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常州天宁寺英语导游词 篇1

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. First of all, letme introduce myself: I'm Jiang Qiuping, the local tour guide. Next to me is ourdriver, Master Zhang, whose bus number is 123456. We serve you these days. Ihope we can have a pleasant cooperation. Changzhou, also known as "Longcheng",is one of the 13 cities under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province, which islocated in the south of the Yangtze River, It is located in the center of theYangtze River Delta, equidistant from Shanghai and Nanjing. It now governsJintan and Liyang, and Wujin, Xinbei, Tianning, Zhonglou and Qishu. OK, now youcan take a look at the city of Changzhou. We are now in Tianning district

The scenic spot we are visiting today is Tianning Temple, which enjoys thereputation of "the first jungle in the Southeast". The founder of TianningTemple is Farong Zen master of Youqi temple in Niutoushan, Jinling. It was builtin Zhenguan and Yonghui years of Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1300years. During this period, it was built and destroyed repeatedly, and changedits name several times. Tianning Temple is the same as Jinshan Temple inZhenjiang, min temple in Yangzhou and Zen temple in Tiantong temple in Ningbo.Tianning Temple is characterized by its majestic and magnificent temples, talland solemn Buddha statues, gorgeous brick and wood carvings, and numerous famousmonks. We are now at Tianning Temple. Please take your belongings and get offwith me.

The four big characters on the screen wall opposite the gate of TianningTemple were written by Qianlong himself when he went to Tianning Temple for thethird time. Longcheng is another name for Changzhou. Xiangjiao refers toBuddhism. Elephant is a mascot in Buddhism. Sakyamuni's mother dreams of whiteelephant at night. After Sakyamuni ascended to heaven, his disciples carved thestatue of Sakyamuni on wood in order to remember the Buddha and spread Buddhism,and enlightened monks and good men and women with the image of Buddha.

This is the gate of Tianning Temple, which is also the Mountain Gate inBuddhism. Why is it called Shanmen? Because most of the ancient temples werebuilt in the quiet mountain forest, it is called Shanmen. But Zen Buddhism isalso called wisdom, compassion and convenience. Please follow me to visit thetemple.

These two stone tablets record the honor of Tianning Temple. They are 4Ascenic spots, national intangible cultural heritage, national key temples andcultural relics protection units in Jiangsu Province.

Now we come to the temple of heavenly kings. These words were written byZhao Puchu, former vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, formerchairman of the Chinese Buddhist Association and a famous contemporarycalligrapher. On the top, there are brick carvings of wuermen, which werewritten by Feng Guifen, editor of the Imperial Academy of the Qing Dynasty. Whatis the only way? According to the interpretation of the Sutra, there is nodifference between the Buddha and all living beings. There is no differencebetween the present and the past. There is no difference between this world andother worlds. This one represents all the Dharma in the world, and all theDharma in the world can be summed up in this one. This is the only Dharma

On the wall, the present Abbot inscribed Amitabha Buddha. Now please followme into the palace of the heavenly king. Facing him is Maitreya Buddha. He isbared and smiling, which makes people feel kind and kind. This Buddha always hasa compassionate heart. Maitreya is translated as Tzi, which is Maitreya'ssurname. His name is ayido, which is translated as incompetent victory, It'scalled the "Budai monk" who has a big stomach that can accommodate things thatare difficult to tolerate in the world. When he opens his mouth, he laughs atthe ridiculous people in the world. It means Maitreya Buddha. On both sides ofthe hall are the four heavenly kings who protect Buddhism. They are commonlyknown as the four vajras. Each one is 7.8 meters high, and the Shentai is 9.1meters high, Holding a lute shows that he uses music to make all living beingshappy and benefit. In the south, the growth of the heavenly king is to make allliving beings grow. Holding a sword is to protect the Dharma from infringement.In the west, the heavenly king Guangmu often observes the world with his pureheavenly eye, and twines a dragon in his hand to make him convert to Buddhismfor the benefit of the people, They hold umbrellas in their right hand and wordsin their left hand to protect all living beings and subdue demons. The objectsin their hands are magic weapons. Ancient people thought that they couldsuppress demons and eliminate evil spirits, so as to ensure good weather andpeace of the country. Please go inside. This is Wei Tuo. He is the gatekeeper ofthe temple, There is another interesting folk legend about Maitreya and Weituo:they used to be the head of a temple. Maitreya was always smiling, and theincense was very strong, but it was not well guarded, so the temple wasdifficult to maintain. Weituo was extremely strict in external defense andinternal governance, so the incense was ignored. After the Buddha found out, heasked them to cooperate. One was responsible for external reception, One isresponsible for external defense and internal governance. At the beginning, hewas not willing to do so, but after a period of cooperation, the incense isstrong, the Buddhist temple is rich, and the Buddhism is promoted. From then on,he has been cooperating for a long time.

