Lujiazui financial and trade zone is the main financial center of Shanghai,China. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund. As one of the two major financial centers (jiangbeizui and Lujiazui) ofthe national financial and trade zone and the national strategic economic belt"Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era, Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany banks. In 1990, the State Council announced the development of Pudong andestablished the first national financial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreignfinancial institutions operating RMB business must set up offices in Lujiazuifinancial and trade zone. Therefore, at present, there are many foreignfinancial institutions setting up offices in Lujiazui, including HSBC, Citibank,Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area, startingfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, along lujiadu road in thesouth, and close to Huangpu River in the West and North. It has a land area of6.89 square kilometers, more than 160000 residents and 31 residents committees.The office is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Peng'shouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories. In the 10th year ofTongzhi, the Qing government established the ship Merchants Group, the NorthWharf in lannidu and the South trestle in Lujiazui. British businessmen builtTaigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there are Yongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc.Lujiazuiyan

Jiang first built yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpushipyard, Rihua yarn factory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British andAmerican tobacco factory, etc. National industry and commerce also set uptianzhang paper mill, Yingchang match mill, hongxiangxing ship repair andmanufacturing plant, etc. The commerce in lannidu area is becoming more and moreprosperous. A large number of household appliances, building materials such asbrick, tile, bamboo and wood, and all kinds of local products are taking this asthe distribution center, gradually forming a commercial street. During the AntiJapanese War, the commerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu roadand Lujiazui road to Dongchang Road. From the south to the north, there areeight sampan boats, including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan,Chunjiang, fenshan, xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferriesare occupied by factories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations,Dongchang Road, taitongzhan and Lujiazui.

After liberation, Dongchang Road became the most prosperous commercialstreet in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oil sauce shop, dahongyunrestaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan and other famous and specialshops, and all kinds of other shops should be complete. Dongning road andLujiazui market were newly established.

In 1992, there were 26 municipal industries and 14 District Industries inLujiazui. Among them, Shanghai casing factory, which earns us $20__ million inforeign exchange annually, Shanghai United Wool Textile Co., Ltd., the firstjoint venture between Shanghai and Hong Kong, and Shanghai No.3 dairy factory,which produces 260000 bottles of fresh milk per day. After the development andopening up of Pudong, new developments have taken place in the commercial andfinancial industries in the territory. Since 1980, dozens of stores have beenset up on both sides of Dongchang Road, including Agricultural Bank of China,Pudong telephone office, Hudong shopping mall, evergreen flower shop, Lihua homeappliance shop, the first Marketing Department of far east elevator factory,Hongjiang clothing shop, etc. On the south side of the east section of DongchangRoad, Pudong branches such as Bank of communications, people's Construction Bankof China, Bank of China, Shanghai Trust and trade investment company, Pudongbranch of people's Insurance Company of China and other financial institutionshave been set up. In 1992, China Eastern Airlines Pudong ticket office, ChinaConstruction Bank and Shanghai Investment Trust Corporation Pudong securitiesbusiness department were opened in China.

After liberation, through social reform and rectification, the organizationof the residents committee in Lujiazui has been continuously improved. Since1958, the streets have organized housewives to participate in collectiveproductive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewives successively went to workand organized a number of neighborhood collective enterprises and institutions,such as the production group of lane, nurseries, canteens and processing farms.In May 1984, they were all assigned to the district administration of collectiveundertakings. In 1979, the street cooperative was founded, with service,catering and other industries. It has developed to more than 20 households. Inthe second half of 1984, the street industrial and commercial enterprises wereset up, and now there are 47. At the end of 1992, the total turnover was 29.2187million yuan and the profit was 21.658 million yuan. Among them, the turnover ofstreet run enterprises was 18.8782 million yuan, with a profit of 1.244 millionyuan; the turnover of cooperatives was 6.5218 million yuan, with a profit of 343million yuan; the turnover of civil affairs welfare enterprises was 3.8187million yuan, with a profit of 5788 million yuan. The tax revenue of privateenterprises is 322500 yuan, and that of individual industry and commerce is459600 yuan. In order to improve the housing conditions of residents, from theeast of Pucheng road to the south of Pudong Road, the shops and houses on bothsides of Dongchang Road were demolished, and high-rise and multi-storey housesand shops were built. The original width of the road was widened from 14.5 to 20meters to 24 meters. Yangjiagou, xixiaoshiqiao, gaoyoubang, lujiadubang andother rivers have been filled and leveled. Reconstruction and widening oflujiadu Road, Tiandu Road, Dongchang Road, Dongning Road, Lujiazui Road, PudongSouth Road and Taidong Road, etc. all tanjie roads in the area are 19027 squaremeters. 20__ households use LPG. Demolish xixiaoshiqiao, wujianong, zhujiazhai,etc.

In addition, new village houses such as Changhang, Changtian, Taoyuan,Dongchang and Dongyuan have been built. By the end of 1992, the new buildingarea had reached 530000 square meters. The residents of xiaoshiqiao in the westof Pudong South Road have moved to build an 18 storey Yindu building withcomprehensive financial office. In the original site of Huangpu workers'Stadium, Pudong customs building, about 90 meters high, is built across theriver from Puxi old customs building. There are also new Shanghai building,China Merchants Building, China Construction Bank building, Sanli building,Securities Building and Shanghai navigation center.

