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英语作文:长城的导游词 篇1

Dear tourist friends: Hello! Welcome to the Great Wall, hope our servicecan make you more happy, also hope you can have a good time, have a good time,have a good time. Next, I'd like to give you an overview of the Great Wall.

Located to the north of Beijing, the Great Wall was built in the spring andAutumn period and the Warring States period. At that time, in order to defendeach other, the vassal states built the Great Wall in their own territory. AfterQin Shihuang unified China, in order to defend against the invasion of Xiongnuin the north, he connected and extended the great wall of the vassal states,known as the "Great Wall".

The Great Wall looks like a long dragon from a distance, winding andcircling among the towering mountains. It has a total length of more than 13000Li. After visiting the Great Wall, Sun Yat Sen, the father of China, commented:"the most famous engineer in China is the Great Wall. There is no match for thesize of the project in ancient times. It is the only wonder in the world. "

Today we are visiting a section of the Great Wall built on Badaling. Thissection of the Great Wall is tall and strong. It is made of huge stones andbricks. On the top of the city wall, there is a "beacon tower" every 300 meters,which is a square tower. In this "beacon tower", Zhou Youwang once directed ahistorical farce of "Fenghuo drama Princes".

When Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, he used millions of people, whichaccounted for 1 / 20 of the national population! At the beginning, the ancientpeople worked hard to lift the stones and bricks up the cliff.

Therefore, in order to respect the ancient working people, I would like tomake a few demands:

Don't Scribble.

2. Don't throw away plastic bags, waste paper and other rubbish.

Don't damage the building.

英语作文:长城的导游词 篇2

Hello, everyone!

The Badaling Great Wall we are visiting is built in Ming Dynasty. In orderto defend against the invasion of foreign enemies, the great wall of more than13000 Li was built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties. The Great Wall startsfrom Jiayuguan in the West and ends at Shanhaiguan in the East. The Great Wallis known as one of the seven wonders of the world.

You see, the Great Wall is made of huge stones and bricks. The row ofbuildings more than two meters high on the outer edge of the city wall is calledthe crenels. The square openings above the crenels are the lookout and shootingopenings for war. On the top of the city wall, there are square fortresses.There are fortresses every three hundred meters, so that they can echo eachother when fighting.

Dear tourists, at that time, there were no trains, cars or cranes. Thesetwo or three thousand jin stones and building materials were carried up bymanpower, which is a feat that modern people can't even imagine. No wonder it isrecognized as a miracle in the world!

After visiting the Great Wall, we should remember one sentence: if youdon't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero! Only by witnessing the greatcreation of our ancestors, can we become a real hero on the road of life!

I have a story about the Great Wall, which is Meng Jiangnu crying about theGreat Wall. It is said that during the reign of the first emperor of the QinDynasty, there was heavy labor. After three days of marriage, the groom wasforced to set out to build the Great Wall. Soon he died of hunger and cold, andhis bones were buried under the wall of the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu was dressedin cold clothes. After all the hardships, she came to the Great Wall to find herhusband. What she got was her husband's bad news. She wept bitterly under thecity for three days and three nights. The city cracked, revealing fan Xiliang'sbody. Meng Jiangnu threw herself into the sea and died in despair.

I have a camera. I want to take photos.

英语作文:长城的导游词 篇3

Dear tourists: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Badaling scenic spot. I'mguide Luo. Today, I'm very happy to take you to the Great Wall. The Great Wallcrisscross the East, the west, the north and the south, crossing the toweringmountains, the vast grassland, the vast desert and the vast sea. Today, we onlyvisit the Badaling Great Wall, which is the most complete section.

Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, it is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the gate of the capital.

There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a hero. Ijust said so much about the Great Wall. You can't wait to visit the Great Wall.Don't worry, you will become a hero soon. Badaling Great Wall is composed ofthree platforms and two walls. What are three platforms? Let me introduce themto you. They are Chengtai and enemy platform. The structure of Chengtai is verysimple, which is just a place for officers and soldiers to stay away from thecold. The structure of the enemy platform is relatively complicated. It isdivided into two layers. The lower layer is composed of the shape of returnwell, and the upper layer has crenels and observation holes, which are used forobserving military information and shooting. Therefore, it also has the functionof defending the enemy.

Next came the beacon tower, also known as beacon, wolf Yantai. It is anindependent building not connected with the Great Wall. Once the enemy invades,it will light a beacon fire and report military information. In the MingDynasty, strict regulations were made on the relationship between the beaconfire and the enemy: more than 100 enemies, one smoke and one gun; 500 people,two smoke and two guns; more than 1000 people, three smoke and three guns; morethan 5000 people, four smoke and four guns. In this way, the militaryinformation at the border can quickly spread to the palace.

Looking back at the magnificent Great Wall, is it a little reluctant to saygoodbye so soon? If I have the chance to visit again, I will be your guideagain.

Dear tourists, now our car is driving on the Badaling Expressway, and weare about to enter the Badaling scenic area. The mountain in front is Jundumountain, on which the Badaling Great Wall sits. In the spring and Autumn periodand the Warring States period, the ancient people of our country began to buildthe Great Wall. At that time, the vassals fought for hegemony. In order toprotect their territory from invasion, they built the Great Wall one afteranother on their respective borders, which is called the mutual defense greatwall.