Please follow me. There are four side halls on the left and right ofTianwang hall and Daxiong hall. Manjusri hall, Puxian hall, Guanyin hall anddizang hall. They are Mount Wutai in Shanxi, Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Putuoin Zhejiang and Mount Jiuhua in Anhui. In ancient times, transportation wasinconvenient, so it was difficult for Buddhist monks to visit four famousmountains in their life. Buddhist monks believe that if they have visitedTianning Temple, they can visit four famous mountains. On both sides is Luohanhall. We are going to dongluohan hall now. Look at the broom and fire bucket inthe hands of this crazy monk. In the play, Qin Hui asked: why don't you have ahole in your fire bucket? The crazy monk replied that you can't have a hole,otherwise you will have an affair with a foreign country. Why is your broom new?It's obviously a lazy monk. The crazy monk replied: my broom is not used tosweep the floor, but to sweep away the treacherous officials. Qin Hui wasstunned by this crazy monk. Later generations worship him not because he is animmortal, but because he is not afraid of power.

Please look at the walls on both sides. There are 518 images of arhat brickcarvings on them. It was engraved in the 3rd year of Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty.During the ten years of turmoil, people covered it with lime, and it was onlyuntil now that it was completely preserved. Look at these two stone slabs. Doesanyone know what they can do? By the way, they are used to measure seasons andtime. They are called sundials (GUIs). These two pieces are the Qing Dynastysundials which combine astronomical science, archaeological research andpractical use. What should be explained is that the original two pieces, one wasdestroyed by the Japanese aggressors, and the other was blurred because of itslong history. The present one is a copy of the original temple in 1991 aftercareful survey and design by researchers of Shanghai Observatory.

In front of us is the great hall. These four characters were written by FeiNianci, a calligrapher in Changzhou and editor of the Imperial Academy duringthe reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Daxiong is a Buddhistdisciple's honorific name for Sakyamuni's supreme morality and boundless power.The moral is that the greatest warrior has boundless power. Now let's go insideand have a look. There are three great Buddhas in the center of the hall. In themiddle of the hall is Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. Sakyamuni was born inthe 5th century BC, 14 years earlier than Confucius in China. His original nameis Siddhartha and his surname is Qiao Damo. Sakyamuni was later honored byBuddhists. Sakyamuni is the name of the race, which means sage. It means sage ofthe Sakyamuni nationality. He was the crown prince of ancient India's PIKingdom, but he was not satisfied with it. When he saw the farmers sweating andwhipping the cattle to plow in the hot sun, he felt the heaviness of life. Whenhe saw the old man walking hard, he felt the pity of the old man. When he sawthe pale patient, he felt the pain of illness. When he saw the mourners crying,he felt the sorrow of death Cool. How to get rid of life, old age, illness anddeath, he thought hard. At 29, he ran away from home. He studied meditation witha famous teacher in the mountains, and then practiced asceticism alone for sixyears. Later, he sat in meditation under a bodhi tree and thought hard about themethod of liberation. Finally, in the early morning of the eighth day ofDecember, Siddhartha finally overcame his last worries, gained completeconsciousness, and became a great wisdom Buddha. He called the doctrines hecreated Buddhism. He spread Buddhism for 45 years, accepted many disciples, andnirvana at the age of 80.