With convenient land and water transportation, the original three ferrystations have been expanded, and the Yan'an East Road cross river tunnel hasbeen built. There are 13 bus lines passing by.

上海陆家嘴英语导游词 篇5

Fengjing ancient town in Shanghai is a famous historical and cultural townin China. It is also one of the eight scenic spots in new Shanghai. It islocated in the southwest. Historically, it is located at the intersection of Wuand Yue, so it is known as a famous town of Wu and Yue. Today, it borders fivedistricts and counties of Shanghai and Zhejiang, and is the most important"Southwest gateway" from Shanghai to southwest provinces. Fengjing is a typicalancient town in Jiangnan. The ancient town is surrounded by water networks,rivers and bridges. There are as many as 52 bridges in the town. Zhihe bridge ofYuan Dynasty is the oldest existing one, which has a history of nearly 720__years. The town has 29 streets and lanes, 84 lanes and lanes. Up to now, thereare four ancient buildings in Heping Street, production street, North Street andYouhao street, with a total area of 48750 square meters (excluding the ancientbuildings preserved in other blocks). It is a large-scale and well preservedancient water town in Shanghai.

Fengjing town was founded in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. It is acivilized ancient town with a history of more than 1500 years. It straddles theboundaries of Wu and Yue. Fengjing town is a typical market town in the south ofthe Yangtze River. It is surrounded by water networks and rivers. It is known as"three steps, two bridges and ten ports in one sight". There are many smallpolders in the town, which are shaped like lotus leaves. There are many trees inthe Town, and the scale of houses is small. The clear current is swift and thelotus is planted everywhere. It is elegant and beautiful, so it is also called"qingfengjing", "Fengxi" and "Furong Town".

Cultural characteristics

Fengjing culture is well-developed, which is the birthplace of Jinshanfarmer painting. Fengjing people love life, blue calico, furniture carving,kitchen murals, lantern, paper cutting, embroidery, weaving and other folk arthas a long history. The rich folk culture and art gave birth to Jinshan peasantpainting. Jinshan farmers, who are mainly Fengjing farmers' painters, havecreated the Jinshan farmers' paintings with strong local flavor and uniqueartistic style, which have a wide influence at home and abroad. There are manyfamous painters in the town. Cheng Shifa's ancestral home on Heping Street hasbeen restored and opened. The Ding Cong cartoon exhibition hall on North Streetis located in a two-story Chinese and Western style building. In front of thebuilding, there is an ancient gingko and a cluster of Daba. Ding Cong's life andmore than 100 comics are displayed in the museum. Humorous drawing often makespeople linger. The exhibition center of Jinshan peasant paintings in Shengtanglane, South Street, is located in the reading building of CAI Yitai, the numberone scholar in Qing Dynasty. It is elegant, but the pictures reveal a stronglocal flavor. Farmer paintings and Ding Cong's comics, Cheng Shifa's traditionalChinese paintings and Gu shuiru's go, which have considerable influence at homeand abroad, are concentrated in Fengjing, a town, which is a rare local culturalphenomenon in China.

Ancient architecture

Along the xizha river opposite to the town government, there is a 600 meterlong ancient mansion with a construction area of 12000 square meters. To thewest of the ancient stage, the old site of the Qing Dynasty Post Office, locatedat 92 Heping Street, has a solid structure with grey walls and black tiles. Thedoor frames on both sides are stone pillars. The big characters "post andtelecommunications office" stand out above the high door opening. This is one ofthe few existing old sites of the Qing Dynasty Post Office in Shanghai. Due toits developed culture and prosperous economy, Fengjing is also a rare ancienttown with complete Taoism, Buddhism, Catholicism and Christianity. As early asthe first year of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty (520__), a Taoisttemple had been built in nanzha of Fengjing. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Buddhism was very popular, with temples in streets, alleys, Li and Fang. Therewere three temples in the town. In the late Qing Dynasty, Catholicism andChristianity began to be introduced into Fenghua. If you go to xingjue temple,Shiwang temple, Yujia ancestral hall and other cultural landscapes, you can findthe historical traces of Fengjing town, which was divided into North and Southin ancient times, half belonged to Wu area, and half belonged to cross-borderarea.

Simple folk customs

Fengjing people are honest and honest, advocating farming and education,paying attention to education and official selection. It has bred three numberone scholars, 56 Jinshi, 125 Juren, 235 cultural celebrities (including 100county magistrate, 3 ministers of six ministries and 2 prime ministers), and 639celebrities with historical records since the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times,there were Lu Zhi, the Prime Minister of Tang Dynasty; Chen Shunyu, the garrisonofficer of Song Dynasty, and Xu Kechang, the number one scholar; Chen Yicheng,the imperial doctor of Taiyuan hospital who followed Zheng He to the West inMing Dynasty; CAI Yitai, the number one scholar in Qing Dynasty, and Xie Yong,the official to cabinet bachelor and official minister; Shen Rongcheng, the folkpoet. In modern times, there were Zhu xuefan, vice chairman of the NationalPeople's Congress, Gu shuiru, a national go player, Ding Cong, a famouscartoonist, Cheng Shifa, a master of traditional Chinese painting, Yuan Shizhao,Lu Longfei and other revolutionary predecessors. They left precious historicalsites and legends for Fengjing.