In China, there were three peaks of building the Great Wall, namely, theQin Great Wall, the Han great wall and the Ming Great Wall. In 221 BC, the firstemperor of Qin unified the Central Plains and established the Qin Dynasty. Inorder to strengthen the rule and defend against the invasion of northern nomads,he sent General Meng Tian 300000 troops and a lot of labor to connect and expandthe former great wall of Yan, Zhao and Qin in the north. It took nine years tobuild a great wall stretching from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East.This is the first great wall in Chinese history the great wall.

In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also built a great wallof nearly 20000 Li in order to strengthen the defense, "not called Hu Ma Du YinMountain", which also protected the newly developed silk road. The great wall ofthe Han Dynasty was a forward position and defense line of the Great Wall of theQin Dynasty. It started from Xinjiang in the West and ended in Liaodong in theEast, which was the longest Dynasty to build the Great Wall in Chinese history.The great wall of Ming Dynasty is the highest peak of the Great WallConstruction in the history of China. The great engineering and the finetechnology are unique. In the process of unifying the whole country andestablishing the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the suggestion of "buildingwalls high, accumulating grain widely and being king slowly". At that time,although the Yuan Dynasty had perished, it still maintained a relativelycomplete military strength, coupled with the continuous invasion of the risingNuzhen people, so it began to build the Great Wall. In the Ming Dynasty, theGreat Wall was built 18 times on a large scale. It was not completed until theend of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall, with a total length of 6350 km,starts from Hushan on the side of Yalu River in Dandong, Liaoning Province inthe East and ends at Jiayuguan, Gansu Province in the West.

The great wall of Ming Dynasty has three characteristics: completeconstruction, perfect management and strict layout. The Badaling Great Wall wesee today is a part of the Ming Great Wall. Although the original purpose of theGreat Wall in ancient China was defense, it also played other roles.

The first is the military role.

The second is the economic function, which not only promoted thedevelopment of land reclamation and the economic development of NorthernXinjiang, but also made the people of Central Plains live and work in peace andcontentment.

The third is to promote the integration of all ethnic groups.

In addition, it protects communications and promotes opening up. It isworth mentioning that in ancient China, there were not only three experiences ofbuilding the Great Wall. According to statistics, more than 20 vassal states andfeudal dynasties had built the Great Wall in the past two thousand years. Somepeople have made rough calculations. If the Great Wall is rebuilt into a bigwall with a height of 5 meters and a thickness of 1 meter, there will be morethan 10 circles around the earth. Famous Folklore: the Great Wall was also builton the Great Wall. Today, after several renovations, the Great Wall hasbasically restored its original appearance. In 1987, it was listed in the UNESCOWorld Cultural Heritage list.

The road we passed just now is in the ditch. Guangou is the intersection ofYanshan Mountains and Jundushan mountains. It starts from Nankou town ofChangping District in the South and ends at Chengguan of Badaling Great Wall inYanqing County in the northwest, with a total length of 40 Li. It is the throatof the Central Plains to the Northwest Plateau. In the Ming Dynasty, there werefour lines of defense, namely Nankou pass, Juyong Pass, Shangguan pass andBadaling pass. On Diecui mountain in Guangou, there was one of the eight famousYanjing sceneries in Jin Dynasty: Juyong Diecui, but now the sceneries no longerexist.

Today's sightseeing tour is coming to an end. I hope this time in the greatwall can become an eternal memory of your visit to Beijing. At the same time,please give my best wishes to your family and friends.

英语作文:长城的导游词 篇4

Hello, tourists! "Not to the Great Wall is not a hero" is a famoussentence. Today, I am honored to be a tour guide of the Great Wall. Let'srealize our long-standing wish to be a hero!

Tourists, we have reached the foot of the Great Wall. When you get out ofthe car and look forward, Juyong Pass is immediately visible. Yanshan Mountainsshake away like a scroll, and the great wall like a dragon can be seencontinuously. We can't help but be conquered by the majestic momentum of theGreat Wall by caressing the thick and solid wall which is eight meters high andsix meters wide, crossing the crenels which are orderly spaced, windy andcontinuous, and overlooking the beacon smoke which stands on the top of the highmountains. All of a sudden, in the magnificent Bohai Sea, in the desert outsidethe Great Wall, in the mountains rising up, in the dust of the ancient road,flying a magnificent and magical picture of the Chinese dragon appeared in mymind. Tourists, do you have such feelings?

The Great Wall is composed of magnificent city pass, solid city wall, smallenemy tower and eye-catching beacon tower. If the Great Wall is compared to agiant dragon, I think the battlements lined up are like the dorsal fin of thedragon; the gray city bricks are the scales of the dragon; the protruding peakfire platform is the claw of the dragon. Do you agree?

Although we were very tired, we had to climb the hero slope when we came tothe Great Wall. But when we got there, our back was wet. The originally slightlyflat road was getting steeper and steeper, and the tourists were constantlycalling us tired. We just felt that we couldn't stand, so we had to hold ourfists and move forward with sweat in our palms. When I got to hero slope, I felttired and paralyzed. It's not easy to be a hero! In the mountains, fresh windpoured in from the entrance of the city wall. How about the Great Wall, myfriends?

Ladies and gentlemen, do you like the Great Wall tour? If you like, comeagain next time! Good bye, heroes!