To the East is the pharmacist Buddha in the eastern world. Ancient Chinesenot only paid attention to life, but also death. Therefore, people hope to relyon the ability of the pharmacist Buddha to achieve the purpose of eliminatingdisasters and prolonging life. He holds the Falun in his left hand, whichsymbolizes that the doctrine of Buddha is like the Falun. Amitabha in the westis the master of the Western Paradise. No matter when and where, men and women,old and young, just reciting "amitabha in Nanwu (MO)" can eliminate thedisaster. He holds the golden platform, which means that after all living beingsdie, his golden platform will be connected to the Western Paradise.

Standing on both sides of Sakyamuni are two of the top ten disciples. Theelder on the left is called Kaya. He studied Buddhism with the Buddha and wasthe favorite disciple of the Buddha. After the death of the Buddha, Kaya gainedthe leading position of Buddhism. The young one on the right is called Ananda,which means happy or joyful. It is said that it is the hall of Buddha. He has avery good memory and profound knowledge. After the death of Kaya, Ananda becamea Buddhist leader.

There are 20 Bodhisattvas on both sides of the main hall. They are theguardians of Buddhism. Please see, the child next to the "ghost son and VirginMary" is the son of the ghost mother. It is said that the ghost mother has manysons, but he is cruel in nature and loves to eat other people's children. Whenthe Buddha knew about it, he hid his son and inspired him to compare his heartwith his heart. Love other people's children like your own. Later, he abandonedthe evil and promoted the good, and took his children to convert to Buddhism.This means that the Buddha is compassionate and has boundless power. He canteach and reform all the evil people.

Now we see 127 colored statues, up to 13 meters high. Standing barefoot atthe top of the table, Guanyin holds a willow water purification bottle filledwith magic nectar to save people from all kinds of diseases. It shows the styleof "universal salvation". On the left is Dragon Girl, on the right is shancaiboy. Above Guanyin is the king of Tibetans. The highest place on the island isthe prince of snow mountain. It is the scene of Sakyamuni's six years of hardtraining. He squats barebacked and knees. Because he doesn't eat fireworks, heis as thin as wood. He relies on the White Ape to offer fruit and the elk tooffer milk, which reflects his extraordinary training.

Now let's visit the Jade Buddha Hall, which was invited back by Myanmar.This Reclining Buddha is 5.3 meters long and weighs 12 tons. It is the image ofthe Buddha when he was 80 years old in Nirvana. Other Buddha statues andBodhisattvas can only stand or sit. Only Sakyamuni can have reclining statues.This kind of horizontal position is called "auspicious reclining". The Buddhastatues on the walls are presented by Chinese Taiwan friendship temple.

Here is the three treasures hall. Buddhism, Dharma and monks are the threetreasures of the temple. On the first floor, monks meditate and recite Zen. Onthe second floor, there is the Sutra library. On the third floor, there is theWanfo tower. Behind it is the Tianning pagoda, which is known as "the firstPagoda in China". You can visit it if you are interested. The tour of TianningTemple ends here. Thank you!

常州天宁寺英语导游词 篇2

Tianning Temple in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province is the largest and bestpreserved ancient temple in Changzhou, known as "the first jungle in SoutheastChina".

Tianwang Hall of Tianning Temple is one of the few halls in China. All theheavenly kings in the hall are majestic and have different manners. The king ofChi kingdom in the East, named tidorozha, holds the lute and gently plucks thesilver string; the king of growth in the south, named piliutuojia, holds thesword and is majestic; the king of Guangmu in the west, named piliubocha, holdsthe umbrella and seems to be sheltering mankind from the wind and rain. Locatedin the north of Duowen heavenly king, the name of Sanskrit is Pishan. His eyesare wide open and he looks ahead.

Tianning Temple has not only the majestic heavenly king, but also thebenevolent Bodhisattva. Some of these Bodhisattvas listen attentively, some holda vase, some hold a golden spoon, and some sit cross legged. Among them, themost striking one is the eighteen Arhats. These Arhats either meditate crosslegged, or lie on their side, or close their eyes, or meditate deeply. Each ofthem has a vivid and lifelike look, which is regarded as a treasure of thetemple.

On the left and right sides of the temple are the four heavenly kings,which are 7.8 meters high, the largest of their kind in China. Maitreya in thetemple of heavenly king sits on the white marble altar, with a big stomach and abig grin. It seems that he is tolerating the difficult things in the world andlaughing at the ridiculous people in the world. There are 90 Buddha statuescarved on the top of the niche.

