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南京秦淮河英语导游词 篇1

Ladies and gentlemen. During yesterday's tour, I arranged for you to visitsuch places of interest as Zhongshan Mausoleum, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, LingguTemple and the former site of the presidential palace. Today, I will take you toQinhuai River and Confucius Temple. Qinhuai River tourist area is located in thesouth of the old urban area of Nanjing. It takes about 20 minutes to get thereby bus from the urban area. It is a tourist destination with Confucius Temple asthe center, integrating sightseeing, shopping and tasting, displaying the styleand features of the ancient city and ethnic customs.

[origin and historical changes of Qinhuai River]

Qinhuai River is a river that once played an important role in thepolitical, economic and cultural development of the ancient city of Nanjing. Itis said that the Qinhuai River is an artificial canal ordered by the firstemperor of Qin Dynasty. When the first emperor of Qin Dynasty visited Kuaiji inthe East, in order to facilitate the navigation of ships, he ordered to digFangshan to connect the Huaihe River with the Yangtze River. However, accordingto geological investigation, Qinhuai River is a natural river with a longhistory. At that time, the ancient river did pass through Fangshan. However, dueto geographical changes, the river changed its course and gradually formed thepresent river. The Qinhuai River in history has a wide channel. Since Yangxingmi, king of Wu in the Five Dynasties, built the stone city in the area ofchangganqiao, the river began to narrow and was divided into the inner and outerQinhuai River. The Inner Qinhuai River flows from the city of dongshuiguan,through the Confucius Temple, and then from the city of xishuiguan in the southof Shuiximen to join the outer Qinhuai River. The total length of the river is10 kilometers. This is the "Ten Mile Qinhuai River" that has been praised andvisited by countless scholars and scholars since ancient times. Li Bai, Liu Yuxiand Du Mu, the great poets of Tang Dynasty, wrote poems for her. Kong Shangren'sPeach Blossom Fan and Wu Jingyang's scholars also vividly described the "ten liQinhuai River".

Compared with the Yangtze River, which flows through the north of NanjingCity, the ancient Qinhuai River is very small, but it is closely related to thebirth and development of Nanjing City, as well as the political, economic andcultural development of Nanjing area. As early as five or six thousand years agoin the Neolithic age, there have been human reproduction. So far, as many as 50or 60 relics of primitive villages have been found along both sides of theriver. In the Six Dynasties and the early Ming Dynasty, the feudal court alwaysregarded it as a natural barrier for the capital and a natural passage for theimperial palace. After the establishment of the capital Jianye (Nanjing), SunQuan of the eastern Wu Dynasty used to make "gate ponds" on both sides of theQinhuai River, which could not only resist the enemy, but also prevent floods.Since the Six Dynasties, both sides of the Qinhuai River in the area ofConfucius Temple have been prosperous places with dense residents and connectedmarkets. The Qinhuai River has served as the main channel for foreign trade inNanjing, with boats and boats shuttling through the river. It is said that inthe old days, there were many song houses and restaurants on both sides of theQinhuai River, the river houses and water pavilions were full of splendor, theyacht paintings were well lighted, and the rich and noble lived a life ofpleasure and money. The working people, especially the vast number of women, hada good taste of the bitterness of the world. At that time, prostitutes inNanjing were mostly concentrated on both sides of the Qinhuai River. LiXiangjun, a famous prostitute who is not afraid of power and nobility, isdescribed in Peach Blossom Fan by Kong Shangren, a dramatist in Qing Dynasty.She lives by wendeqiao on the South Bank of Qinhuai River.

The beautiful Qinhuai River once flowed the loneliness of the wild age, theprosperity and extravagance since the Six Dynasties, the dirt of the oldsociety, the blood and tears of the working people, and even the blood of theNanjing Massacre. However, today's Qinhuai River, after the precipitation ofhistory and the transformation of the people, has exuded the fragrance of healthand civilization, showing a clear and moving style. It is the witness ofNanjing's history. No wonder people used to take "Qinhuai" as the pronoun ofNanjing.

南京秦淮河英语导游词 篇2

It originates from Mt. Donglu and Mt. Huashan in Jurong. From east to west,it flows through the south of Nanjing City, and then flows into the YangtzeRiver along the northwest of Shicheng. Qinhuai River is a tributary of theYangtze River. Its ancient name is "huaishui" and its original name is"longzangpu". It is said that when the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was on atour to the East, he saw the purple air rising over the Jinling mausoleum andthought that it was Wang Qi. So he "chiseled the Fangshan Mountain, cut off thelong Cuan and entered the river". Later generations mistakenly thought that thewater was opened by the Qin Dynasty, so it was called "Qinhuai River".