A huge bell in the front right corner of the main hall weighs 4 tons. Inthe front left corner is a drum about 2 meters in diameter. There is a bronzeBuddha presented by the Buddhist Association of Thailand in the right backcorner of the hall.

The most worthy to see is "Tianning pagoda", which enjoys the reputation of"the first Pagoda in China". The tower has 13 floors, and the top floor is aclock tower. It is also the only modern Pagoda with elevator in the holy land ofBuddhism. The biggest tripod of Tianning Temple is at the top of Tianningpagoda. The reason why it is named "Tianning pagoda" is to wish the world peace.Tianning pagoda is the tallest in the world at 122 meters. It is made of bronzeand weighs 30000 Jin. It is carved with exquisite patterns. With this homophony,people come here to ring the bell every new year, middle school or collegeentrance examination, hoping to bring happiness, auspiciousness and goodluck.

With its long history, majestic architecture, unique Buddha statues andrich Buddhist achievements, Tianning Temple attracts thousands of tourists athome and abroad.

常州天宁寺英语导游词 篇3

Dear tourists

Welcome to Tianning Temple.

In his poem "Jiangnan Spring quatrains", Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty,said, "in the Southern Dynasties, 480 temples, how many buildings are in themisty rain.". Although he described Jinling at that time, in fact, there weremany temples and buildings in the eastern suburbs of Changzhou. With the changesof the times, many temples and Taoist temples have long been extinct. OnlyTianning Temple has been prosperous for more than 1300 years. She has manystrange and interesting things. If you want to know the details, please come tothe scene and listen to me one by one.

Ladies and gentlemen, look at this magnificent building complex of fanyulinpalace, which is the famous Tianning Temple. Together with Jinshan Temple inZhenjiang, Tiantong temple in Ningbo and Gaosi temple in Yangzhou, they areknown as the four great jungles in Southeast China. Next, please look at thefour characters of "Dragon City elephant religion" on the screen wall oppositethe mountain gate. This is inscribed by Emperor Qianlong. Longcheng is anothername for Changzhou. Xiangjiao refers to Buddhism. Now let's go to the temple ofheavenly kings to meet the four heavenly kings. The four heavenly kings,commonly known as the "four vajras", are the Dharma protectors of Buddhism.Wearing a green robe and holding a lute is called "the king of Oriental holdingstate"; wearing a green robe and holding a sword is "the king of Southerngrowth"; wearing a red robe and twining a dragon in the hand is "the king ofWestern wide eyes"; wearing a green robe and holding a treasure building in theright hand (commonly known as an umbrella), holding a silver rat in the lefthand is "the king of northern hearing".

They protect one side of the world from interference or infringement. Itsimage is basically consistent with the expression, magic and supernatural powerof magic sea, magic green, magic red and magic longevity described in Chapter 40of the classical novel Fengshen romance. The objects they hold in their handsare called "magic weapons", which are used to suppress demons and eliminate evilspirits, subdue hostility, and ensure the stability of the country and thepeople. Wind refers to the edge of the sword to protect all living beings; tunerefers to the pipa to educate and delight the people with music; rain refers tothe umbrella to subdue the demons; Shun refers to the dragon to maintainstability and protect world peace.

Stepping out of the Tianwang hall, it is a quadrangle courtyard in theshape of "Tian". The two Luohan halls are divided into four side halls: Manjusrihall, Puxian hall, Guanyin hall and dizang hall. These four Bodhisattvas aremolded into one temple, and each of them lives in its own temple, whichsymbolizes the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism: Mount Wutai in Shanxi,Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang, and Mount Jiuhua in Anhui.Therefore, Buddhist believers believe that those who have visited TianningTemple are like those who have visited the four great Foshan.

The Arhats in the eastern and Western chambers of the arhat hall aredivided into four rows, each of which is about one meter tall and covered ingold. Please pay attention: there are two distinguished guests in Luohan hall,Ji Dian and crazy monk.

Changzhou Tianning Temple also has two astronomical scientific instruments,which are unique in temples all over the world. It is placed on both sides ofthe Danlong Hall of the main hall. In the East, it looks like a stone tablet,standing vertically is called "face East-West sundial"; in the west, it lookslike a table, lying flat is called "plane sundial".

Now, please go to the most majestic Temple of Tianning Temple, Daxionghall. I don't want to elaborate. I just want to talk about the fivecharacteristics of the main hall: high, thick, many, strange and clever.

Now, please move to the back of the main hall and pay homage to the paintedsculpture Island Guanyin. This large group of painted sculptures is commonlyknown as "Wanghai Guanyin". The central figure of the group is Guanyin standingon the top of the group with bare feet. She holds Yang Zhijing's water bottle,which is filled with magic nectar to save people from all kinds of diseases,showing the demeanor of "universal salvation". On the left, the Dragon girl isstanding with the jewels in her hands; on the right, the boy of good fortune ispaying homage to Guanyin. On the left side of Guanyin is Manjusri Bodhisattvariding a green lion, and on the right side is Puxian Bodhisattva riding a whiteelephant. The highest place is the one meter high "Prince of snow mountain",which is the scene of Sakyamuni's six-year hard work on snow mountain.

Tianning Temple also has jade Buddha and bronze Buddha from Myanmar andThailand. It has a new releasing pool built in 1990. Now it has a 13 storeyTianning pagoda behind the temple. The chanting of Buddhist Chants by the monksof Tianning Temple was performed in Jinjing, which is also highly respected inHong Kong and Chinese Taiwan. All these show the status and prestige of Tianning Temple.I believe that her construction and development will keep pace with the timesand get better and better. You are welcome to come again next time with yourfriends and relatives!

常州天宁寺英语导游词 篇4

"Tianning Temple, according to the victory of the upper reaches of Sanwu,creates a grand view and outstanding structure, and stands as the first gardenin Southeast China.". In the Ming Dynasty, a story of rebuilding Tianning Templeonce commented on Changzhou, a famous stone temple with a history of thousandsof years at home and abroad.

Tianning Temple is located in the East WaiZhi street of Changzhou, anindustrial star city rising in recent years. It was first built in the Yonghuiperiod of Tang Dynasty (650-655), when only "more than ten couplets were built";Tianfu temple was officially built in the Tianfu period of Tang Dynasty(901-904), and then it was renamed Wanshou Chongning temple; in the Zhenghefirst year of Northern Song Dynasty (1111), the emperor ordered it to be namedTianning Temple; during this period, it was renamed Guangxiao temple andchongfenghui Daochang; in the Yuan Dynasty, it was renamed Tianning Temple, andit is still in use today.

Tianning Temple is famous for its "big temple, big Bodhisattva". There aremore than 800 monks at most. The whole temple has more than 400 halls, pavilionsand other large and small buildings, covering an area of more than 130 mu. Thewhole temple building forms a quadrangle courtyard with national style. The mainhalls that have been restored now are Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall, Jingang hall,Puxian hall, Manjusri hall, Guanyin hall and Luohan hall. The main hall hasdouble eaves and nine ridges, with a height of about 33 meters and a width ofmore than 26 meters. The Four Heavenly Kings (King Kong) in the heavenly kinghall are vivid, majestic and 7.8 meters tall, which can be called the crown ofKing Kong in Jiangnan. Changzhou Tianning Temple

The attraction of Tianning Temple to tourists at home and abroad is theartistic charm of the five hundred Arhats in the arhat hall. They sit in fourrows. Each one is about 1 meter high. Each arhat has a different look. His eyesare vivid. His joy, anger, worry and joy all come out from his heart. Spring isreal and natural, just like a living person. On the west wall outside the mainhall, there are 500 Arhats carved in stone, which are of high artistic value.Their rubbings are widely spread abroad. The big leather drum and antique bronzebell in the main hall are also very distinctive in the temple. The bell is 2.5meters high, 1.8 meters in diameter, and weighs more than 4 tons. It strikesonce and lasts for 90 seconds. The sound shakes the palace and the aftersound islingering. It is close to the sound effect of the "king of bells" - BeijingYongle bell, and adds to the atmosphere of the "morning bell and evening drum"of the ancient temple.