"Jiangnan beautiful land, Jinling imperial state", the inner river sectionof Qinhuai River in Nanjing city is the famous place of "ten li Qinhuai River"and "Six Dynasties golden powder". The beautiful and simple scenery on bothsides and numerous cultural relics all reflect the ancient style of Jinlingancient city.

Qinhuai River is the cradle of Nanjing ancient civilization. As far back asthe stone age, there were human activities in the river basin. From dongshuiguanto xishuiguan on both sides of the river, Soochow has been the residential areaof the prosperous business district. In the Six Dynasties, it became a placewhere famous families lived together, where merchants gathered, scholarsgathered, and Confucianism flourished. After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, itgradually declined, but it attracted countless literati and poets to come hereto pay homage to it and chant "in the old days, Wang Xietang and Qianyan flewinto the homes of ordinary people.". In the Song Dynasty, it gradually recoveredas the cultural and educational center of Jiangnan. The Ming and Qing Dynastieswere the heyday of Qinhuai. There are rows of gold and pink buildings, boats,oars, sound and lights, which make up a beautiful and illusory spectacle. Beforethe Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the Inner Qinhuai Rivergradually declined, and its prosperity was no longer prosperous. After 1949,Nanjing dredged the Qinhuai River on a large scale, focused on the developmentof Qinhuai scenery belt, and the ancient Qinhuai River was rejuvenated.

The total length of inner the Qinhuai River is 9.6 Li, which is called "tenli Qinhuai". It is the essence of Qinhuai scenery belt. There are Dong Shui GuanRuins Park, Qinhuai Water Pavilion, peach leaf crossing, Bailu Zhou Park,Jiangnan Gong Yuan, Cuiyuan Park, Wang Shing an memorial hall, Li Xiangjun'sformer residence, Zhan yuan (Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum), Qin'sformer residence, Shen Wansan's former residence, Zhongmen Weng Cheng and othertourist cultures. scenic spot.

南京秦淮河英语导游词 篇3

Qinhuai River is the largest river in Nanjing. There are two parts ofQinhuai River, one is the city river. In Nanjing City, it is the most prosperoussection of Qinhuai River in ten li; the other is the outer river. There are twosources of Qinhuai River. The Eastern source is Baohua mountain in Jurong City,and the southern source is Donglu mountain in Lishui County. Donglu mountain isYanzhi River under Tianshengqiao. These two sources are in Jiangning District,and zongdongshuiguan has been flowing to the city of Nanjing. Qinhuai River runsthrough the whole urban area from east to west, and flows out from xishuiguan inthe south, and converges into the Yangtze River.

Qinhuai River, in ancient times, people called it huaishui, its originalname is "longzangpu", the drainage area is very large, is the most importantriver in Nanjing area, is also a very famous river in history.

It is said that when King Wei of Chu traveled to the East, he saw thepurple air rising in the sky of Jinling. He thought it was Wang Qi, so he dugFangshan. Later people mistakenly believed that the water was dug in the QinDynasty, so they named it "Qinhuai".

Qinhuai River is the cradle of many cultures in Nanjing. It is QinhuaiRiver that has nurtured generations of Nanjing people. It was inhabited as earlyas the stone age. After the eastern Wu Dynasty, it has always been a prosperousarea. In the Six Dynasties, it became a place where many famous families lived,and most merchants gathered here. After the Tang Dynasty, it began to decline,but there are many literati here to recite poems. After the Song Dynasty, it wasfull of vitality again. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was more prosperous.However, in modern times, due to many wars, the buildings here were alsodestroyed.

南京秦淮河英语导游词 篇4

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Nanjing Confucius Temple. The Confucius Templeis located on the Bank of Qinhuai River in the south of the city. It is ahistoric site and tourist attraction that Nanjing people are proud of. It is aprosperous place where culture, commerce, sightseeing center and Temple marketare integrated.

Confucius Temple, also known as Confucius Temple and Confucian temple, is aplace to offer sacrifices to Confucius, a famous educator and thinker in China.Confucius was honored as Confucius in ancient times, so his temple is commonlyknown as "Confucius Temple". Due to the orthodox status of Confucianism, itsfounder Confucius was highly respected by the rulers and scholars of feudalsociety. There were more than one Confucius temples all over the country. As aplace for feudal scholars to worship, Confucius Temple is mostly arrangedtogether with educational facilities (such as school palace, Gong Yuan, etc.),that is, the so-called temple is attached to school, usually in front or on oneside of the school palace.

Historically, there were three Confucius temples in the urban area ofNanjing, one in the compound of the current municipal government and the otherin the Chaotian Palace. Now we are going to visit the third and most famousplace. It was moved from Chaotian Palace in the first year of Jingyou of SongDynasty (1034). At first, it was Jiankang school, Jiqing road school in YuanDynasty, Guoxue in Ming Dynasty, yingtianfu school in Qing Dynasty, andJiangning school and Shangyuan school in Qing Dynasty. It was destroyed in theXianfeng Period, rebuilt in the Tongzhi period (1869), and burned by theJapanese during the Anti Japanese war. The existing Confucius Temple was rebuiltin the early 1980s. It uses the former temple and the later school, ConfuciusTemple in the front and the Academy in the back, and the later Gong Yuan isarranged on the left side of the Academy. Therefore, the relatively completepattern of Confucius Temple in Nanjing includes three parts, namely, ConfuciusTemple, Academy and Gongyuan. The North-South central axis with Dacheng hall asthe center and the main buildings on both sides and the Jiangnan Gongyuanexhibition hall with Mingyuan building as the center have become the maintourist spots in the Confucius Temple area.

Due to its long history and convenient water transportation, ConfuciusTemple area has become a famous "beautiful place" and a place where celebritieslive in ancient Nanjing before the appearance of Confucius Temple. Therefore, inaddition to the main scenic spots mentioned above, there are also scenic spotssuch as Wu Jingzi's former residence, ancient taoyedu, Cuiyuan, one hundred yearold shop Street, wendeqiao, Wang Xie's former residence, Wuyi lane, meixianglou,etc.

Now we are standing at the starting point of the central axis of theConfucius Temple -- the square of the Confucius Temple. Looking around, thereare panchi, Zhaobi and mufang in the south, Juxing Pavilion, KuiGuang Pavilionand business district in the East and West, Dacheng hall in the central axis andthe East and West cities on the East and west sides of Confucius Temple in thenorth, which form the unique atmosphere of Confucius Temple area different fromother cities, that is, the pattern of Temple market integration in history.

Look at the river in front of the square. It's called Qinhuai River. It'sthe mother river of Nanjing people. It's 110 kilometers long and gave birth tothe early Nanjing civilization. The section that flows through the square is apart of the Inner Qinhuai River. When the temple was built, it was transformedinto panchi, named after the water flowing through the Confucius Temple in Qufu.A red wall on the south bank is a large screen wall built in the Wanli period ofthe Ming Dynasty (1575). It is 110 meters long and majestic. It is the largestscreen wall in China. Zhaobi played a role of shelter and decoration, which wasthe beginning of the whole Confucius Temple complex. The stone railing on theNorth Bank of panchi was built in the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty(1520__). It is the only best preserved ancient architectural sketch in theConfucius Temple complex after many vicissitudes. It was repaired before theAnti Japanese war. Here, visitors take a rest on the fence and enjoy thebeautiful scenery of Qinhuai.

The Wende bridge on the west side of panchi is now hanbaiyu bridge. It gotits name from the Confucian school's advocacy of article morality. Because thedirection of the bridge is the same as that of the meridian, every November 15of the lunar calendar, when the bright moon is in the sky and you look down fromthe railing, you can see the shadow of the bridge on both sides of the bridge.The bright moon in the river is divided into two and a half months, which iscalled "Wen de Fen Yue". Wu Jingzi recorded it in his book scholars. If you havea chance, you might as well come to Wende bridge on November 15 of the lunarcalendar to have a look.

A group of Hui style buildings at the entrance of South Wuyi lane ofwendeqiao is called "Wangxie ancient residence". As the settlement area of WangXie, the two powerful families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has a greatinfluence, especially the verses of Wu Yi Xiang, the famous work of Liu Yuxi inthe Tang Dynasty, which makes Wu Yi Xiang and Wang Xie's former residence veryfamous. Now it is the "Nanjing six dynasties historical and cultural exhibitionhall". "You can go in and visit when you have time.